Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1063 I also listened to Si Kuo's story...

Chapter 1063 I also listened to Si Kuo's story...

"You still remember me, that journey is the most precious memory of my life!"

Hearing Jones' words, Si Kuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course I remember, I will remember every dragon who is willing to communicate with me and listen to my stories.

In this way, the journey between you and me is part of the beautiful life I expect.

It's really nice to see you again!"

Speaking, Si Kuo's eyes moved back slightly, and there was more smile on his face.

"But maybe you need to manage those guys now!"

Hearing Si Kuo's teasing, Jones looked back and saw a large group of tribesmen standing in various places, looking at this side with interest.

"These guys..."

Jones muttered speechlessly, and then looked at Si Kuo a little embarrassedly.

"You're right, I do need to manage these guys!"

Jones is not very old.

She is 18 years old with Avery, and Avery is only about 310 years older than Witt, so Jones is only about 1,555 years old now.

For a wind-thunder pterosaur, or for the entire flying dragon tribe, she is quite young.

But in their wind-thunder pterosaur tribe, Jones and her friends are the oldest.

In other words, this is a fairly young tribe.

So, it is normal for Jones to call the wind-thunder pterosaurs in the tribe "the guys".

After saying this, Jones looked at Squaw with some expectation.

"Speaking of which, you shouldn't leave right away!"

Hearing this, Squaw smiled and shook his head.

"Of course not, um... two or three years, I will stay in Sky City for two or three years. You know, a rock dragon travels all its life.

Besides, it's a bit embarrassing to say it, I really look forward to meeting another rock dragon!"

Speaking of this, Scout winked and gave Jones a look that said, you know.

Jones and Avery were together when they traveled together last time, and this time, even Witt already had a partner.

He is about four thousand years older than Witt. Seeing that his former travel companions were all in pairs, how could he want to continue wandering alone?

When Witt heard this, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

The journey of a rock dragon is endless, so Witt was not surprised that Scout would leave, but he was surprised that he would only stay for two years.

Of course, the previous twenty years of traveling together had been quite good, and Witt just wanted Schmidt to stay a little longer.

But after hearing what Schmidt said later, even though he was reluctant to leave, he couldn't help but smile.

"I originally wanted to persuade you to stay for a few more years, but after hearing what you said later, I felt that if you continued to stay here, it would delay your love.

Okay, okay, I knew you wouldn't stay too long."

Hearing this, Si Kuo smiled and said: "The life of a dragon is very long, there will always be a time to meet again, well... if I don't say it, it seems like I'm going to leave soon."

"Two years..."

Jones murmured with a little regret, and then felt that it was somewhat inappropriate to show this expression now, so she smiled and said: "I will come to you after I arrange things.

Yes, I will find Hess and Avery and others in a while. They will be very happy when they know you are here."

"Hess... I don't know if he will still like my story after so many years."

"Yes, of course, not to mention him, even I am looking forward to it!"

After that, Jones smiled apologetically, turned around and flew towards the guys in the tribe.

She is really happy!

Some dragons didn't understand why she was so happy after seeing Si Kuo.

Coming out of the dragon's nest, they were burdened with the responsibility of building the dragon's nest with all the companions who followed them. At that time, Jones and his companions looked strong on the surface, but they were confused and helpless about the future.

In this case, Si Kuo provided them with a temporary residence that was safer than safe, bringing them a relaxed, pleasant, and even free journey.

When they had to go through the most confused and difficult period in the process of continuing the tribe, they had enough time to think and adapt to being a tribe leader.

How could Jones not be grateful for such a great favor? How could she not be excited to see Si Kuo again?


Watching Jones leave, Si Kuo withdrew his gaze with some emotion, and his mood was also extremely happy.

He liked this feeling very much, the feeling of meeting old friends again.

While continuing to lead the way, Witt said with a smile: "When they receive the news, they will definitely be very happy. Speaking of which, I should go to Black Stone City and bring those two guys here."

Black Stone City and Sky City have already built a teleportation magic circle. It doesn't take much time to call Colen and Alva over.

"No hurry, no hurry..."

Si Kuo smiled and said: "I just felt that there are two people in the store across the street who are watching this side. They should be your friends!

After you settle me down, you should go to see them first."

"Across the street..."

Witt was stunned for a moment, then his face showed a sudden realization.

"It's Antasa and Ilaiya, right? Well... if they are here, Linsda and Antawana should be here too."

Witt still remembered that the dragons were dragged to the Stone Forest by Boredia to serve as soldiers. When the two dragons in charge came back, there was no reason why Linsda and the others would not come back.


Thinking that Antasa still had sixty-three gold coins in his hand, Witt nodded.

"If Linsda and the others accompany you later, I will go to them and tell them. It just so happens that there are some things that need to be urged."

By the way, he wanted to see if he could get a dragon scale similar to the one used to contact Boredia from Antasa.

This would save them from having to pluck several dragon scales from each other when they need to separate when they go out for action in the future.

It's too inconvenient!

As they were talking, Witt and his team walked around the house and came to the back garden.

Before entering the back garden, Witt saw two, uh... three dragons waiting there with excitement!

"Agnar, you are here too!"

Witt greeted Agnar with some surprise. This guy was willing to come out of the laboratory.

Agnar smiled and nodded when he heard Witt's words, and then said with a slightly strange look: "Scott didn't notice me from beginning to end, but I followed you and listened to his stories along the way.

It would be a pity if we didn't get to know each other formally."

Hearing this, Witt's face froze.

"Witt, he..."


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