Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1176 She promised him a future!

Chapter 1176 She promised a future!

"Of course!"

Hearing this, Donitasa finally breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously tightened the dragon crystal in her hand, and then put it back into the reverse scale space.

Vitt and Ilaiya certainly understood what Antasa meant by this.

She was going to accept Donitasa as a student and teach her alchemy knowledge, as well as... dragon body alchemy!

Under normal circumstances, Witt and Ilaiya should persuade Antasa at this time, and even Antasa needs to think about it carefully before making a decision.

After all, Donitasa is not a normal dragon.

She does not have the blood inheritance of the dragon clan. Although Qinghuan's three views are of a more extreme type, what she taught to Donitasa is also a very dragon's perspective on the world.

But, Donitasa will not have negative emotions on her own, which means that she has no fear, no loneliness, no sadness, and most importantly, no... awe!

Such a dragon will only walk firmly in the direction she chooses and will not stop for anything.

Once she goes a little wrong, she is more dangerous than other dragons who do dragon alchemy.

But, after understanding her situation, Antasa chose to teach her without hesitation, and Witt and Ilaiya stopped talking.

I gave her a world, and she promised a future...

It should be so!


"Are you sure you can teach her well? If not..."

"You can go play on the side!"

Hearing Witt's words, Antasa rolled her eyes. Of course, she understood what Witt was saying, but Witt didn't know too much about dragon alchemy.

At that time, it is likely that she will learn from her and then teach it to Donitasa.

But compared to Donitasa, Antasa didn't want Witt to get in touch with these things. She knew how special Witt was.

If Donitasa went astray, she was confident that she could pull her back.

But if it was Witt, she couldn't guarantee it.

With time magic and extreme skills, plus Witt was really smart, maybe when she noticed that the other party had gone astray, she wouldn't even be able to stop him.

Thinking about this, Antasa turned her head and looked at Donitasa.

"Remember, never tell the fourth dragon what you said to us today. If a dragon asks you questions about these, you let them come to me, understand?"

Hearing this, Donitasa nodded.

She only lacked negative emotions, but she was not less stubborn. How could she not know that her own experience could not be told to other dragons.

Just like she had never told Witt.

As for Antasa, the first thing she said after bringing her to this shop was, you must have escaped from the laboratory!

Seeing her origin at a glance, Donitasa knew that she had met the right dragon.

So, she was willing to tell everything.

As for Ilaiya and Witt who came one after another, she only believed them because Antasa was willing to believe them.


Antasha nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Witt and Ilaiya and said, "Wait a moment, I'll go and arrange Donitasa.

Donitasa, come with me!"

After watching the two dragons go to the residential area, Ilaiya's eyes fell on Witt.

"I have heard Antasa briefly talk about your affairs. Congratulations, after such a long time, you finally achieved your wish!"

Ilaiya's eyes were as complicated and difficult to understand as always, but also contained the same gentleness.

Witt smiled and nodded after hearing this.

"I have indeed experienced a lot, so I am going to hold a banquet in the southern plains, and invite all the dragons I am familiar with to come. I went to find you before, but you were not there, so I guessed that you were here.

I just came here to talk to you about this matter.

I didn't expect..."

As he said this, Witt glanced at the stone door leading to the back, and then shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't expect to learn about her origins by accident.

To be honest, I just thought she was strange at first, and I wanted to learn dragon body alchemy.

So I pushed her to Antashya.

By the way, did she say that the information of that laboratory is now in her possession, and she left it in that laboratory?"

Hearing this, Ilaya said: "We have already seen those materials, just the ordinary dragon body alchemy information, and we also know the name of the dragon, Morris."

After a pause, Ilaya continued: "Donitasza should be Moris The main research object of Morris, to be honest, she was lucky to come out of the laboratory alive.

If Morris hadn't encountered it, he had to give up the laboratory and didn't dare to return for eight or nine hundred years.

If it weren't for the special crystal implanted in Donitassa's body.

If Morris hadn't tried to make a thinking fighting machine, he didn't stop Qinghuan from teaching Donitassa about the outside world.

If any of these three conditions were not met, Donitassa would not be able to walk out of the laboratory. "

Witt nodded in agreement.

Donitassa is undoubtedly lucky, but she is also unlucky!

If nothing unexpected happens, the complete process should be that Donitassa, like Nasha, entered the Dragon Realm in the form of an egg.

Differently, Nasha was picked up by Ace as soon as she was born.

Donitassa was taken back by Morris, who was studying dragon alchemy.

Then when Donitassa was still an egg, he conducted a series of dragon alchemy experiments on her, extracting inherited memories, removing elemental lungs, and replacing them with special crystals...

After she was born, he kept her in a culture tank, waiting for her to have a certain fighting ability, and then began to provide her with targets to kill.

When he noticed that Qinghuan could teach Donitassa knowledge, he did not stop it, but just watched it quietly.

He wanted this alchemy work to be more perfect.

However, Morris did not expect that he encountered an emergency before the work was completed, and had to leave the experiment far away, and even did not have time to take the work he "carefully crafted".

This gave Donitassa hope of survival.

If nothing unexpected happens, the breath from the starry sky that Donitassa feels is lost, and it is also affected by the removal of blood inheritance.

In this way, Donitassa's experience and her abnormality have already matched!

In this regard, we can only say that different dragons have different fates!

What Witt is more curious about is whether Nasha knows the origin of Donitassa?

From the appearance alone, as a dragon from the starry sky, Witt is similar to the local dragons in the dragon world. Nasha has the same style as the stars, but the gap with the local dragons is not big, which can be explained by mutation.

But Donitassa is completely different from them. The shape of the body is more dreamy, and it is more like a dragon living in the starry sky.


When the banquet starts, you can ask!

When Witt was thinking about this, the footsteps of Antasa gradually approached this side...

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