Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1251 The Frozen Abyss! (I)

Witt looked at the scene in front of him with surprise. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly realized it.


He has placed the teleportation magic circle here for nearly two thousand years. It is normal that this place will be developed and become a, um... trade route.

What's more, this is a trade between two continents. The various magical materials, plants, minerals, etc. promoted by different environments are all very profitable.

And this theory was put forward by him to facilitate the operation of Boredia and ensure his own safety.

However, he forgot that there was such a thing.

Moreover, whether it is the Sky City or the Ice and Snow City, the development actions here are also silent. I think only some large tribes will know and participate in this matter.

Thinking of this, the scene in front of him instantly made a lot of sense.

Of course, Witt didn't care much about this kind of thing. In fact, he was very happy to see this scene.

Only when the continents gradually communicated with each other could some things hidden in the dark be exposed to the sun, such as the abyss!

However, when Witt looked in the direction of the Ice Mist Valley, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

This place should also be considered Ace's territory!

I hope Ace will not care about his territory becoming more and more lively.

As for these dragons...

Witt also knew that he didn't need to worry about anything. From the direction those dragons left, it can be seen that Ace's existence is not a secret.

When these dragons were exploring, they also deliberately avoided the north where Ace was.

After a glance around, Witt didn't plan to stay near the Ice Mist Valley. Coupled with the vague gazes around him, he flew directly to the north.

And Witt also noticed that when he made this move, there was a little commotion in the Ice Mist Valley.

Maybe he was afraid that he would alarm Ace, or maybe there were other reasons.

But these have nothing to do with Witt.

As for Ace...

Vette was not worried at all. The last time he came, Ace seemed to have fallen asleep due to the stimulation of Desidero.

It is said that a high-level dragon may wake up at any time.

Even if Ace wakes up, Viette is not worried.

Let alone the relationship between him and Nasha, Ace will not easily attack him just because of the breath of Desidero on him.

To be honest, Viette only knew that he had the breath of Desidero on him after communicating with Ace.

However, if the strength has not reached a certain level, it seems that this breath cannot be detected.

Without mentioning these, Viette went all the way north.

With the guidance of the cold current, Viette was not worried about getting lost, and this time he did not have to be as cautious as last time, afraid of finding the wrong place.

The cold current came out of the Frozen Abyss. As long as he flew against the cold current, he could reach the Frozen Abyss even if he closed his eyes.

And the Frozen Abyss was the only way for him to get to the Ice Bridge.

Speaking of the Frozen Abyss, to be honest, Witt was also quite interested in this place.

Of course, the Frozen Abyss here does not refer to the dragon's nest, but the place where the dragon's nest is located.

Witt had asked Boredia before about the area where the elemental laws can be observed more intuitively, and in the booklet that Boredia left him, the most surprising thing to him was actually the Fast Continent!

Among the elements of water, fire, darkness, wind, and thunder, five elemental laws are clearly manifested on the Fast Continent.

And the two elemental laws of wind and thunder are in the Sky City.

The law of thunder element appears once in the Sky City, and it lasts for half a day... That's right, what I'm referring to here is the sea of ​​thunder above the Sky City during the thunder season.

That's Gu Luo's gift to all the thunder dragons in the Sky City!

Unfortunately, in the Sky City, with Celine watching, Witt didn't dare to step into the sea of ​​thunder for 1,700 years, for fear that Celine would notice something.

The law of wind element appears in the Windy Hills during the wind season, and it also lasts for half a day. Yes, Witt has also been to this place, which is the cave where Oti and Mingbing made up for their own shortcomings.

However, Witt's mental power is not enough for him to detect the law of wind element that appears there.

The area where the law of fire element appears is also a place that Witt is familiar with.

The hot city!

The volcano where the Scorching City is located...what's its name? It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's deep in the lava of that volcano, where there is an obvious law of the fire element.

Let alone the dark element.

The reason why Reupes chose the underground world is because the dark element law is obvious there.

In addition, the water element law is the most obvious element law in the Fast Continent. The large ice field that occupies a large area of ​​the Fast Continent is the manifestation of the water element law.

And in the large ice field, the area with the highest degree of manifestation of the water element law is his current target location, the Frozen Abyss!

Moreover, not only the Fast Continent, but also the Frozen Abyss and even the entire dragon world, the area where the water element law is most obvious, which is why it has become a gathering place for water element-friendly dragons.

If it weren't for the fact that the ancient dragon nests were relatively exclusive, Witt would have wanted to live there for dozens or hundreds of years.

Speaking of which, Witt has quite a few places to visit on this trip to the Olivia continent.

Olivia has two places where the elemental laws appear.

One is in the west, where the light elemental law appears, and the other is in the deepest part of Olivia, which is also the center of Olivia, where the water and fire elemental laws appear.

The curse that Witt wants to break requires going to an ice valley in the eastern coastal area of ​​Olivia to find a white dragon named Waltergu.

Only by returning to the underwater laboratory with the head of the white dragon can the curse be broken.

In addition, what Witt is going to find may be the place where the war between the dragon's nest and the abyss broke out, which is also in the depths of Olivia, which is also the central area.

In other words, there are many places where Witt wants to go, the east, the center and the west of Olivia!

Fortunately, the area of ​​Olivia is much smaller than that of Fast.

Time passed slowly as Witt was struggling over where to start his journey to the Olivia Continent. The surrounding mountains were left behind one by one by Witt.

Even the ice valley where Ace was was treated the same way.

After crossing the ice valley, the surrounding mountains began to become sparse. In contrast, Witt also began to move northward in the more violent cold current.

At the same time, a dark blue line gradually appeared in Witt's field of vision. There was the frozen abyss that Witt was going to pass through...

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