Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1241 Notify the Dragons!

Walking out of the Poredia shop, Witt had an inexplicable look on his face.


It doesn't seem that serious.

Dragons are relatively indifferent. Every dragon, from the moment it was born into the world, has the awareness of facing the world alone.

Glory, dignity, and even treasures are all ranked before life.

Dragons have a different understanding of death, or in other words, not just dragons, but the dragon clan.

However, that is relative to strange dragons.

If he sees a strange dragon's life coming to an end, Witt will even celebrate for the other party, celebrating that the other party has successfully completed its own journey in this dangerous world.

However, the indifference of dragons does not mean that they have no feelings.

When you really encounter a familiar dragon about to die, you can't help but feel a little upset.

When Redek first came to Sky City with Witt and his friends, he provided them with considerable help. The news that he was about to die made him feel even more upset.

When Witt thought of the once high-spirited Redek, who had just flown in and landed on the shelf to catch his breath, he suddenly understood why so many dragons were pursuing eternity.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Witt hurriedly shook his head and shook out this idea that shouldn't have been there.

Putting Redek together with those dragons who pursued eternity at all costs out of selfishness is an insult to him. This idea is really not right!


With a long sigh, Witt took out a dragon scale and walked towards his shop while injecting his spirit into it.

When it was Celine's turn to take the dragon scale, Witt hesitated for a moment, but he still chose to inform Celine.


Eternal Night Forest!

A huge dragon body of nearly 100 meters was lying on a towering tree. A layer of green light emanated from his body, and the light seemed to be alive.

Suddenly, the dragon opened his eyes suddenly, and then turned his head to look northwest.


"It seems to be Witt!"

Another dragon flew from the giant tree.

It was also nearly 100 meters in size, but it was a little slender compared to the tree dragon.

Hearing Antawana's words, Linsda turned his head and looked over.

"You received it too?"

Antawana nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then asked with a strange look: "Do you want to go back?"

Linsda thought for a moment, then sighed.

"Let's go back. Although it is possible that Witt set a trap for us, but from another perspective, Witt has never used dragon scales for so many years.

Even at the banquet more than a thousand years ago, he came to inform us in person.

Now that he has used dragon scales, either he is trying to make trouble for us at all costs, or something important has happened.

If it is the former, we will not be beaten, but if it is the latter...

Who knows what we will miss!"

As he spoke, Linsda stood up, and the green light on his body gradually converged into his body.

Without the green light to set off, the surrounding forests also lost a bit of magic.


Area north of the Morton Mountains!

Celine was digging crystals with excitement, but suddenly she turned her head to look south. A hint of displeasure flashed across her eyes, as if she blamed a dragon for disturbing her interest.

But soon, Celine frowned, turned her head to look at the half-exposed crystal, her eyes changed rapidly for a moment, and she was ruthless...

Okay, Celine still chose to dig out the crystal first.

Anyway, it won't waste much time.

After digging out the crystal and putting it away, Celine turned around without hesitation and walked towards the front.

Leaving the mine, Celine glanced around.

"Isa, Violet!"

Hearing Celine's shout, the two dragons came out of two other mines not far away, looking a little funny with their dusty faces.

But Celine didn't dare to laugh. If she laughed, no dragon would help her dig crystals.

Seeing the two dragons' puzzled expressions, Celine frowned again.

"Witt didn't contact you?"

Hearing this, Violet and Isa looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

Seeing this, Celine's face was slightly uneasy, and she scratched her face for a few times, and then gritted her teeth.

"You continue to dig here first. Witt just contacted me. He may have something to ask me. I have to go back."

Seeing the two dragons ready to speak, Celine continued: "You let go, it shouldn't be an urgent matter, otherwise, he shouldn't have only notified me, but not you."

After that, Celine's wings fluttered, and the 100-meter-long dragon body rushed straight into the sky. In an instant, it turned into a small black dot, and then gradually disappeared from the sight of the two dragons.

Violet and Isa were stunned for a moment, and then the two looked at each other.

"She won't lie to us, will she?"

Isa hesitated for a moment, then said: "Celine is not that kind of person, it should be true, and besides, have you forgotten the news you received earlier!

That guy Witt has made a breakthrough, and once he has made a breakthrough, he will definitely look for sandbags everywhere.

Celine is going back now..."

"It shouldn't be!"

Villett interrupted Isa directly, and then sneered.

"Teacher won't fight with Celine. It's just that in terms of magic, he can't do anything."

Hearing this, a flash of envy flashed in Isa's eyes.

"That's true, but what I just wanted to say is that I also want to go back."

As she said that, Isa made a grimace and turned her head to look at the cave behind her.

Seeing this, Violet nodded quickly.

"Me too!"

As he said that, both dragons showed a hint of bitterness on their faces.

That in Violet is a regret.

If she had known she would be dragged along, she would never have told Celine directly.

She should tell her teacher first, and then ask her teacher to tell Celine. In this way, if she is a bitter person here, wouldn’t she be her teacher!

Such a simple truth, why didn't she think of it before?

As for Isa, she is even more innocent!

She just listened and then was pulled over.


"Since Celine is not here, can we take a rest first?"

Violet suddenly thought of something and said quickly.

Hearing this, Isa's eyes lit up.

"Great idea!"


Before Long could see it, he heard Witte's voice coming from behind, and Gedra couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Didn't that guy discover something?

Fortunately, his psychological quality is not weak, and there is no abnormality on his face.

"What's wrong?"

As he spoke, he looked towards the door, where Verte had just walked in.

Werther didn't know about Getra's thoughts.

Even if he knew it, at this time, he didn't have the heart to care about it.

"In a few days, Celine and the others may come back. I will go to the library to find Meier in a while. If they come back and I haven't come back yet, just ask them to wait."


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