Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1119 Abyss Infection Area!


Villet looked at the dragon scale, then looked up at Witt, her eyes full of suspicion.

Noticing Villet’s look, Witt was speechless.

“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s just a small tool to solve your problem of being lost in directions. Why does it still thunder and lightning when you put it on your body?”

Hearing this, Villet looked away awkwardly, muttering in a low voice: “It’s not thunder and lightning, but at least it should react a little bit!

Apart from feeling that it is continuously and very small amounts of lightning elements in my body, I don’t feel anything else.”

Witt rolled his eyes.

“I said it’s to solve your problem of getting lost. Are you lost now?”


“If you’re not lost, it certainly won’t work.”


Witt turned around in astonishment and looked at the sword that Boredia had just taken back.

"Why did you hit me?"

Boredia said lightly: "I agree with what you said, but what I want to hear more is the principle of this thing, not your bunch of nonsense!"

Hearing this, Witt curled his lips and then said: "Then you can just say it directly, why are you hitting the dragon, it's rude..."

Seeing that Boredia's sword was raised again, Witt coughed dryly.

"Well, I'll briefly explain the principle of this thing. Come on, Violet, let me ask you, when you get lost, do you panic?"


"You're right to panic. As long as you panic, your mental state will subconsciously produce some strong fluctuations.

As mentioned before, the reason you get lost is that your body moves faster than your brain.

When you realize that you are lost, your body automatically responds. When you find that the surroundings are becoming more and more unfamiliar, you will panic.

The more confused your mind is, the less you can think of a solution, and you will only follow the subconscious behavior of your body.

But the body can't think, how can it know which direction to go in this situation? It will only follow your past behavioral habits.

This is the key to getting lost.

The biggest difficulty in solving your lost problem is how to make you realize that you are lost and should not run around anymore!

Alchemy Objects are just dead things, they can't monitor your behavior all the time.

At this time, you need a reference object, which can be detected and will appear when you get lost.

A few days ago, I suddenly thought of it, that is emotion!

Once you get lost, you will inevitably panic. Once you panic, your mental state will inevitably fluctuate violently in a short period of time. The fluctuation of mental state can be detected by the magic circle.

Then, after the detection, there is only one thing to do, which is to calm you down!

There are many ways to calm down, but the speed is different. Since you need to calm down quickly, I chose an attacking magic circle.

Once you panic, the dragon scale will attack, and then you will calm down and think about what to do next.

Don't tell me that you can't even distinguish the direction when your mind is clear! "

As he said, Witt laughed confidently.

He certainly knew that Violet could do it. After all, if she couldn't do it, it would not be a problem of being directionally challenged, it would be stupid!

After hearing this, Poredia nodded in agreement.

"There is nothing wrong with the idea, but is it really useful?

There is another problem. The fluctuation of the spirit is not only produced when panicking. When fighting, the spirit is always in an active fluctuation state.

Have you ever thought about this?"

Hearing this, Witt couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"We are not stupid. How could we not think of this? Don't worry. The mental fluctuation caused by panic is completely different from the mental fluctuation during battle.

One is unconscious chaotic fluctuation, and the other is conscious regular fluctuation.

Just this point, the magic circle can still distinguish."

Poredia nodded, but then said: "This is just theory, what about reality?"

Hearing this, Witt grinned.

"If you want to see the actual effect, it's easy. Let's have a game of wilderness survival right now!"

"Wilderness survival?"

Poredia was stunned for a moment, then looked at Witt curiously.

"What do you mean?"

Witt looked around.

"This is the Endless Sea of ​​Sand. Let's go ahead and leave Violet here. One month later, Violet will set out with the goal of finding us!

Of course, the goal is not specific enough.


Listen carefully, we will wait for you in the Western Mountains, which is the western edge of the Endless Sea of ​​Sand. There is the Endless Sea to the north, but the mountains do not extend to the edge of the Endless Sea continent.

In other words, you can't be lazy and keep walking west along the coastline, otherwise you won't find us.

However, starting from this position, heading west, you will definitely see the mountains, and we are also heading west.

It sounds a bit complicated, but in fact, for you, you only need to remember one thing.

That is, in this endless sea of ​​sand, head west!

If that dragon scale is useless, you should get your father's dragon scale and summon him directly.

How about it? "

Of course, Witt's last question was to Poredia.

Poredia nodded without any hesitation after hearing this.

"It's decided!"

As for Violet, let alone her opinion, Violet would not refuse to travel alone.

After the two sides reached a consensus, Witt and his friends did not waste time and left directly to the west, leaving Violet alone.

Watching Witt and his friends leave, Violet's eyes flashed with excitement.

Traveling alone is one thing, and on the other hand, if the effect of this thing is verified, then her direction problem will be solved!


"So, you don't just want to test the effect of that dragon scale! "

After flying away from the area where Violet was, Antasa looked at Witt with a strange expression. If it was just to verify the effect of the dragon scale, there was no need to go through so much trouble.

Similarly, Poredia also looked at Witt.

He also knew that Witt's arrangement this time was a little unreasonable, but Witt would not harm Violet, that was for sure, so he chose to cooperate.

Seeing that the two dragons were looking at him, Witt showed a helpless look on his face.

"It seems that you really didn't ask for any information!"

Speaking of this, Witt paused, his face became serious, and then said: "There is an abyss-infected area ahead, and Violet only followed me to contact the abyss once.

This time, even if you are here, it will not be easy to clean up, and she is not suitable to follow!"


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