Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1099 Nothing happened, nothing!

Chapter 1099 Nothing happened, nothing!

"Okay, the continent of life is ahead, uh... Actually, there is no need to remind you, the endless desert rainforest is also a continent of life...

Why don't you talk?"

While talking, Witt didn't hear a response, so he turned his head and looked behind him.

But he saw Violet and Antasa following him with lifeless eyes, mechanically waving their wings behind them, obviously entering the idle state.

Speechlessly shaking his head, Witt stopped, and the two dragons also stopped.

Witt has seen this situation many times.

When he first met Kotlin and Seros, Kotlin often appeared in this state during the journey.

Simply put, it is to split the attention into two, most of the attention is on other things, and a small part of the attention is reserved to follow Witt's flight.

"Tsk tsk, at the beginning, you were still running around with excitement..."

Muttering, Witt looked at the two dragons hovering unconsciously in the air, and suddenly his eyes turned, and then he became interested, and then performed fancy flying on the spot.

And Violet and Antasa followed the state, obviously doing whatever Witt did, they followed.

Low-altitude speed flying + right-angle flying, high-speed rotation + free fall + extreme sudden stop, and then...


Witt, who was still proud of his sudden stop at the extreme of three centimeters, heard the sound of two heavy objects falling not far away.

Cold sweat instantly broke out on his forehead.

Oops, I forgot that there was a delay when following the flight. He was playing the limit of three centimeters here, but he was falling directly there!

Realizing that he had caused trouble, Witt sprinted 10,000 meters towards the Continent of Life!

Unfortunately, before Witt could fly for long, a sticky black breath shot out from the rising sand and dust, hitting Witt's abdomen.


There was another loud noise, and Witt, who was hit, fell directly from the dune and hit the sand dune heavily. His head and neck were all stuck in the sand.

This is also a dragon. If it were another race with fragile flesh, it would at least have a broken neck.

But Witt was fine.

A huge black shadow flew through the smoke and dust. As soon as Witt pulled his head out of the sand, a claw grabbed his head.

Then, Witt's eyes were forced to meet Antasa's golden eyes.

"What were you doing just now?"

Witt laughed awkwardly, and then whispered: "I flew for three years in a row. I said I accidentally fell asleep while flying. Do you believe it?"

"Teacher, do you think you will believe it... Bah..."

Violet said faintly while spitting out the sand from her mouth.

She is not Witt, who eats everything.

Hearing this, Witt's wings drooped down.

"Okay, okay, I just felt that flying like that was too boring, so... I changed the way I flew."

"What kind of tricks?"


Looking at Antasa's unfriendly eyes, Witt hesitated a little, he was afraid that Antasa would give him ten sets of the same.


Hearing this obviously dissatisfied prompt tone, Witt did not dare to delay, and hurriedly said: "Fall from the body, and then... then the limit stop, three centimeters limit!"


Looking at Antasa who was silent but her eyes were already flashing, Witt was anxious.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's just a joke, no way, you are not going to beat me again, it's not fair, you are thousands of years older than me, you don't... ah..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

While smacking her lips, Violet stepped back and moved her eyes away.


Too miserable!

However, the limit is three centimeters... If it wasn't her teacher, she would have stepped on him a few times. I really don't know what kind of brain circuit her cheap teacher has.

Noob and playful?

After a moment, Witt looked at Violet with a face full of resentment.

"You are your teacher, and you didn't help me again, but chose to watch the show from the side!"

The tone of his voice was a little leaky, because Witt had several teeth knocked out.

Yes, he was really beaten!

Antashya is not Boredia. Boredia has a sharp tongue but a soft heart. If he really wants to beat Witt, he won't really do it. Well... It's not a big deal for Witt.

Antashya is different. This one really hits!

Of course, it's not the kind of beating to death, but it's superficial pain. In short, it hurts, but it won't hurt.


Broken teeth?

For the dragon, this injury is lighter than having its scales pulled out, but it looks a bit miserable.

And, as Witt said, this is not the first time.

Witt had previously tricked Antashya into agreeing to help him in order to restrict her, but ended up being a charger.

After leaving the territory of Hemerland, Antashya really wanted revenge and beat up Witt.

Unexpectedly, in the past three years, he scored twice.

Of course, Witt would definitely not blame himself for the reason. He now hates that he chose the wrong move at that time. If he hadn't played the "Extreme Three Centimeters", he wouldn't have beaten him at all.

This time, it's a lesson, next time... next time...

Vilite didn't know that her teacher was still thinking about the next time. After hearing what Witte said, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Let's not talk about the fact that you are one of the victims. You didn't fight with Antawana because you are her teacher. Even if you don't have these, she is also a legend. How can you help if you can't even beat you?

Hmm...does it hurt?"

While saying this, Vilite poked Witte's face, which had just been hit the most, with the tip of her tail.


Hearing the sound of inhalation, Vilite's mouth curled up.

"It seems to hurt a lot!"

Vilte rolled his eyes. Isn't this nonsense!

Ignoring Vilite's mocking eyes, Witte stood up and cast a few healing spells. His status was full, and his teeth that were knocked out grew out.

After fully recovering, Vitt coughed dryly, then pointed to the Island of Life not far away and said loudly: "After three years of unremitting trekking, this rain forest in front of us is our destination, the Island of Life!

Nothing happened along the way, which is gratifying."

"Nothing happened..."

While muttering "in a low voice", Vitt dug out Vitt's broken teeth from the sand.

This is a dragon's tooth, which can be used when refining potions, so it can't be wasted.

Antasha on the side also looked at Vitt speechlessly, but she didn't say anything. Anyway, after beating Vitt, her anger had almost subsided.

Vitt ignored Vitt who was trying to sabotage him, and looked at Antasha with disdain.

Anyway, he thought that nothing happened along the way.

He believed that it was true.

However, to prevent Violet from saying something embarrassing again, Vit flew directly to the Island of Life.

"Regroup and set off!"


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