Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1106 Can you give me a dragon scale?

Although Ivy mentioned her significant other, she never mentioned it and took Werther to get to know them.

Ivy knows exactly what kind of character the dragon is!

No matter how good-tempered or good-tempered Werther is, he is still a dragon.

She only met Werther once, and she didn't think she had anything special.

So, that’s good!

Ivy's life is limited to this land of destiny, so her life does not have much passion, but is more of a dull one.

Not long after the lecture, there was nothing left to say.

So, she changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, I wonder if you've heard that in the City of Destiny, a teleportation magic circle will soon be built that can connect to the Desert City.

땤The desert city is connected to another continent called Fast Continent.

Maybe, not long after, I will be able to travel to another continent and take a real look at the outside world, not just through some travel notes.

Yes, Werther, you have been away all the time, do you know much about Fast?


I seem to have heard the name of this continent from you, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Time has passed so long that many of my memories have been confused. "

Werther looked at Ivy strangely.

Well, originally there was only one gangster, but now he is also gangster. He doesn’t know if he has told Ivy about Fast Continent.

However, this is fine.

"Of course I understand. Although I forgot whether I told you before, in fact, I am the dragon on the Fast Continent. In fact, the teleportation magic circle you are talking about was promoted by me!"

As he spoke, Werther added in his heart, although he was just making an opinion, there was no doubt that he was the one taking the lead.

After hearing what Werther said, Ivy was startled for a moment, and then a flash of excitement flashed in her eyes.

"So you are so powerful!"


Uh...this should be a compliment!

Werther was a little unsure.

But he couldn't ask directly, so he changed the subject and said: "However, one thing you don't know is that this magic circle in the City of Fate will not only lead to the Hot City in the end.

It also connects the City of Sky, the City of Freedom and the City of Ice and Snow. I live in the City of Sky.

If you go to Fast Continent in the future, you must come to Sky City. The two seasons of wind and thunder there will definitely open your eyes. "

Listening to 누Witt's words, Ivy's eyes have lit up.

It was as if a foreign continent, its city-states, and unknown scenery had appeared in front of her.

Dragons yearn for freedom, and Feilong is no exception.

But soon, Ivy came back to her senses, and then said expectantly: "I really hope it can be built soon."

"Yes, it will be built soon."

"Then how can I find you when I'm young?"

Ivy asked curiously.

Hearing this, Witte thought for a moment, and then said: "Let's do this. After you go to Sky City, ask Danglong about the most famous pharmacist in Sky City..."

"Is it you?"

"No, it's my neighbor!"


The atmosphere was slightly awkward. After Ivy came to her senses, she hurriedly said: "That's it. It should be easy to find. I just don't know if I will be there at the time."

Hearing this, Witte was startled for a moment, then smiled awkwardly.

"It's really not certain. I'm not going back to the City in the Sky. I'm preparing to go to the City of Eternal Night. It's hard to say when I will return. It might be a few years or a few years.

However, within a hundred years, I will definitely be able to return to the Sky City, and after that, I will basically not leave. "

"That's it, I'll write it down!"

Werther smiled, and then talked about his own experience some time ago.

He knew that Ivy liked to listen to topics about the outside world. Sure enough, Ivy's attention was quickly attracted by Werther's words.

Time passes little by little!

Werther and the others walked around together for a while and then said goodbye to each other.

Ivy has her own work, and Werther also wants to send Redeker off, and old friends reunite, which means they leave after a few words, and then look forward to the next meeting.

Watching Ivy leave, Werther turned around and was about to go back when a strange voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Can you give me a dragon scale?"

Hearing these words, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously turned his head to look over.

Of course, he didn't feel that the other party was talking to him. After all, no dragon would ask a giant dragon for its scales in person.

But it turned out that he still had little knowledge.

As soon as Werther turned around, he met a pair of shining golden eyes.

"Excuse me, can you give me one of your dragon scales?"

Werther was startled again, then stretched out his tail and pointed at himself in surprise.

"Are you talking to me?"

"That's right!"

Hearing this, Werther immediately looked at the other party.

First of all, this is a giant dragon!

Visual inspection estimates that the body length is 꾉110.4 meters. In this way, in terms of age, he should be about the same as him, and the difference will not exceed 굛 years.

In fact, it is the lower level of platinum.

The affinity element is a single light element, which is a relatively rare type like the Piaowu we saw before.

Because this is a heterogeneous dragon, and most heterogeneous dragons are compatible with multiple elements, so single-element ones are naturally relatively rare.

As for the species, it is a fairly common alien dragon, called the Azur Dragon.

It sits on four legs, and its body is covered with light golden diamond-shaped dragon scales!

There are small square plate-like dragon scales on the forehead, back, and limb joints that are slightly darker than the ordinary dragon scales. These dragon scales are much stronger than the ordinary dragon scales.

Coupled with its slightly strong body, there is no doubt that this is a melee type of dragon.

There is a single horn on the head.

The wings are wide and long. When the wings are spread out, they are about three times the length of the body itself, and the flying speed is not slow.

In addition, the most obvious feature of the Azur Dragon is the three halos at the end of the dragon's tail.

It is not a real thing, just like the headlights on Witt's chest, it is a special effect.

However, the opponent's special effects can't be turned off just because you want to. The halo on the tail of the wild marsh dragon is connected to his vital signs. When the halo is gone, it means he will die.

However, the identity of a giant dragon is not a reason for the opponent to ask him for dragon scales at will.


"Why should I give you dragon scales?"

Witt didn't intend to report his name. The opponent's impolite behavior made him feel disgusted.

It seemed that he noticed that Witt's tone was a little wrong.

The wild marsh dragon hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to gain your friendship, I just like to collect dragon scales.

If you don't want to, then forget it!"

The tone of the wild marsh dragon was a little apologetic.

Hearing this, Witt frowned.

"I don't like giving my dragon scales to a strange dragon."

"Is that so? Then... excuse me!"

After that, the dragon left, looking back every few steps, his eyes always on Witt, his eyes full of regret...

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