Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1299 Take it back and make Billy jealous!

In a cave covered by ice, Werther lay motionless on the ice.

Of course, he didn't fall asleep.

Werther's eyes widened and he stared at his paws. On his paws, a thin space crack was trembling.

It is said to be trembling, but in fact it is the cracked space trying to close again, and 땤Witt is 놇NU꺆 maintaining the existence of this space crack.

As time passes little by little, the existence of the space crack becomes more and more stable.

The concepts of the space rift created by space tearing, the space rift torn apart by the space transition process, and the space rift that Witte is trying to stabilize at this time are different.

The space jump mastered by Witte, and the space rift created by this process, should be more accurately called a space channel, which emphasizes stability and precise positioning.

The space cracks caused by the space tearing rules pay more attention to the chaos inside the space cracks. The more chaotic the space, the stronger the power.

The space gap maintained by Werther at this time has the characteristics of the first two, but is slightly different from the first two.

This space gap not only requires precise positioning and stability, but also needs to have strong penetrability to break through some relatively stable spaces.

For example, each individual can be regarded as a space, and its own strength is the strength of the space.

The intensity of this space may be stronger than the surrounding space, or may be weaker than the surrounding space.

For example, Wert's physical body is weaker than the surrounding space.

Under normal circumstances, only legendary level dragons can have physical bodies that are almost as strong as the surrounding space.

This is why experiments involving space are relatively dangerous.

If you want to reach the inside of an individual with relatively high intensity, you need to use space to strengthen the surrounding space that has been broken to break the individual for the second time.

땤This process 껩 is the principle of the space tearing rule.

Of course, it sounds simple, but it is not necessarily possible to do it. Otherwise, Werther would have mastered the rules of space tearing long ago.

땤Now, let alone the rules of space tearing, it is just the rules of space tearing and space jump rules. The space skills combined under these two systems, 껥Witt has mastered the rules of space jump, spent two days. After some time, this will bear fruit.

Of course, it is said to be a space skill. In fact, if this skill can be developed, it is actually a space rule.

It's still a space rule that Meier has never mastered - space piercing!

Of course, Werther is still self-aware.

He is not prepared to study other space rules other than space jump.

After all, there are still so many rules waiting for him to learn!

He doesn't have time to spend on this.

He can master the space piercing technique in two days, but if the rules of space piercing are changed, he may not have a clue.

Not to mention anything else, just calculating the time, it still took him about 1,500 years to truly master the space jump with the help of Boredia and Meier, two masters who had mastered the space jump. rule.

Regardless of these, looking at the spatial cracks that were gradually stabilizing, Witte's eyes finally showed a smile.

"That's it!"

Muttering, Werther then stood up, moved his body a little, and then turned his attention to the mechanical puppet that was still in a frozen state.

It’s time to get started!

As far as it's just a skill, as for the mental consumption, it's almost the same as an ordinary forbidden spell.

So, no rest is needed this time.

As for how ordinary forbidden spells can break through the double-layer defense of eternal freezing ice and dark alloy...

I have just mentioned the principle of this technique. It essentially relies on the power of the surrounding space, so the consumption of Werther himself is not very large.

Standing in front of the mechanical puppet, Witte stared at the mechanical puppet, and his mind automatically began to analyze the core position of the mechanical puppet.

With experience in demolishing five mechanical puppets, Witte quickly locked onto the core of the puppets.

Then, he raised his paw, activated the space rules 꺆, and condensed 놇 on his fingertips.

Then, his fingertips pulled down sharply, and a spatial crack opened in front of the mechanical puppet, allowing Witte's claws to enter.

Witte stared at the crack with a solemn expression, and the law of space was continuously injected into it from his fingertips, trying to stabilize the space crack.

Suddenly, an aura that disgusted the dragon emitted from the crack in space.

Werther's eyes narrowed.

That’s right now!

The claws quickly sank into the space rift, grabbed the thing inside, and then pulled it out. At the same time, the space rift closed quickly.


With a long breath, Werther looked at his paws and the smooth and flat incisions, feeling thankful in his heart.

Luckily, it was just my fingernail that was cut.

This thing will grow out very quickly.

In comparison…

Witte looked at the cube core exuding a strong abyssal atmosphere on his paw, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and then he couldn't wait to walk aside, ready to study it.

Of course, he did not forget the mechanical puppet body, and conveniently put away the eternal ice.

Without the restraints of the eternal ice, the mechanical puppet without any scars on its body suddenly collapsed to the ground, and then turned into metal fragments all over the ground.

When you focus on one thing, time always passes quickly!

Moreover, from the exclamation that flashed from time to time in Witt's eyes, it can be seen that the alchemical magic circle on the core of this puppet is definitely of great use to him.

Therefore, this research will take another month.

The blizzard that has been raging outside the cave has gradually become intermittent. Calculating the time, the "night" is indeed about to pass.

Suddenly, a sound of metal friction came from the cave that day.

Witt looked at the mechanical puppet standing in front of him, which was made of dark alloy all over, and a satisfied look flashed in his eyes.

Of course, Witt was not attacked again. This was not a new captive. It was an improved mechanical puppet driven by elements based on the mechanical puppet that Witt captured.

Witt "borrowed" the energy eruption devices and breath tracking modules of those mechanical puppets, and then updated the combat modules of the mechanical puppets with his own combat data.

It can be said that in terms of melee combat capabilities, this mechanical puppet is only a little more flexible than Witt.

"Tsk tsk, it's finally done. When the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast comes, I'll bring it back to Billy to show him and stimulate him."

Before Witt left the Sky City, Witt had not seen a stronger mechanical puppet than this one at Billy's place. Uh... Of course, the main reason is that Billy doesn't have metal materials of the level of dark alloy.

Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help but laugh.


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