Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1194 Agner figured it out!

Chapter 1194 Agner figured it out!

Now, Vitt gave Agner the feeling that he knew where he was and what he wanted to do, but although he knew Vitt's location, he didn't know what Vitt wanted to do.

And all this was just because of Vitt's understanding of dark element magic.

I saw clearly just now that Vitt was just outside the effective distance of the perception stripping.

In the past, I didn't want to fight Vitt when I saw someone, just thinking that they knew they couldn't beat Vitt and didn't want to get beaten in vain.

I didn't think so.

But now, I feel that I am too naive. They are not afraid of getting beaten, but the feeling of powerlessness in the face of Vitt.


After a long breath, Agner shook his head.

No, I can't think like that. The more I think about it, the more I want to give up the battle. But even Linsda insists on fighting to the end. How can I give up?

What's more, there are so many dragons watching around. Of course, the most important thing is that I don't want to disappoint Witt!

Looking at the figure in the darkness, who just stood there and brought infinite pressure to him, countless thoughts flashed through Agner's mind.

But they were denied one by one. Those thoughts couldn't deal with Witt at all!


Witt saw that Agner had not taken any action, and immediately understood that he had brought too much pressure to Agner, causing Agner to begin to doubt his own strength.

But he still had no idea of ​​taking action, just standing there quietly.

When Agner was just born, he was very stable and mature, but now it seems that it was just the result of his efforts to restrain himself.

In Witt's view now, Agner at that time was just pretending to be calm so that the dragons could accept him as soon as possible and Witt would no longer feel guilty about his past experiences.

Some of his later actions showed that the starting point of Agner's actions was actually the same as Linsda's, that is, not to disappoint Witt!

Moreover, he had more of this idea than Linsda.

Maybe because, in his view, he was the culprit who dragged Witt down and separated Witt from Desidero.

He didn't want Witt to feel guilty, but in the end he always felt guilty about Witt.

During this process, Agner wasted a lot of time on magic circles that were not suitable for him to learn.

Although his magic level was not bad, if he did not learn magic circles, he could actually go further in magic.

Admittedly, there is a reason why he is not very good at teaching magic circles, but this cannot change the fact that Agner has no talent in magic circles.

Of course, it is a little late to say these now, but it is never too late to practice magic.

At that time, Witt did not see through these. When he saw through these abilities, his mind was on finding Billy and others.

Later, as soon as he became an adult, he left the Sky City to find Billy and others.

Now think about it, when the newly born Agnar showed a more mature and stable character than other newly born dragons, it was natural that I no longer often focused on Agnar.

Back then, I said that the experience of raising Linsda would allow me to raise Agnar more easily, but in fact, I paid more attention to Agnar than to Linsda!

So, there was this battle to test growth.

Other dragons tested the results, and when it was Agnar's turn, it made me see some of my own problems.

Dragons are not perfect!

Every dragon has its own strengths and weaknesses. Agnar is actually good at fighting. In this case, let him recognize his own shortcomings in magic.

Correcting his thoughts later, Agner can still grow up well.

So now...

Witt looked in one direction. He couldn't see anything in the darkness, but he knew that Agner was there.

"I have recognized my mistakes and am ready to change them. Now let me see your choice!"

Whispering in a low voice, in the darkness, Witt's eyes shone like the sun in the sky.

Wrong is wrong, right is right, Witt will not cover up his mistakes.

If there is a mistake, it needs to be corrected.

What's more, this is not a small mistake, but a big mistake involving Agner's future dragon life.


Agner kept thinking about how to defeat Witt, but the more he thought about it, the more powerless he became. Only the dignity of the dragon still made him persist.

But as time went by, his faith was gradually collapsing.

Witt should be very disappointed!

With his attainments in dark elemental magic, he should know that he is not actively preparing for battle, but simply staying in one place.

This should be the worst battle he has ever experienced!

He actually disappointed Witt!

Agnar's thoughts were gradually replaced by these negative thoughts. However, just when he was about to collapse, his eyes suddenly met Witt's golden eyes.

No disappointment, no blame, only encouragement!


Agnar suddenly let out a long breath, then laughed. Under Witt's gaze, he suddenly figured it out!

He suddenly realized how boring and... stupid his previous thoughts were!

Witt was very strong, so he could defeat the strong ones.

But there was a problem that was ignored before, that is, he did not need to defeat Witt. All he had to do was to show his strength to Witt.


It was just such a small thing, but it was almost messed up by him.

Agnar couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind, that is... shouldn't he care too much about Witt's opinion?

This thought flashed through Agner's mind.

But he didn't have time to think about it, because it was time to fight. Since he was fighting, he should put all his thoughts behind him, including winning or losing!

Thinking of this, Agner's slightly opened mouth emitted a unique elemental fluctuation, which quickly spread in the darkness after it appeared.

Witt naturally felt Agner's movements.

When Agner moved again, a smile appeared on his face.

Is this right!

However, the smile on his face was soon replaced by surprise.

This elemental fluctuation...

After thinking about it for a while, he remembered how this strange elemental fluctuation came from.

In his mind, the image of a black and purple flame emerged...

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