Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1226 Witt's new harvest!

Chapter 1226 Witt's new gains!

"Very worth it!"

Witt is not talking nonsense. Apart from that, the spiritual gains alone are really worth exchanging for the injuries he has now.

In the last moment, although his spirit was instantly destroyed by the rules, it was also further tempered.

The time reversal will eliminate the harmful aspects and only leave the benefits.

In other words, as long as his spirit is restored, he will be at the high level of platinum!

And this is just an incidental gain.

At that moment, his spirit touched the edge of the thunder element law, and countless insights about the thunder element instantly filled his brain.

This is not the first time Witt has experienced it.

Once, for the sake of time, I had close contact with the law of time. I was in a coma for a long time. The huge information flow made me sleep and wake up, wake up and sleep again, and I was in a state of unconsciousness for a long time.

This time, of course, I was not as lucky as last time.

After all, the shadow of the time rune was left to me by my father. It has been in my body for an unknown period of time and does not resist contact with my spirit.

The law of thunder element is different. Although the law of thunder element does not resist contact with me, it also does not welcome it.

The different attitudes towards the spirit make Witt contact the two laws to different degrees, and the amount of information he gets is naturally different.

This can be seen from Witt's response.

Witt didn't feel Meyer's breath, and there was only Boredia in the cave.

It's not difficult to guess that Meyer should have been sent by Boredia to deliver a message to the Sky City.

Although Meyer couldn't move his own energy, his flying speed was not slow. It would take at most five or six days to go back and forth from here to the Sky City.

Meyer didn't come back, which means that he was unconscious for no more than five or six days.

The last time he came into contact with the Time Rune, he was unconscious for three whole years.

Although this is also due to the strengthening of his spirit, it still shows that the information he got from the Lightning Element Law is far less than that from the Time Rune.

Of course, this is not important!

What is the Lightning Element Law?

The origin of thunder!

Everything in the world related to thunder is the evolution of the Lightning Element Law.

The information obtained from the law of the lightning element is the most fundamental information about the lightning element. Even if it is only a little bit, it is a great fortune for Witt who has no affinity with the lightning element!

Not to mention, now, his understanding of the lightning element has surpassed other elements, including his own affinity for water and fire.

The only pity is that Witt did not understand the rules of the lightning element.

It is very difficult to comprehend the rules.

Celine was just a coincidence in various senses.

Of course, Witt did have the opportunity to comprehend the rules related to the lightning element, but unfortunately, his luck was not as good as Celine's. The information he obtained from the lightning element law was mostly the understanding of the lightning element, not the rules.

But it doesn't matter!

Just these understandings of the lightning element can make Witt take a big step forward in the research of lightning element magic. At the same time, it will be easier to study lightning element magic in the future.

And the improvement of the research on lightning element magic means that the threat of lightning element magic to Witt is further reduced.

Let's take a simple example.

If these perceptions of the lightning element are replaced with perceptions of the light element, then even if Celine chants faster than you, she can't release a light element-related magic in front of you.

Normally, the steps to release magic are chanting (building a magic node), waiting for the external free element to complete the response, and mentally controlling the magic.

But in fact, there is another step before releasing magic, that is, thinking!

Here, "thinking" refers to the idea before casting magic, and this process is quite short, only a short moment.

However, when magic is learned to a certain level, just thinking about it can complete the magic, that is, real instant magic, without chanting.

Witt can do it now, and the lower-level magic does not need to chant, and a thought can make the magic take shape.

This involves a deep understanding of the element!

As long as the understanding of the element is deep enough, deeper than the other party, then Witt can make the other party's magic stay at the stage of thinking.

Of course, Witt can't do this now, even if he gets the gift of the thunder element law, he still can't do this in terms of thunder element.

However, Witt can do it, and the other party knows what magic the other party will use before the magic is cast.

Then replace the thunder element with the light element, and then in a more intuitive way, Witt can know what magic Celine will use next before she casts the magic, so as to chant the spell Celine wants to chant in advance.

In a more intuitive way, one word to describe it is mind reading!

Celine's thoughts, because of the gap in the understanding of the element, will be passed on to Witt through the element without reservation, so that Witt can deal with it in advance.


Unfortunately, this is just an example.

What Witt got is the advanced knowledge of the thunder element, not the light element, so in terms of magic, he will still be suppressed by Celine for a while.

But it doesn't matter!

Contacting the law of the thunder element is just the beginning.

Through this beginning, Witt knew the benefits of being exposed to the law of the elements in advance, so the future training plan has already taken shape in Witt's mind.

When he thought of this, Witt showed an excited smile on his face.

Nothing makes Long happier than clarifying the future path of training. If there is, it can only be a treasure!

On the other side, after getting Witt's answer and watching the changes in Witt's expression on his face, Poredia looked at Witt with interest.

"It seems that you have gained a lot."

Poredia's voice pulled Witt's thoughts back.

"That is, although I haven't comprehended the rules related to the lightning element, and I don't even know what the rules look like, my understanding of the lightning element is definitely far beyond that of the lightning dragons at the same level.

It can even be said that my understanding of the lightning element is not lower than that of the purple crystal level lightning dragons.

In other words, from now on, below the legendary level, I can really do that no lightning dragon can use lightning magic in front of me!"

Hearing this completely conceited words, Boredia did not intend to refute.

I know Witte's character very well, and the other party does what he says.

Since he dares to say it, he must be able to do it.


"What are you proud of? It's almost like exchanging your life for knowledge, but I can only do this. It can only be said that it's not a loss!"

While speaking, Boredia walked towards the experimental table.

When it’s time to suppress him, he still needs to suppress him. Don’t let Witt get a taste of the sweetness and continue to do this kind of thing that other dragons would call crazy…

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