Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1304 I should be quite familiar with him...

Chapter 1304 You should be familiar with him...

Seeing Betty silent, Witt turned and said, "You just asked, what is this."

As he said that, Witt raised the puppet core in his claws.

"This is the core of those puppets just now. The power from the abyss is harmful to the entire dragon world. It needs to be cleared away by elemental power.

And what you are doing now is this.

However, whether it is the dark alchemist or the abyss, it is still too far for you, let's not talk about these for now.

Tell me, why are you hiding in that bush?"

As he said that, Witt looked at Betty with some curiosity.

It is not a very strange thing that there is only one young dragon in a whole dragon nest.

Just like the dragon nest of Reupes, which requires legendary high-ranking strongmen to search the world for dragon eggs, there will often be a situation where no baby dragon is born for hundreds of years.

But the dragon nest with flying dragons is different.

And the fact is that when Witt was dealing with the corpses of those dragons, he had already found the fate of those baby dragons. Well... it was no different from the fate of adult dragons. They were all killed.

This is also normal. Compared with the baby dragons that have begun to grow, dragon eggs are the best experimental materials.

It is also because of this that Witt is curious about why Betty can survive.

According to his observation, the academy where baby dragons gather is the focus of the mechanical puppets, which Witt can understand.

Because only by controlling the baby dragons, the dragon nest will not easily choose to retreat.

Therefore, once the war spreads to the inside of the dragon nest, the baby dragon hatching place and the baby dragon education place are often the most guarded.

Betty was one of the few dragons who did not stay in the dragon training center when the war started.

As for the other dragons who were in the same situation as Betty, their luck was far worse than hers. They were all affected by the battle and did not even leave a complete corpse.

Hearing Witt's question, Betty's eyes flashed with sadness, and then she lowered her head silently.

Witt saw this and retracted his gaze.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk, don't talk. I'm just curious and don't mean to force you."

At this time, Betty opened her mouth.

"Yesterday's alchemy class, I said before that I was not interested in alchemy, so I sneaked out of the academy with a few of my companions.

Unexpectedly, not long after I ran out, I..."

As she spoke, Betty's voice trembled more and more until she could no longer speak.

Witt nodded, then looked at Betty.

"You are really lucky."


After a moment of silence, Betty suddenly said, "I actually hope I am unlucky..."

Witt's claws paused for a moment.

"Don't say that. Life is precious. If you die, you are really dead. If you live... at least you can get revenge!"

Witt could feel that Betty was serious about what she said just now.

So, he decided to give her a reason to live, even if this reason would make her live in hatred and pain, but...

She would have the courage to live, no!

Of course, Witt didn't think that living was more important than anything else. At least in his opinion, freedom came before life.

But it was also because of this that Witt gave Betty a reason to live.

She was still alive, she was just a young dragon, and it was hard for her to accept this misfortune for no reason. She felt that living would be more painful, which was very common.

But this was only temporary after all.

The life span of a flying dragon was not very long, but that was also compared to a giant dragon.

Giving up her future life because of such an encounter was irresponsible for her own life, and this reason for seeking death was worse than Fus's reason for seeking death.

"Revenge... Yes, revenge!"

Hearing Witt's words, Betty was stunned for a moment, and then, a ray of light gradually bloomed in her originally dim eyes.

Becoming stronger and revenge became the driving force that supported her to continue living.

But how to become stronger?

Betty's eyes subconsciously fell on Witt, and a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. If the giant dragon in front of her was willing to teach her knowledge and magic, then...

Suddenly, Betty thought of something, and the hope in her eyes turned into uneasiness.

"You are going to..."

"How to arrange you... I guess, this is the question you just wanted to ask."

Speaking of this, Witt thought for a while, and then said: "Sending you to another dragon's nest is a good choice for both you and me.

It just so happens that I met a snow-armored dragon from the earth dragon's nest some time ago.

I should be quite familiar with him..."

Thinking of the experience some time ago, Witt's eyes flashed with hesitation, but soon became firm again.

"Well, I know him well, he should be happy..."

While talking, Witt accidentally caught a glimpse of Betty's eyes, then subconsciously stopped, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"You don't want to follow me, do you?"

Betty's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she nodded quickly.

"You are very strong. If I follow you, I should also be able to become stronger and report to the owner of the Dragon Nest. You can deliver those dragon eggs to other dragon nests, but I don't want to follow you."

Hearing this, a trance flashed in Witt's eyes, and then he shook his head in Betty's gaze.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm not going to take you with me.

As you can see, there are many disputes between me and those dark alchemists.

In addition, what I will do next is very dangerous, not much easier than fighting against dark alchemists.

Following you is not good for you, and it is not good for me either.

The earth dragon nest where Dimos is located is not weak, and is guarded by legendary strongmen, and the earth dragon has a gentle personality. After knowing your situation, it should be happy to accept you.


Okay, let's not talk about this , I am busy cleaning up these abyss forces here, so I won’t say anything more to you.

You can move freely, but try not to leave this area.

There is a problem with the mechanical puppet, and the dark alchemist behind it may continue to send mechanical puppets. You are too fragile. If you want to report an error, just stay in the cave honestly.

When these abyss forces are completely cleared, I will take you to the earth dragon’s nest. "

After that, Witt stopped talking and closed his eyes, mobilizing his elemental forces with all his strength.

Seeing this, Betty could only pray and swallow the words that came to her lips. After staying in place for a while, she silently flew towards the inside of the cave. Outside the cave... it was really cold!

After Betty left, Witt opened his eyes, sighed, and closed them again.

Outside, the last snowstorm before the "day" arrives...

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