Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1110 Ming Bing's situation!

Chapter 1110: The situation of Mingbing!

Poredia was not surprised to hear Witt asking about Mingbing.

When Mingbing came to him, he had already said that he had met Witt in the Great Ice Field before, and they had dealt with an Abyss believer together.

Therefore, it was normal for Witt to ask about Mingbing's situation.

There was really nothing to hide about Mingbing's situation, so he told her without reservation.

In short, Mingbing's situation could only be improved, not cured.

This was the dragon egg period, and because the environment was not suitable, problems with the origin appeared.

If it is a newly born young dragon, there is still a way to cure it. The method is to use potions directly to completely remove one elemental lung.

Elemental lungs are important organs for dragons to breathe.

Similarly, elemental lungs are also important organs for dragons to have affinity for elements.

In the case of Bingbing, to put it bluntly, the two elemental lungs that should have developed normally, due to environmental problems, caused the wind elemental lung to develop incompletely.

Therefore, as long as the elemental lungs in the young dragon period have not stored too many elements, use potions to remove the incompletely developed elemental lungs.

This is equivalent to permanently abandoning an elemental affinity.

However, Bingbing is not a young dragon, but a mature dragon. The wind elemental lungs that were originally incompletely developed have completely become an inseparable part of it.

It can't be removed, only the medicine and environmental treatment can be used to make the underdeveloped elemental lungs develop for the second time with dragon intervention.

Of course, dragon intervention is definitely not as good as natural development, not to mention that it is only developed with the help of medicine and environment.

So, there is no way to cure it.

But fortunately, this is not a big problem.

The slow improvement of strength caused by the unbalanced absorption of affinity elements will only appear in the legendary level.

When you reach the legendary level, cultivation is a higher level of rule power.

When the rule power is improved, it will not be affected by another rule power. This is why Boredia can comprehend the space rule without hesitation.

Because even if the space rule is not raised again, it will not affect Boredia's breakthrough.

Therefore, the problem that Ming Bing faces is only to break through from the lower purple crystal to the upper purple crystal. Once it reaches the upper purple crystal, this defect will no longer affect the improvement of strength.

The potion is nothing to Boredia. As for the environment, it needs a place with rich wind elements.

On the Fast Continent, the place with the richest wind elements is naturally the Sky Plain.

Therefore, in fact, Ming Bing is in the Windy Hills at this time. Until his realm reaches the upper purple crystal, he can get rid of this stubborn disease and come out of the Windy Hills.

Knowing the location, Witt plans to go and see it after returning.

Let's not mention this.

After returning to the City of Life, Boredia did not go back, but went shopping!

That's right, shopping!

In other words, after arriving at the City of Destiny, the first thing he did was to follow Redek to deal with the business. Now that the business has been completed, the only thing left is Antasya, so he should relax!

When the word "relax" came to his mind, Witt realized that in addition to food, the City of Destiny also has drinks.

Moreover, it is the wine that Poredia is most interested in!

The wine in the City of Destiny is not brewed from plant species, but from fruits that contain elemental power and are processed and brewed.

Containing the power of different elements, different kinds of fruits, and matching them in different proportions, it creates tens of thousands of kinds of fruit wines unique to the City of Life!

Thinking of this, Witt looked at the impatient back of Poredia and couldn't help sighing.

It seems that Poredia is going to disappear for a while.


"Did you forget your daughter, the leader of the dragon?"

Muttering, Witt flew towards the Althea Alchemy Shop. Leger didn't understand Violet. It was okay for a short time, but if it took a long time, Violet would be "lost", that was inevitable!

Facts have proved that Violet did not live up to Witt's "expectations" for her.

When Witt returned to the alchemy shop, Violet just walked out of the alchemy shop. The moment she saw Witt, her face froze.


With a slight sound, Witt landed in front of Violet and looked at Violet with interest.

"Hey, come on, what are you going to do?"

Violet's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a smile: "Teacher, you are back, let go, why would I run around, I just woke up, come and get some fresh air!"

Hearing this, Witt smiled and nodded.

"So that's the case... Do you think I will believe it?"

Violet's smile remained unchanged, but she was a little unwilling in her heart, almost, just a little bit!

As for whether Witt believed it or not, it didn't matter. After being caught by Witt, she had given up hope of running away.

Witt saw that Violet was acting like a dead dragon and was not afraid of boiling water, so he said nothing more and turned to ask, "Is Antashya awake?"

Hearing this, Violet nodded.

"She has woken up and is now discussing alchemy with Leger."

"Is that so!"

As he said this, Witt looked down at Violet with a smile on his face.

"If you want to take a breath, you can't just stand here. Let's go. The teacher will take you around. After the walk, I will take you outside.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I checked your magic training.

This time, there is enough time and there are no restrictions on the venue. It is just right to test your strength comprehensively."

Hearing this, Violet's face suddenly became bitter.

"Teacher, you don't want to take this opportunity to teach me a lesson, no matter how strong I am, I can't be your opponent. Don't say that, once the mental magic is on, do I still need to fight?"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Violet, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

This little guy, wouldn't he be...

Thinking like this, Witt's mouth slightly curled, and then he said: "Let it go, I don't use mental magic, nor will I use any means to prevent you from releasing magic."

Vilette was still a little hesitant.

"But, teacher, your body is very strong!"

"I will use magic to limit my physical strength and keep it at the same level as you, so it should be okay!"

Hearing this, Violet still had a sad face, but she finally nodded.

This was a test from Witt, she didn't push it!

"Okay, you wait here for a while, I'll talk to Antasa about building a teleportation magic circle!"

After that, Witt walked towards the store.

When the two dragons were in a state of turning their backs, they couldn't help but curl their mouths at the same time.

Witt's goal has been achieved and has been determined. Violet's goal is to overthrow him!

On Violet's side, she has already begun to imagine that she will step on the teacher and press him to the ground. She doesn't believe that without mental magic and physical strength, she can't beat Witt.

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