Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1171 Doesn’t look very smart!

Chapter 1171 Looks too smart!

Yes, that's right, after Weite finished talking about the banquet, he withdrew directly!

Not a moment was spared.

The main thing is that everything that needs to be understood has been understood, and what needs to be done has been done. As for what should be said... This is urgent, and there is plenty of time for the banquet.

Besides, Weite Daobing really doesn't have much to say.

Moreover, I also thought that Piao Bing talked too much, that guy talked too much, and if I stayed for a while longer, that guy Piao Bing would definitely start talking about every day in the past.

Attention, it’s every day!

The most important thing is that this guy has a very good memory. When they met once, Pei Bing still remembered what 놛 had talked about before they parted ways.

Witte wanted to go through sentences like "you know", "I 껗times you said it", "do you remember I 껗times you mentioned..." again, bombarding 놛 in turn.

Therefore, 놛run away decisively!


With a long breath, Werther glanced at the windy hills behind him, and then turned to look at Neil, who still had more to say.

"Seriously, you really should get to know Kuo Bing. It's a pity that you disappeared from the beginning and missed the opportunity to get to know him.

놊It doesn’t matter, I tell you, when it’s time for the banquet, you go find a giant dragon with ice crystal wings on its back.

놛I like chatting very much! "


Neil's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Werther in surprise.

After all, there are many dragons here who like to chat, and there are even fewer giant dragons.

Seeing Werther nodding, Neil said: "Okay, I will remember your words. I will go find him during the banquet!"

Hearing this, Weite just nodded lightly in front of him, but he couldn't help but praise his wit.

Very good, the two stabilizing factors of the banquet are directly eliminated. In this way, this banquet will at least become the ambition of the dragon's growth of the Aobing Symposium.

There will also be a whisper in 놊, and 놊 will stop mumbling something in 놛's ear.

Let the two of you hurt each other!

Coming out of the Windy Hills, Witte and his party returned to the Sky City again.

Of course, our invitation journey is not over yet!

And this time, their destination is...

Looking at the store in front of him, just from the decoration outside, he could feel the hot atmosphere coming to his face. Neil looked at Werther with a hint of surprise.

"Is there still such a place in the Sky City?"

Werther raised his eyebrows.

"To be honest, it's my first time here too. If you're interested, we can enjoy it here for a while..."

As he said that, Witte couldn't help but glance at Neil one more time.

놛I am very curious as to what kind of expression Xavier will have after seeing Neil.

With 뀞zhong thinking like this, Witte walked directly towards the inside of the store.

The door of Xavier's shop is specially made and does not look like the door of a normal shop.

The door of a normal store is always closed when it is closed, and it is always open when it is open. When the door of Xavier's store is open, only living creatures can enter and exit normally.

What does it mean?

If the city in the sky in the windy season can be called the crisp autumn air, then Xavier's shop, which is only separated by a door, is the scorching summer.

Of course, the temperature must be as hot as summer, which only shows that Xavier's store is nothing.

Let's put it this way, the lava in Xavier's shop was partially transferred from Werther's "swimming pool".

This part contains some of the power of the blazing white divine flame.

The blazing white divine flame is called the ultimate high temperature.

You can see what it's like in Xavier's shop.

Xingchen only stepped into Xavier's shop with one leg, and then he couldn't help but take it back.

"So hot!"

Hearing Xingchen's exclamation, a flash of surprise flashed in Werther's eyes. Xingchen's body was very weak.

Then, 놛 tried to put his claws in...

“It’s so cool!”

"That's because the temperature here is already suitable for you!"

As soon as Witte finished speaking, another voice came from the shop.

Then, a red dragon more than 700 meters tall came out neatly from the depths of the store. After seeing Witte, a smile appeared on his face.

"See you soon, Werther!"

"See you soon!"

With that said, Werther walked straight into the store and asked curiously: "What does this mean?"

Hearing this, Xavier said with a smile: "In fact, I have already changed the business items of the store, or in other words, added a new item that tempers the body and spirit.

놊德놊 said, the lava in your lava pool is really useful.

For you and me, it may be nothing, but for other dragons, the high temperature generated by this white lava is extremely difficult to resist.

Even if it is a giant dragon with dragon scales, although it can isolate the damage caused by the high temperature generated by the white lava, the burning sensation in the senses will not be isolated by a single blow.

Therefore, for a strong dragon, you can temper your spirit and will here. For a weak dragon, this high temperature itself is a good way to temper your body and increase your physical strength..."

"Okay, that's enough!"

Speaking of this, Witt looked at Xavier in silence.

"So, how much lava did you steal from my room?"

"What do you mean by stealing?"

Xavier "didn't understand" what Witt was saying, and chuckled, "I got Celine's approval, and besides, I didn't take much, only half a pool!"


Witt looked at Xavier in silence.

However, he didn't mean to pursue it. After all, that was just his "bath water".

"Before saying this, I'll introduce you to them first. Xingchen, you know me. This is Meyer, my friend. This is Neil. Um... As you can see, it's a red dragon."

Xavier glanced at Meyer and nodded to him. A legendary strongman, even if the other party was just a flying dragon that had entered the old age, it was still enough to attract his attention.

However, when he looked at Meyer, his brows slightly wrinkled.

This dragon...

Why does it look so smart?

On the other side, Neil looked at Xavier, who was much taller and stronger than him, and it was difficult for him to feel close to him just because he was a member of the Dan tribe.

Of course, this is normal. After all, a red dragon with a bad temper will definitely have a good impression of another red dragon with a bad temper.

Even though Neil and Xavier are both dragons with bad tempers, the bad genes in the red dragon's bones still make it difficult for them to have a good impression of each other.

What's more, the personalities of the two dragons, one is warm and generous, thoughtful, and the other is elegant and calm, with hidden scheming...

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