Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1283 Fortunately...

Watching Witt leave, Fus stared at the dragon scale-shaped storage space floating in front of him, but his eyes were a little dull.

He was still thinking about what Witt had just said.

He knew Redek, and he had a good relationship with Poredia, and a good relationship with Witt.

He knew Meyer, and Witt always went to the library to find him.

He knew that they had already entered old age, and their breath, mental state, etc., these were all impossible to hide, but Fus didn't expect that the two dragons had already left.

No wonder Witt found this place.

"What you don't want is what they want but can't get..."

Muttering, Fus smiled bitterly, then retracted his complicated thoughts and turned his eyes to the storage space.

When he probed his mental power into it and saw what was inside, his face instantly turned cold.

There are many dragons in this world who have zero tolerance for dragon body alchemy, and Fusi is definitely one of them.

His own experience made him hate the technology of dragon body alchemy, even though his existence was given by this technology.


Taking a long breath, Fusi put away the "dragon scale".

Innate dragon beasts do not have reverse scale space, but with Poredia, he does not lack storage space. After all, this is an obvious feature of the dragon.

After putting away the "dragon scale", Fusi glanced in the direction where Witt left.

"Maybe... you are right, I should think about it carefully..."

Muttering in a low voice, Fusi flew towards the south.

After the farce was over, he had to go back to work. When he thought of his colleagues who had to spend more time sitting in front of the library because of his departure, Fusi couldn't help but feel a little sorry.

And his back as he flew to the south was actually a little more relaxed.


After Fusi left, this area that had been ravaged by absolute zero fell into complete silence.

For a long time in the future, there will be no trace of life here...

Okay, I said too much, it's easy to be embarrassed!

An inexplicable wave suddenly appeared above this area, and then a figure about a hundred meters long slowly emerged from the fluctuating space.

In the shining golden eyes, there was excitement.

"I thought it was a tough job, but I didn't expect to get an unexpected reward..."

While speaking, even though his eyes were full of excitement, he couldn't hide the indifference to life and the desire for power in his eyes.

Just when he subconsciously prepared to follow, suddenly, his movements paused, and then he thought for a while and took out a metal cube from his body.

"Go, bring him back!"

As soon as the voice fell, the metal cube turned into flying debris and disappeared in the flying snowflakes.

Then, the space around the dragon slowly fluctuated like ripples on the water, and as the fluctuations appeared, the dragon slowly disappeared.

However, what he didn't know was that this scene was seen by a pair of eyes hidden in the clouds.


Witt retracted his gaze, and a trace of relief emerged in his heart.

Fortunately, he was worried about Fuss and was afraid that the other party would make some impulsive choices, so he did not really leave, but sneaked back quietly after leaving Fuss's perception range.

Otherwise, he would not see this scene at all.

He actually did not notice that there was another pair of eyes around him.

Although he did not know how the other party monitored this area, in short, the meaning of this flying dragon's appearance was quite extraordinary.

The dead dark alchemist was not alone, or, to be more precise, the other party was also under the gaze of another, or even a group of dark alchemists.

Then the one who cooperated with the abyss was most likely not him, but the dragon or... organization behind him?

Witt was not sure, but what was certain was that the alchemy level of the newly discovered flying dragon was not clear for the time being, but its eyesight was really strong. The opponent's actions clearly showed that he had seen through Fuss's background.

Otherwise, how could a guy who was not even a legend suddenly track a purple crystal-level dragon.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt's mental power was fully fired up, and he tried his best to explore the surrounding situation.

Although the opponent seemed to have left, his spatial ability was still quite troublesome, and Witt knew this very well.

Therefore, when he thought of the space alchemy device that Billy gave him, which was destroyed by the indiscriminate attack of absolute zero, Witt couldn't help but feel distressed.

At the same time, he made up his mind that the next time he saw Billy, he must give him a full set of 180 sets.

Not to mention these.

Soon, the surrounding situation was explored clearly by Witt.

The dragon did leave.

However, because the other party showed an unknown detection method, Witt did not intend to enter that area again, but bypassed that area and chased in the direction where Fus left.

Although Fus's background meant that he was destined to become the best experimental case pursued by those dark alchemists, since he met him, he had no reason to ignore it.

However, the next time he saw Fus, he had to keep him away from the Olivia continent, a place full of dark alchemists.

Fusi has no magic, but the powerful physical body given by the innate dragon beast body makes his flying speed not slower than that of a dragon of the same level.

As for Fusi, who was focused on returning to the Sky City, his flying speed was quite fast.

But what surprised Werther was that the alchemy puppet sent by the dark alchemist was not much slower than Foss. It took him a lot of effort to catch up with the alchemy puppet.

There was no Fusi's aura within the sensing range, so Werther naturally had no reason to hesitate.

The gray-white magic circle flashed, and Witte, who transformed into a velociraptor form, caught up with the alchemy puppet in the blink of an eye, and then instantly transformed into a battle dragon form, and the thick and long dragon tail was drawn directly towards it.

Since he didn't know how far away Foss was, Witte didn't dare to use elemental power easily.

As for why 놚 kept it secret from Fusi.

Witte knew how much Foss hated the Dark Alchemist, otherwise, he would not have handed over the experimental materials directly to him.

If Foss knew that the dark alchemist was targeting him, he would definitely stay in Olivia and try to overthrow the alchemist.

As for the danger…

Fusi is dangerous.

He finally persuaded Foss to go back. How could he disturb Foss under such circumstances?

Werther's sudden jump was obviously not what the alchemy puppet had expected.

The other party even froze slightly.

But soon, the alchemy puppet reacted and began to absorb the surrounding elements...

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