Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1162 Their reunion...


With a sound, a silver dragon suddenly fell down, dragging a moving red crystal dragon next to it.

It goes without saying that this is Werther and Billy!

Noticing this scene, the dragons who were waiting for Witte and the others grinned helplessly.

Ao Renzhi asked: "You will kill him!"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"How is it possible? I haven't even experienced him. If I am ashamed to death, then that's a sure thing."

As he said that, Weite pulled on Billy's tail that had not been let go, and then asked: "Hey, are you still alive?"

Billy covered his head with his paws and lay on his back. When he heard Werther's words, he said in a muffled voice: "You keep your word, I have no shame to see the dragon!"

Hearing this, Werther chuckled.

"Look, he's still alive!"

As he spoke, Witte glanced at the dragons, and then noticed two slightly familiar figures.

One of them I met a long time ago, and the other I haven’t seen each other for more than a hundred years.

Witte smiled and said: "Horses, are you going to the Sky City too?"

Holsis nodded.

"I remember you said that there are many alien dragons that I have never seen over there in the Sky City, and I came back to the City of Eternal Night to visit Billy and the others.

Now they are all going to the Sky City, so of course I have to go with them. "

As he said that, Horsis's eyes lit up uncontrollably, full of excitement.

Werther nodded, then his eyes fell on the other end, and he said with a little hesitation: "I remember your name, Elise, see you after a long time!"

Elise has a very gentle personality and chuckled after hearing Werther's words.

"I just woke up and heard Dinnet say that you came here a few years ago. I'm sorry that I was asleep at the time. Also, it's a pity that I couldn't catch up with your party.

I heard that Holsis also displayed his collection at the party.

This guy was very angry. After I woke up and wanted to take a look, he was willing to take a look. "

Holsis on the side turned his head in embarrassment.

In fact, 놊showed normality to other dragons. After all, this was his precious collection, second only to treasure. As for that party, because the atmosphere was so good, 놊instantly melted into it.

Hearing Elise's complaint which actually didn't contain much resentment, Werther smiled, and then his eyes were attracted by Antasha's movements.

I saw Antasha staring at Donitasa with squinting eyes. She knew what she was thinking and frowned slightly.

And Donitasa was also stared at quite a bit by her.

After noticing this, Witte thought about it, and then hurriedly introduced Meyer and Donitasa to the dragons.

After getting to know each other, Werther did not immediately introduce Antasha to Donitasa, but first greeted the dragons and embarked on the return journey!

He had been waiting for the reunion for more than nine hundred years.

Although it is realistic, they still need to pass through the Hot City and the Free City to truly reach the City in the Sky.

Moreover, due to the existence of Boredia and Antasha, during the transmission process, it is necessary to always check whether the teleportation magic array can continue to carry the next teleportation task.

Uh...well, now there's another Meyer.

In addition, there were really many dragons this time. After two days of hard work, Werther saw a circle of familiar buildings around him.


At the moment when he returned to the Sky City, Werther suddenly became anxious.

After realizing this, Werther smiled bitterly in his heart. The reason was that he was almost suffering from persecutory paranoia because he had experienced too much.

As long as he didn't take Billy and the others back to the Sky City for a day, he would subconsciously feel that something unexpected would prevent him from bringing them back.

But now, after truly returning to the Sky City, he understood that no matter what happened, it prevented them from reuniting.

So, he was relieved!


At this moment, Boredia suddenly spoke.

Werther turned his head and looked over, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Boredia pointed at Violet.

"This is the first time that Villette has been away from Anne for such a long time. I will take her to see Anne first. In addition, as a relative, I should explain some things clearly."

Hearing this, Werther nodded subconsciously. Afterwards, just when Boredia was about to leave with Violet, Werther suddenly remembered what happened before.

"By the way, Violet, don't forget what we said before. After meeting your mother, remember to come to me!"

"Don't worry, teacher, I'll remember it!"

Hearing this and looking at Villette with an excited face, Boredia's brows wrinkled involuntarily.

Although it was a normal teacher-student conversation, there was always a sense of peace in his heart.

However, due to the fact that there were too many dragons around, Boredia did not ask in detail.

Seeing that Violet and Werther had finished speaking, they continued flying towards Block 12.

After watching the two dragons leave, Witte raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then couldn't help but grin.

Nice, 놆night!

After all these years, Boredia still clings to the promise of walking through the 12 blocks during the day.

Looking away, Wit saw all the dragons looking at him, and said with a smile: "Let's go, I will lead the way for you!"

With that said, Werther flew forward.

Following Witt, not to mention Billy and the others, even Dinnett, who knew what was waiting for them ahead, felt uneasy.

Witt and the others' performance made the other dragons quiet down.

In this slightly depressing atmosphere, Witt and the others finally reached their destination.

After landing on the street, Witt was about to go in when he looked at his own shop. Donitasa, who had been following behind him silently, had a flash of anxiety in his eyes.

Just as she was about to stop Witt, a figure appeared in front of her.

Antasa looked Donitasa up and down, then grinned, pointed to the back, and then she walked towards her own shop.

Donitasa was stunned for a moment, and after coming to his senses, he hurriedly chased after him.



After a long breath, Witt grinned and said with a smile: "Billy, O, Isa, Moses, you will see the surprise I prepared for you soon."

As for why there is no Dinnett... who let her guess it!

"Follow me!"

As he said, Witt walked towards the store.

Billy and the others followed Witt with curiosity, their eyes full of expectation.

When they entered Witt's store and saw the familiar figure behind the counter, Billy and the others were stunned.

The memory that had been blurred for a long time became clear at this moment.

On the other side, Janis, who had long noticed the familiar atmosphere outside and was waiting quietly, pursed her lips when she really saw the dragons behind Witt.

No one spoke first, their reunion was so quiet...

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