Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1198 You are not planning to do something shady!

Chapter 1198 Are you going to play the dark game?

Gedra is a sparkling dragon. You can tell from the name that his affinity elements are light and water.

The overall shape is similar to that of a silver dragon. It is covered with white diamond-shaped scales, and there are circles on the wing tips and tail tips, with gradient dragon scales from blue to white.

From the image alone, the appearance of the sparkling dragon is still online.

Hearing Witte's words, Gedra's face darkened, but soon, his eyes turned and he smiled and said, "Witt, are you going to play the dark game?"

Witte smiled.

"Of course I will. I have said that the main purpose of this battle is to test your strength."

Of course, if you are not careful and fail to control the strength, then you can blame him.

After all, this is resistance.

The reason why the resistance is called resistance is because it is controlled. Since it is controlled, it has nothing to do with him.

Of course, Witt is very principled. As for revenge, I naturally understand the severity...

It will be too much!

Looking at Witt's obviously well-intentioned eyes, Gedra sighed in his heart.

Well, it seems that he has to avoid it.

Thinking so in his heart, Gedra asked: "Do you need to restore your own elemental power?"

Witt, who was already eager and ready to beat Gedra violently, of course...

Choose to!

Facing Gedra with a complete attitude, this is respect for him.

Of course, Gedra really wants this respect.

Watching the breath of Witt recover completely, Gedela has clenched his teeth and is ready to face the next battle.

"Let's start!"

With Witt's sentence, the two dragons quickly entered the battle state.

Hail, blizzard, two magic circles appeared in the air one after another.

Of course, this was used by Witt, not Gedela.

This is normal. Before learning absolute zero, the power of water element magic is difficult to compare with other elements at the same level.

Absolute zero is a forbidden spell of ninety-nine nodes, and it is impossible to use it until Amethyst.

However, in terms of endurance, water element is better than other elements except earth element.

The earth element is durable and has powerful magic to end the battle, so it is suitable for defensive counterattacks. The water element is durable, but it is matched with healing magic, so it is suitable for delaying time!

Therefore, the water element has the most domain magic among all elements.

But it is different from the attack type. The domain magic of the water element is also powerful and can be used by those who are strong.

For example, the blizzard of the 83rd node and the heavy rain of the 87th node.

So, just like the dark hidden that the dark element must learn, the combination of hail and blizzard is also a small domain magic that the water element dragon must learn.

Although the effect is not as good as the blizzard, it is fast!

It is most suitable for grabbing the environment.

However, it is a pity that Gedra ran into Witt this time.

At the beginning of the battle, when he was obviously prepared, Witt used a combination of hail and blizzard to grab the domain, which was a blizzard!

A larger ice-blue magic circle almost covered half of the ring. The goose-feather-like snow, in addition to blocking the line of sight, is also a weak attack section.

In just a moment, the hail and blizzard combination used by Gedra was covered, and Gedra's perception of the surrounding environment was also covered.

In just a moment, Gedra became a blind and deaf man, and even his mental power could only perceive a distance of hundreds of meters around him.

For a giant dragon, hundreds of meters are really not much different.

"Tsk tsk!"

Gedra smacked his lips, using the blizzard just now!

Thinking so in his heart, Gedra hurriedly added defense to himself.

Seventy-node forbidden spell - Ice Dragon Armor!

A layer of dark blue, fitting ice crystal armor covered Gedra, thus blocking the damage of the blizzard to him.

Of course, during this process, he must be able to stay in place.

Although he worked very hard, he still had daily exercise, so his strength was still stronger than that of ordinary dragons.

He also had combat experience.

Therefore, he was quite familiar with some of the most basic precautions during the battle.

However, his combat experience was really worth mentioning in the eyes of Witt.

Especially when the blizzard enveloped Gedela and the opponent's whereabouts were completely under Witt's control, Gedela was destined to be just a stronger toy.

The snow disappeared!

Witt's huge figure disappeared in the blizzard.

He was not prepared to "torture" Gedela.

So he directly used the blizzard. Although the blizzard was stronger than the heavy rain, it was still a forbidden spell of eighty-three nodes. For him, the consumption was still relatively large.

On the other side, Gedra, who used the Ice Dragon Armor, also began a series of powerful moves.

Water element amplification, water protection...

In short, he was ready to deal with Witte.

Gedela, who could make Witt speechless, was naturally a fool. When Witt used the blizzard, he knew that Witt was not going to delay time and slowly "torture" him.

All Witt wanted was to give him a battle that ended like a crushing defeat.

Suddenly, Gedela's eyes condensed, and the elemental power in his body flowed endlessly towards the ice dragon armor on his body, and the dragon scales on the ice dragon armor became more ferocious.

At the same time, Witt's figure also appeared on Gedela's head. After a front flip, the dragon's tail chopped towards Gedela below like a giant sword.


With a loud bang, Gedela's figure smashed directly downwards.

However, the moment Gedela touched the ground, his figure disappeared as if he fell into the water.

Then, thick streams of water emerged from the place where Gedra fell, and entangled towards Witt in the air. From the sound of it breaking the air, it can be heard that this is just a restraint.

Turbulence strangulation!

Facing these water streams, Witt opened his mouth and roared with ice.

It was just a turbulence strangulation of high-level magic, which was easily broken by Witt's ice roar.

However, Gedra's figure suddenly appeared behind Witt, opened his mouth, and roared with ice.

This kind of concealment method, Witt has never seen it before.

But he is not unfamiliar with it. This is the concealment talent of the Light Dragon, just like the White Dragon's Snow Hidden, and the Snow Hidden is based on the Snow Hidden.

This point is very important. The important thing is that Gedra's response method is quite good.

However, the price of being lazy and not training well in the past was that before the ice roar from Gedra could fall on Witt, Witt, who had just broken through the turbulent stranglehold of the ice roar, turned his head and blocked it.

He even pushed it back!

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