Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 109 Take you to a good place!

Witte is inspecting the alchemy puppet on its paw.

From some details of the puppet, he could tell that Billy had really worked hard, but overall, he still looked like a young dragon suffering from some strange disease.

Moreover, he is still very ugly.

Apart from anything else, the individual dragon scales barely look quite detailed, but as a whole, they look like they are all patchy, and even the size is uneven.

There is absolutely no problem on the magic circuit.

In this regard, Billy's expertise can still be trusted.

After looking through it carefully, Werther looked up and saw Billy staring at him nervously.

Seeing this, Werther couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Can you please tell me something?"

Seeing that Billy was getting anxious, Werther stopped teasing him. After looking at it for a few more times, he said casually: "It's not bad. It's much better than before, which didn't even have the shape of a baby dragon.

That's it, I'm afraid you'll go crazy if you continue to do it.

By the way, what is this? "

As he spoke, Witte pointed to the center of the baby dragon's right claw. There was a crystal-shaped indentation on it!

After hearing Werther's words, Billy snorted disdainfully, but from his constantly wagging tail, it could be seen that he was still very happy for Werter to accept this puppet.

Seeing the dent pointed by Werther, Billy's eyes flashed with pride.

"Hey, I am the future master of alchemy. How can I not have my own symbol? This is the symbol of my own choice, a crystal!

One day in the future, this crystal mark will definitely be spread all over Desidero, no, it should be the entire dragon world! "

Looking at Billy, whose eyes were full of hope, Werther couldn't help but strike: "Actually, you don't need this mark, your alchemy work itself is distinctive enough.

The uglier it is, the better it is to use, and the better it looks, the faster it will explode. Follow this standard to find the right one! "

Billy's face froze, he smiled angrily, and then changed the subject.

"Where are Celine and the others?"

"I don't know about them. They could be in the magic classroom, or they could be playing outside. Uh... the former is more likely."

As he spoke, Witte put away the alchemy puppet, then turned around and pressed the soil on the ugly plant, then placed the dragon beast crystal core in the reserved position and activated the magic circle.

After a slight vibration, dots of green natural elements, like fireflies, gathered from the surroundings, and then sank into the soil covering the magic circle.

With the injection of natural elements, the soil exuded a faint breath of life, and the ugly plant changed its previous sluggishness and became much more energetic.

Seeing this, Witte nodded with satisfaction. From then on, he only needed to wait until the elements in the dragon beast crystal core were completely consumed and then replace it with a suitable dragon beast crystal core.

After dealing with this, Werther glanced at Billy, who put his head towards the plant with a curious look on his face.

"If you dare to open your mouth, Celine will definitely beat you up. She seems to like this thing very much."

"Tsk! So ugly!"

With that said, Billy smacked his lips and stood up with some regret.

"I'm going to find Celine and the others, what about you?"

Werther glanced at the other plants in the dragon's lair.

"You go ahead. I have to check the conditions of these magic arrays. The magic cores of some arrays should be replaced!"

Billy nodded, then turned and flew outside.

Watching Billy leave, Witte was about to check out the magic arrays, when the sound of wings flapping came from outside again.

Werther turned around helplessly.

"Why are you coming back... Hey, Miles, it's you, I thought Billy was back again!"

As he said that, Witte looked at Miles with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"By the way, didn't you leave the academy?"

When the dragon is about one year old, the reverse scales of the dragon species will grow, which also means that the dragon has left the juvenile stage, and this time is actually not fixed.

Some dragons start to grow reverse scales when they are more than nine years old, while some dragons only grow reverse scales when they are more than one year old.

Miles is the latter. He is already 108 years old. It was not until last month that his reverse scales began to grow, which also means that he has finally left the young dragon stage and become a young dragon.

When he reaches the age of young dragon, he will leave the academy and go to the Dragon Legion to become a reserve.

In the young dragon stage, two years after birth, the gap between talents is still not visible. After these two years of rapid growth, the young dragon will directly reach the lower bronze level.

At this time, the different talents between dragons will gradually become apparent. For example, Celine, her talents are excellent. Two years of growth has made her larger than the young dragons of the same age. many.

Of course, Werther is naturally included in this list. Although his body shape is due to his father's domineering bloodline, the bloodline itself is a kind of one's own talent.

In the young dragon stage, this gap in talent is mostly reflected in body size.

After leaving the young dragon stage and reaching adolescence, the amount of elements in the spirit and body no longer increases naturally, but needs to be accumulated through sleep.

At this time, what is reflected is the gap in element affinity.

During the juvenile dragon period, this gap is not very obvious, so the reserve time is also fixed, that is, the entire juvenile period, two years!

Of course, if your elemental affinity is particularly strong, and you have broken through to gold early in the past two years, then you can leave the reserve in advance and join the Desidero Dragon Corps to defend this dragon nest!

This is the situation!

Last month, after Miles left the young dragon stage, he was sent to the Dragon Corps by Winters.

Unexpectedly, he came back so soon!

Seeing Witt looking at him with a puzzled look, Miles understood what Witt meant and smiled carelessly.

"The Corps will take a rest, and I will come back to see you!"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned, but there was no surprise.

In the past two years, there have been many battles between the two dragons. After all, Miles is the only dragon of similar size that Witt knows.

Of course, there are other dragons of similar size in the academy, and some dragons are even bigger than Miles.

However, the dragons actually have their own social circles.

Miles has no companions born in the same year, so he has always been alone in the academy.

The relationship between him and other dragons can only be described as familiar strangers.

After fighting with Witt, he gradually joined Witt's circle. Of course, he was most familiar with Witt.

"If you come to fight me, you have to wait until I deal with these magic circles!"

Hearing this, Miles grinned.

"No, it's too disgusting to fight with you. Not only can I not cast any magic, but you also pressed me to the ground and beat me. If it weren't for your reverse scales not starting to grow, I would suspect that you have already left the young dragon stage!"

At this point, Miles paused, then moved closer to Witt and blinked at him.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a good place!"


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