Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1143 The frustrated Witt!


Hearing the sound of the door opening and the familiar exclamation, Witt turned his head, and the fighting spirit in his eyes, as hot as lava, had not yet completely subsided.

"It's been a long time..."


Before he finished speaking, the door of the store was closed, and Witt's face froze.

Dinnett on the side couldn't help laughing.

"You scared him!"

Witt rolled his eyes and shouted helplessly: "Mo Xi, come in, I'm not going to challenge you. After three hundred years, you haven't seen me, and this is how you welcome me?"

After the voice fell, the door of the store opened a gap, and Mo Xi's head poked in.

"Really challenge me?"

Witt nodded helplessly.

"Don't worry, why would I challenge you for no reason, come in quickly, you're the only one missing!"

Speaking of which, Witt originally thought that there would be other dragons, such as Iris, the cloud dragon with a good personality, and the resentful Ze.

As a result, Iris was sleeping, and the resentment had left the City of Eternal Night and wandered outside. It was unknown when he would come back, and Ze had the job of night guard.

So, there were only these dragons.

While thinking about this, Witt stood up.

Seeing Witt's figure, Mo Xi said with some emotion: "Witt, I haven't seen you for more than 300 years, and you are bigger."

Witt was 930 years old and 170 meters long, while Dinnett and the others were only 110 meters long, which was the normal length of dragons of this age.

This gap was a little bit.

Anyone who saw them would regard them as dragons of the same age.

Fortunately, everyone has gradually accepted this characteristic of Witt, and at most they would sigh when they met.

As Mo Xi spoke, he walked into the store and looked at the empty store with some surprise. However, he did not ask much, as he usually would not ask anything.

After entering the store, he realized it belatedly, and his eyes lit up. He looked at Witt and couldn't help asking: "Witt, since you have come here, does that mean..."

Witt smiled and nodded.

"If there is no accident, it is basically a success. Even if it is successful, I will build a teleportation magic circle outside. Although it is a bit troublesome to go back and forth, it will only take one or two years."

If the City of Eternal Night agrees, Witt is going to place a teleportation magic circle on the side of the vein.

And the distance from the vein to here is only two years.

If the environment on the side of the vein allows, that is, it cannot guarantee that the magic circle will not be attacked, then Billy and others can also go from the City of Life.

It will only take ten years!

Anyway, this time, Billy and the others must be brought back to the Sky City!

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt said, "In addition, there are some good news. However, we will talk about these at the banquet.


Originally, I wanted to give you some surprises, but in the end, Dinnett guessed it himself.

While there is still time, Moses, can you guess it too?"

Moses smiled honestly.

"Forget it, I have no clue at all."

As he spoke, the three dragons walked towards the room where the party was held.

Entering the room, the dragons were chatting enthusiastically, especially Violet and Billy.

As Witt had guessed before, the two dragons got along very well.

Or to be more precise, it should be that Violet thought Billy was very fun!

Anyway, from the time Witt and the others entered the door to being noticed by the dragons, in just a few minutes, Billy, under Violet's guidance, talked about the dark history of Witt's childhood.

Of course, Witt didn't care about these things, otherwise, he would have to give these two guys a beating, especially Violet.

This guy, as soon as he left, he immediately became lawless!

Needless to say, what happened afterwards.

Everyone basically got familiar with each other, and while eating Billy's proud work "rock plate barbecue", they started to brag in a dragon-like manner.

Of course, it was not completely bragging. After all, most of the experiences were true, but they just added a layer of beauty filter to what they did when dealing with emergencies.

The good thing about the immortal species is that they don't lack topics to talk about. Hundreds of years of travel experience, just casually intercepting a paragraph, can be used as a capital for bragging.

And in this process, Witt's surprise came in handy, he really gave Billy and the others a big surprise.

Removed a huge stone that was pressing on the dragons of Desidero.

In such a relaxed atmosphere, there is also a special dragon-Horsis!

He likes to collect dragon scales of different species, and he showed the dragons what rich experience means. Dragon scales of various colors, shapes, and sizes were mounted in a large and thick metal book.

He flipped the book open, causing the dragons to exclaim in unison.

They speculated about what kind of dragon scales were mounted on the metal book.

Of course, if there are speculations, there will be a revealing link!

After all, there are many dragons in the dragon world, and from time to time, a different dragon that has never been seen will appear. Instead, the color dragon, metal dragon, crystal dragon, and elemental dragon have become rare existences in the dragon world.

In this case, even with Witte's knowledge, he can only recognize the origin of some dragon scales.

Holsis knew all these dragon scales like the back of his hand. He could only tell which kind of dragon the dragon scales came from, and he even remembered how he got them.

And there were many ways to get them. Some were given directly, some were picked up accidentally, some were won by challenges, and some were obtained by pestering...

In short, Holsis became the main force of this dragon banquet.

Of course, if Holsis is said to be in great glory, Witt is much more frustrated.

He had a history of adding ingredients to the food of the dragons, so he was ordered to stay alone at the farthest place from the dragons. Billy even put a warning magic circle at his location.

Once any of his limbs tried to leave that area, the magic circle would sound an alarm and attract the attention of the dragons.

In such a situation of emphasizing defense, even Witt could only give up the idea of ​​dying.

He looked at the dragons and laughed with a depressed face.

"You know what's good for you. That's my most proud work. I'm willing to eat it myself. I'll leave it to you, but you despise it. That's too much..."

While muttering, Witt kept stuffing the barbecue on the rock slab into his mouth.

However, no one dared to try his barbecue.

After all, no one knew that with Witt's ability, he could add ingredients to the food without anyone knowing.

So, no dragon competed with him.

In this way, until the end of the banquet, Witt didn't find a chance to take action. The only thing he gained was that he ate very happily.

The banquet lasted for a total of ten days.

During this time, no other dragons came to disturb, only Mo Xi would occasionally go to replenish food.

This banquet, without Witt's disturbance, was so smooth.

After the banquet, the lives of the dragons returned to normal. Similarly, some things that had been deliberately ignored before were once again placed in front of Witt...

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