Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1036 Misty Valley!

Chapter 1036 Mist Valley!

"Just the two of us?"

Kotlin looked at Werther hesitantly.

"If you encounter a legend, your earth dragon friend should rush over!"

The legendary rock dragon is indeed weak in strength, but its mobility is much worse, not to mention that the Mist Valley is coming from the south.

If the Misty Valley is really in the Seld continent, this means that it will take them twenty years to travel.

They all need to fly for so long. If they encounter danger, the earth dragon named Si Kuo will not be able to support them.

Hearing this, Witt looked at Kotlin helplessly.

"We have just been separated for a long time, why did you forget Boredia!"

Kotlin was stunned, and then looked at Werther with some amusement.

"I thought you were going to come over with Boredia."

After all, the earth dragon friend that Werther mentioned was legendary, and he was the only one among them to consider teaming up with these dragons.

With these thoughts in mind, Kotlin nodded on his face.

"Since you already have a plan, let's just follow it."


Witte nodded, then glanced at the two dragons.

"Then, Celine will leave it to you for now!"

After saying that, Werther got up and returned to the cave where Celine was sleeping. He checked her condition and saw that there was no problem. Then he said goodbye to Kotlin and Kailin and flew towards Si Kuo's location.

Although it seems a bit unnecessary for him to do this, as Kotlin and Kailin are traveling companions, they must be notified when Vitrasaurus joins the team.

Of course, he knew that Kotlin and Kailin had wrong tempers and would oppose Si Kuo's joining, so he directly invited Si Kuo to join.

Moreover, fortunately, he was not with Si Kuo. They would come back together with him after he finished his rest, and 놆 came back first.

Otherwise, Kotlin and the others might know that the Eye of Destruction is useful to Celine now. Even if they knew, they would take the risk of offending Celine and take the Eye of Destruction out of Celine's reverse scale space.

What if the time to awaken the power happens to be just a few days away? This kind of thing should be sooner rather than later, who can say for sure.

"Misty Valley?"

Si Kuo had just woken up and opened his eyes when he was faced with a question by Werther.

"What misty valley?"

Si Kuo is still somewhat aware of the situation.

After hearing this, Werther told the story about Kotlin and Celine.

"Now, Celine suddenly fell into a deep sleep. I am a little worried about her. The original plan can only be shelved. I hope you can help me take care of Celine for a while.

Only with you here can I leave with peace of mind.

Of course, the premise of this matter is that there is a teleportation space in the style of the Misty Valley on the Seld continent.

돗 is not recorded in "Wandering in the Dragon World". "

After listening to Werther's narration, Si Kuo suddenly understood, and then nodded.

"The newly born teleportation space you are looking for is in the Misty Valley. It is indeed in the continent of Seld. It passed..."

As he said that, Si Kuo gave Witte a slightly strange look.

"You really regard the "Travel in the Dragon World" I gave you as a collection. This set of books is indeed Ignatz's detailed description of his own journey to life.

And Ignatz is indeed a dragon that dragons admire.

But this does not mean that "Dragon World" is the standard answer for traveling across eight continents.

To put it nicely, he has been dead for more than 80,000 years, and the teleportation space is not stable. Some teleportation spaces have changed their landing points, and some have simply collapsed.

The "Wandering in the Dragon World" I gave you is completely different from the "Wandering in the Dragon World" you found yourself!

What's more, Ignatz is actually a very good storyteller.

Therefore, in the set of "Wandering in the Dragon World", I have helped you mark out the teleportation spaces that can be used between various continents.

Including their specific location, specific landing point, and even some new teleportation spaces.

Of course, the update of the landing point and the new teleportation space are only for Fussell Continent, Olivia Continent and part of Seld Continent.

After all, I haven’t had time to visit other continents in detail.

If you have time, you should take a closer look! "

Witte was startled for a moment, and then looked at Si Kuo in astonishment. This dragon was too reliable, much more reliable than that guy from Boredia.

When we have time, we must let them get to know each other and let that guy Boredia find the gap!

They all have big thighs, look at her!

Of course, these thoughts are just in my mind, and I am sure I can express them.


"The Valley of Mist is really in the continent of Seld. In that case, what I told you before..."


Si Kuo didn't hesitate at all.

"You can just go and do your things, and just leave Celine to me without any worries!"

While speaking, Si Kuo stood up.

The huge body is much taller than the surrounding trees. Just by looking at it, you can tell that this dragon is easy to mess with.

Werther was relieved when he saw that Si Kuo had no objection.

Then, while chatting, they embarked on the journey back.

"Misty Valley, the south-central area of ​​the Seld continent, the eastern edge of the Rising Sun Vein..."

While flying, Witt was looking at the set of "Traveling in the Dragon Realm" that Si Kuo gave him.

Compared with the original version, the book that Si Kuo gave him, as he said before, has many annotations, and some places have more annotations than the main text, which is clearer and more concise.

"Sunrise Vein, I remember the largest vein on the Saild continent!"

Hearing Witt's muttering, Kotlin asked on the side.

Witt nodded.

The Sunrise Vein is the largest vein on the Saild continent, and the longest vein.

The Saild continent is a very regular rectangular continent, and the Sunrise Vein, starting from the southern coast of the Saild continent in the south, is close to the southwest corner of the continent at the end.

Then it extends all the way to the northeast, and the northernmost end has reached the central area of ​​the Saild continent, and then the vein turns and extends in the east-south direction.

The end of the vein has reached the eastern part of the continent.

The Misty Valley that Witt and his team are looking for is just a little further east of the eastern end of the Rising Sun Vein.

It is worth noting that the Rising Sun Vein is the only large vein in the Saild continent.

So, when Witt and his team want to find the Misty Valley, the Rising Sun Vein is the largest landmark.

In fact, when looking for a place in the southern continent of Saild, the Rising Sun Vein is basically used as a landmark to identify it.

In addition, it is worth noting that in the center of the Rising Sun Vein, there is a dragon nest in the area where the vein is located in the center of the continent.

Although it is one of the top ten dragon nests, it is still relatively famous in the Saild continent.

Of course, Witt and the others only need to pay attention to this. After all, they need to contact this dragon's nest...

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