Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1108 Details and follow-up!

"I'm about to break through!"



As soon as Poredia finished speaking, two sounds came from the side.

It was Witt who, after hearing this, didn't pay attention and directly hit a big tree in front of him. The tree didn't have much problem, but Witt fell down and landed heavily on the ground.

Witt, who reacted, quickly flew up again and came directly in front of Poredia.

"What did you just say?"

Poredia looked at Witt with interest.

"I'm about to break through!"

"How is it possible!"

Witt said this immediately.

"Calculate the time, you have just entered the old age, how can it be so fast!

Yes, with your breakthrough, my previous plan to break through the legendary realm within two or three thousand years, and then use the power of the time rule to beat you up, has gone down the drain!

How could you break through like this!"

As soon as the voice fell, Witt realized something strange. His habit of keeping a tight lid on things when encountering major events came back.

On the other side, after hearing this, Boredia was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt with a strange expression.

"I didn't expect that you actually had such a grand plan. The time rule... Don't say it, it sounds really troublesome. After all, this type of rule is too rare."

Boredia's words were very meaningful.

Of course, Boredia didn't expect that Witt would be able to master the time rule after breaking through the legend.

Although Witt currently only has the power of time magic, there is no time element in this world. The so-called time magic is the power of rules.

However, Witt can only use a little bit of the power of rules, which is not enough to be called the real power of rules, so it is replaced by the term time magic.

This is an exception!

The power of destruction used by Closier and Celine is the power of destroying rules, but it is too weak to be called the power of rules.

So, this is the point, the point is that Witt actually wants to hit him!

Looking at Boredia with a meaningful face, Witt's skin under the scales has long been sweating.

"I said, I just said it a little, do you believe it?"

Boredia stretched out his claws, clenched them into fists, and then...

"Time, within two or three thousand years!"

He stretched out a claw.

"Mass form, time rules."

He stretched out another claw.

"Mass foundation, legendary!"

Boredia stretched out the third claw, then shook it in front of Witt, and grinned.

"Such a clear idea, it's hard for me to believe, you just said it casually..."

As he said, Boredia paused for a moment, then opened his claws and said to Witt: "If you ask me, you don't have to go through so much trouble.

Come and challenge me now, the result will be the same anyway.

In addition, whether it is now or in the future, my response is the same, that is, I will try my best to kill you!"


Witt was silent for a while, then stretched out his claws, and three pearls appeared on it.

"You just had an auditory hallucination!"

As soon as the words fell, the pearl on Witt's claws disappeared, and Poredia stretched out his claws and picked his ears.

"Oh, this old dragon is troublesome, ears are in your ears, what did you just say?"

While Witt continued to fly towards the City of Life, he said: "I just asked you if you could tell me in detail how you met my teacher."

"Of course."

Then, the two dragons seemed to have forgotten what had just happened, and they flew back and talked.

"In fact, things are not as complicated as you think.

After I interrogated and dealt with the legendary Cyclops, I went to an underwater dragon nest in the west of the Saild continent. To be more precise, it should be an abandoned dragon nest.

It used to be the land of Saild continent, but as time passed, that area was swallowed by the endless sea, and a giant dragon nest that was once built there also became an underwater dragon nest.

Later, that underwater dragon nest formed a teleportation space directly leading to the southeast coast of the North Continent of the Saiks Continent.

Through there, I directly reached the North Continent of Saiks.

All the way north, I noticed that it was not the battlefield you mentioned.

Although the North Continent, especially the northern area, is already devastated, there is no trace of the Abyss.

The chaos of the elements has gradually recovered.

This means that the war has been over for at least five years.

When I looked for the area with the strongest dragon breath, I could only feel a very strong spatial fluctuation.

It can be confirmed that it is a large-scale space teleportation, and this level of space teleportation is indeed only possible with Desidero, there is no doubt about it.

After noticing that Desidero had left, I continued to move north, ready to look for the trace of the dark god.

Unfortunately, I have been in the Endless Sea and have not found any suspicious breath.

Just when I was about to give up, I suddenly felt that there was a legendary strongman fighting in the direction of the Endless Sea.

Originally, I just went over out of curiosity and planned to take a look and leave.

But after getting closer, I found that the two sides of the battle were one dragon warrior and the other abyss warrior.

So, I changed my plan and prepared to join in.

But before I got there, an abyss legend appeared. A very strong abyss legend, at least at the level of Luo.

Because of the appearance of this abyss legend, your teacher's attack formed by the magic circle was broken, the magic circle backfired, and the wings were blown up. I could only try to use the space to bring your teacher back to the land area.

And when I used the space to save your teacher, the abyss legend who was originally preparing to attack us was entangled by Os who came later.

It was because of this that we were able to escape successfully. "


Witt's eyes condensed.

Poredia nodded, and then said: "It was Os. It was only after I talked with your teacher later that I knew that Os should have been chasing the dark god Feizi all the time.

Your teacher also said that at the beginning, he did notice that there was another breath following him. "

Witt nodded.

"It's hard to understand. After all, we originally guessed that Fitz was injured by Oss, and it was normal for Oss to keep chasing him.

What happened later? "

Hearing this, Poredia glanced at Witt, and then said: "After I rescued your teacher, I fell asleep quickly because I took her with me to use space teleportation.

When I woke up, two years had passed.

Because of the backlash of the magic circle, your teacher also spent about three years to clear the chaotic elements that could be cleared from the wound.

After I woke up, I went to that battlefield.

The harvest was great. Except for a piece of finger bone, nothing was found.

The finger bones belong to the legend of the abyss. The abyss inside has been cleaned up. If there is any surprise, it should be Oss who did it.

As for where Oss went in the end, I know it.

This is the detailed information you want! ”


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