Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1286 That's not right!


Werther suddenly realized something and frowned.

Judging from the opponent's aura, although the dragon is doing better, its strength is still only Amethyst.

How could an amethyst-level dragon take out at least two dark puppets with Metnulos alloy skeletons so easily?

Even if there is an organization behind 놆, it shouldn't be like this.

Werther frowned and looked at the metal cube floating on the table. He hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't choose to take the plunge.

With the existence of metal dragons, the material of Metnulos alloy is not a secret.

Even the material ratio is made public.

However, Metnoulos alloy requires special refining techniques. Without such techniques, the alloy directly forcibly fused will not even be as strong as the most widely circulated Halder alloy.

This is the essence of the magic crystal coin, which is the same as the dragon beast crystal core.

Dragon beast crystal cores are not suitable as currency, because even if they are the same kind of dragon beast, in the same realm, with the same strength of aura, the hunting methods are different, and the degree of resistance is different, the dragon beast crystal cores obtained are also different.

As currency itself, it is used to quantify the value of an item. If even currency cannot achieve unified standards, then how can we measure the value of an item.

Therefore, magic crystal coins are currency, and dragon beast crystal cores are only dragon beast crystal cores.

In the same way, Metnoulos alloy, which is refined by special techniques and has the ability to be hard, conduct magic, and fuse flesh and blood, can be fused together at will, just a piece of ordinary alloy.

Werther did not choose to speak, because he still wanted to study this thing.

The more powerful the elemental puppet is, the more precise its structure is. If it is bitten by it, the thing will be useless.

Of course, biting also requires skill. Generally, one bite from a dragon will only cause a mouth full of teeth to break!

But it doesn't matter, just because you can't bite it doesn't mean that Werther can't detect the authenticity.

He pulled his tail from behind and made a cut on it with the sharp knife. Then, Werther dripped blood on the metal cube.

After a few breaths, Werther let out a long sigh, and the excitement in his eyes dimmed a lot.

Not 놆metanolos alloy.

Real Metnoulos alloy will not show any rejection reaction when it comes into contact with flesh and blood, and may even have a tendency to fuse.

땤The piece of "Meternoulos Alloy" in Witte's hand showed obvious rejection as soon as the dragon's blood was dropped on it.

If nothing else, this should be an unexpected result of studying "Metnoulos Alloy".

In terms of strength, it has already surpassed the Yaqfrey alloy, but I don't know how different it is from the real Metnoulos alloy.

Although Werther was a little disappointed, he was not too disappointed.

The light is stronger than the strength of Yaqfrey alloy, which is considered a good gain for Witte.

There are many dragons who have studied Metnoulos Alloy, but this is the first time that Witte has seen someone who has studied Metnoulos Alloy to this extent. Before that, the derivatives of Metnoulos Alloy that he encountered were even Halder Alloys. Not as good as anything.

Suddenly, Werther's expression changed.

No, I don’t have time to think about these things now. I can research alloys anytime. But if Foss was taken away, then he was really taken away!

After reacting, Werther quickly continued flying towards the south.

Although he solved the dark puppet faster than expected, he wasted a lot of time in order to keep the dark puppet. He just hoped that Foss would hold on!


There was a loud noise and Foss flew backwards, but he quickly regained his balance.

Fusi frowned, looking at the elemental puppet opposite that was made entirely of ice, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Although the collision just now seems to be evenly matched, don't forget that the elemental puppet is best at magic, but he only knows one dragon breath.

Of course, the biggest question is... why!

This time when he came to the Olivia continent, except for the few abyss believers, he didn't remember that he had provoked any other enemies. Why was he attacked when he returned?

After thinking about it for a moment, after ruling out some possibilities, Foss had to admit that there was a high probability that he was being targeted by the dark alchemist.

Just as Foss was thinking about this, his expression suddenly changed.

The wings behind his back fluttered, and he quickly raised his body.

At the same time, ice roared one after another, like ordinary stones, and was frantically thrown towards this side by the elemental puppet on the opposite side.

Faced with the overwhelming forbidden spells, Foss could only try to avoid them.

While hiding, try to get closer to the elemental puppet.

Since his only long-range method was breathing, he could only get close to the elemental puppet and look for an opportunity to destroy it.

To be honest, Foss felt a little regretful at this time.

I regret why I didn’t practice properly.

Although elemental magic is not possible, 놆shaping magic does not require the response of external elements. He can completely become stronger through this aspect.

Of course, he is not afraid of death, he is afraid that his body will be lost to the dark alchemist.

For him, who has zero tolerance for dragon body alchemy, this is more uncomfortable than death.

Thinking of this, a flash of determination flashed in Fusi's eyes.

The dark alchemist's teeth are in front of him, and he doesn't want to die like this, but if it doesn't work...


꺗놆After a fierce collision, a trace of bitterness flashed in Fusi's eyes.

Well, he really couldn't do anything with this thing.

He glanced to the northwest, and in the blizzard, another elemental puppet was staring at him.

This also stopped him from escaping.

Once he left his back to the two elemental puppets, it would be equivalent to giving up the hope of survival.

Now he could only fight and retreat, and see if he could hold on to the sphere of influence of the Frozen Abyss.

Just as Fus was thinking this, a magic circle suddenly lit up on the body of another elemental puppet, and it also rushed towards the battlefield.

Fus was a little surprised.

He suddenly couldn't figure out what the other party was doing.

If they were going to work together, why didn't they just go together at the beginning?

If there was an accident, what kind of accident would make the other party make such a choice?

You know, going together is not all bad for him.

Although the pressure on the enemy increased, as long as he withstood the initial offensive, he would have a chance to leave.

Thinking this way, Fusi also cheered up and showed off his flying skills with all his strength. His huge body shuttled between the forbidden spells, trying to find an opportunity to break through the status quo.

Suddenly, Fusi's eyes lit up.

Although he didn't know why, the crazy attack of the two elemental puppets was eventually deviated.

The forbidden spells of the two elemental puppets collided with each other.

Just when Fusi was about to take advantage of this opportunity to approach one of the elemental puppets again, he subconsciously hesitated because of a sudden palpitation.

Just this hesitation made Fusi really realize the seriousness of the problem...

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