Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1131 It’s over!


Hearing Werther's words, Antasha smacked her tongue, her eyes just lit up and then dimmed again. Well, it seemed that Werther was indeed not that dragon.

녦I regretted a surprise!

Werther looked at Antasha's disappointed look and grinned.

How hopeful are you? I am the dragon of time!

Thinking this in his heart, Witte continued to say: "Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Do you remember those three magic spells?

If you remember the words, try reciting them and I will listen to see if I remember anything wrong.

In addition, you all know what I think anyway, and from what you said, it seems that you know the time dragon quite well. If you saw it in a book, can you tell me what book it is?

In this way, I can also save a lot of time. "

Hearing this, Antasha waved her paws casually.

"It's easy to talk about. I'll give it to you when I go back later. As for the spell, just listen..."

Then, Antasha started chanting.

After finishing, Werther nodded.

"Perfect, okay. In this way, whether you can learn time magic is your own problem and has nothing to do with me. So, if you promise me something, you can't change your mind!"

Antasha rolled her eyes.

"I won't miss you!"

Hearing this, Werther felt relieved. Then he glanced at the thunderstorm area in the distance, which had not completely calmed down, and then looked at Boredia with a suspicious look on his face.

"I suspect you are cheating on the game. You didn't care about it in the past. How come you still failed to win Zachary this time?

Why do you think I use time magic?

In addition to the power of time magic, the ultimate power can also help me deal with the three abyss believers, but they are in the middle position of amethyst. After I broke through to the middle position of platinum, I am not afraid of them at all.

I used time magic just to attract Zachary's attention so that he could part with me.

When 놛 moved on me and confirmed that my use of 놅 was time magic, it showed that my ability to use time magic really attracted 놛놅's attention.

So, in this case, you, a powerful person who can break through the legend in two or three thousand years, how did you let Zachary escape?

I seriously doubt it, you are playing me! "

Witte is not just talking nonsense. The reason why he exposed the trump card of time magic is to attract Zachary's attention to the maximum extent and create opportunities for Boredia.

Originally, I thought that Boredia's strength would be enough to kill Zachary.

In this way, even if the time magic is exposed, there is nothing wrong with it.

The result was that Zachary escaped from Boreidia's claws with both hands. Moreover, judging from the opponent's mental state when attacking, Boreidia was not able to even seriously injure the opponent.

Hearing this, Boredia glanced at Werther.

"It turns out that this is why you exposed the time magic. However, your calculations are obviously wrong. Zachary is not set in stone!"

Werther was startled for a moment, and then his face darkened.

"Did that guy break through?"

Boredia nodded.

“Legendary high position!

What was shown at the beginning was just to confuse me. Not only did you want to kill 놛, 놛 also wanted to kill me, who has always been your backer.

Although I have just broken through, but with the blessing of the abyss infestation zone, my strength is not as good as mine after being suppressed by the abyss infestation zone.

But 놛놅 is actually stronger than ordinary people who have just broken through to the legendary high position of 놅..."

Having said this, Boredia paused briefly, and then looked at Wang Youcai with interest.

"You have to be more careful in the future!"

Hearing this, Witte's face almost turned green. More than that, he had to be careful. Before this legend, there was no need to consider approaching the abyss infected area or abyss gathering point.

If you are unlucky and meet Zachary, you will definitely die!

How could this guy break through!

Now 놇 is good, 놛 is not only remembered by many legends of the abyss, but also has a high-ranking legend among them.

I don’t dare to go out until this is a legend!

Boredia saw Werther's dejected look, thought for a moment, and then enlightened: "Actually, this matter is nothing..."

Werther's eyes lit up.

"Do you have a solution?"

Boredia shook his head.

"There is no solution. I just want to say that compared to the news I am about to say, Zachary's breakthrough to the legendary level is not such bad news."

Werther was stunned.

"Can there be any worse news than this?"

"Abyss, after reaching the legendary high level, you can become a true lord and have the right to start wars, and wars are used to improve your own strength and power in the fastest way.

Therefore, the worse news is that if you faced only Zachary before, in the future you will face Zachary and his legendary subordinates.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the person who is eyeing you now is not a high-ranking legend, but a high-ranking legend and the potential behind you!


Thinking about it this way, does Zachary's breakthrough become less important? "


Witte stood up silently, and then flew towards the defense line.

"Hey, why are you going?"

Werther said without looking back: "I feel very aggrieved now and need to vent my anger!"

"Oh, go ahead, but don't look too deep. Zachary might still be staring over here."

Witte paused for a moment, then rushed towards the piece of abyssal beast at a faster speed.

There is nothing to say next, magic, breath, claws...

No matter how hard you kill, Werther will come!

As 놛 said before, Boredea's words made 놛 a little angry, and 놛 needs to calm down the anger.

Of course, Werther did not forget the last words of Boredia, so he only moved in the area closest to the Boredians and did not go deep.

Yu Weite was so angry that after a spell, he went on a killing spree. The abyssal beasts that were close to the Boredians were actually killed by Werther.

And within one magic hour, Boredia and Antasha had almost rested.

Boredia then flew towards the center of the defense line again.

We need to give this action a perfect ending.

Cleaning out all the abyss in this abyss-infected area, and to do this is far easier for Boredia than facing Zachary.

Because to clean up the abyss, only the strong elements are needed, and there is no need to consider combat skills at all.

Therefore, not long after Boredea entered the central area, thick thunderclouds appeared over that area and rapidly expanded toward the surrounding area.

The expansion was stopped until all the areas infected by the Abyss were covered.

Then, a thick purple thunder column was connected to the clouds at the top and the sand surface at the bottom. Soon, the purple thunder slurry spread towards the surface with the thunder column as the center.

In the ownerless abyss, facing this level of elemental energy, it was instantly cleared away.

At this point, it’s over!

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