Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1050 Done!

Looking at Witt who disappeared on the spot, the Cyclops' pupils shrank suddenly, and his mental power spread out instantly, and Witt's figure also appeared in his perception range.


The opponent's target was him from the beginning!

So, now the opponent should cut off his passage back to the abyss.

Since the target is him, there should be only one dragon on the opposite side, and it can even be said that there must be a legendary dragon.

After realizing this, the Cyclops hurriedly took out an abyss gem.

However, just when he was about to reopen a space channel, a dragon claw suddenly stretched out from the space in front of him and snatched the abyss gem.

They know the purpose of the abyss gem!

This idea suddenly emerged in his mind, and the Cyclops' heart instantly sank half, and then he said, and directly used all his strength.

But then, a giant dragon with a length of more than 1.2 meters and surrounded by terrifying thunder came out from a sudden space crack.

The terrifying aura of the legendary high level pressed him to the point of gasping for breath.

After breaking Scott's dragon scales, Witt instantly teleported to the inside of the cave.

Anyway, Kotlin was around and knew what was going on with him, so Witt went back in time and his status instantly recovered!

Then, Witt stopped and flew towards the inside of the cave.

At the same time, his lips kept moving, and a fiery red magic circle quickly emerged on Witt's back.


Suddenly, accompanied by a violent explosion, the magic circle on Witt's body was completely formed, and Witt's body directly entered a red-hot state.

Then a ball of crimson flame suddenly exploded on Witt's body. In an instant, Witt turned into a huge fireball of more than 10 meters. Wherever he passed, the cave wall melted instantly.

The abyss force originally attached to the cave wall was like snow meeting the scorching sun, and was cleared away in an instant.

This is the seventy-seventh node forbidden spell of the fire element that Witt has recently mastered - explosive combustion!

There is no doubt that Witt still adheres to the principle of not stepping into the abyss force-infected area, and for this reason, he even reluctantly uses the forbidden spell to clear the way.

Soon, Witt reached the deepest part of the cave, and the abyss force along the way was also cleared away.

Just after reaching the depths of the cave, Witt saw the throne made entirely of bones. There are many types of bones, but there is no doubt that they are all creatures from the dragon world.

Dragon beasts, flying dragons, earth dragons, and Witt even saw the skeleton of a giant dragon.

Behind the skeleton throne, a space crack, like an ugly scar, attached to the space of the dragon world.

As if sensing Witt's presence, abyssal beasts began to emerge from the space crack.

Seeing this, Witt's face was full of disgust.

Then, without the slightest hesitation, he threw out all the magic arrays of the forbidden spell level stored. Finally, after throwing out an activated forbidden spell magic array, Witt activated the emergency teleportation magic array again.

As soon as Witt disappeared, an unimaginable and violent elemental fluctuation broke out in an instant.


Kotlin turned around anxiously.

In addition to turning around, Kotlin really didn't know what he could do.

For this plan, he only needs to summon Poredia and tell Poredia when to attack, and then he has nothing to do.

Suddenly, a violent elemental fluctuation attracted Kotlin's attention.

It was Poredia's side!

After realizing this, Kotlin subconsciously looked in the direction where the elemental fluctuation came from, but saw a huge colorful mushroom cloud suddenly rising from the location of the cave where he originally lived.

What the hell is that guy doing!

Kotlin opened his mouth and stared blankly at the mushroom cloud in the distance.

"Still looking, run!"

At this moment, Witt's voice suddenly sounded.

Before Kotlin could react, his tail sank, and then he was teleported to Witt beside him and dragged away.

Kotlin then noticed that a circle of invisible power, with the colorful mushroom cloud as the center, spread out in all directions. Wherever it passed, the earth collapsed and the grass and trees turned to ashes!

After a few breaths, the area where he had just stood was completely destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Kotlin's face turned green.

"What did you just do?"

While grabbing Kotlin's dragon tail and flying away, Witt shouted: "I didn't do anything, just detonated all the forbidden spell-level magic circles."

"How many?"

"More than three!"


Kotlin didn't speak again, not because he was speechless, but because the aftermath had caught up with them, not only him, but even Witt was swept in.

The violent power continued to hit the bodies of the two dragons.

After a long time, the two dragons, who had experienced a wave of dizziness, crashed heavily into a small building. After smashing the small building, they finally relieved the force on the body.

After another long time, the two dragons finally climbed up tremblingly, and then vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. Obviously, the internal injuries were not serious.

As for the dragon scales on their bodies, they were also broken into pieces.

Fortunately, Witt reacted quickly and dragged Kotlin to avoid the strong period of the power.

So, although it looked miserable, in fact, except for the blood vomited by the internal injuries, there were no obvious external injuries on the body.

Shaking his head, Kotlin, who had completely sobered up, turned his head and looked at Witt.

"What are you thinking? More than three forbidden spell-level magic circles exploded at the same time. Legends dare not face this power easily!"

Witt got up and heard this, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"I'm just afraid that the number is small, and it's not enough to destroy the space rift leading to the abyss. If the space rift survives, and there is another accident on Boredia's side, what if that guy escapes!

You know, after this time, there will definitely be such opportunities for a long time."

"There will be another accident!"

At this moment, Boredia's voice suddenly sounded.

Before Witt and the others could react, a huge body fell on the ground far away from them.

There is less air intake and more air out, and it seems that it is going to fail!

There is no doubt that the body is the legendary Cyclops, but the opponent at this time is extremely miserable.

The metal armor on his body is gone, revealing a smooth body, without scales, and no hair covering the whole body, only a layer of sparse hair that even covers the skin.

The limbs are at an extremely twisted angle, and the sharp bone spurs penetrate the outer skin. Black blood flows out from the wound.

The huge scarlet eye is now covered with a shadow, obviously in despair.

Only the still rising and falling chest shows the fact that he is still alive.

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