Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1314 A qualified prey...

Go west and enter the heart of the Olivia continent, go east and continue the previous plan to find the white dragon...

Actually, either of these two options is fine.

With the existence of the anti-breath tracking magic circle, it will be difficult for the other party to track him unless they meet again.

And this place is only a few days away from the ice valley where he stopped before, so Witt decided to change back to the original plan.

Besides, the previous choice to go to the central area of ​​the continent was just a stopgap measure.

Now that he has temporarily gotten rid of the pursuer, it is natural to do things on which side is closer first.

Of course, while leaving, Witt did not forget to explore the surroundings.

The other party's recovery from injuries may not be much slower than his, and he does not want to be chased by a legendary dragon that knows some of his trump cards.

Fortunately, he recovered faster.

After confirming that there was no trace of the other party around, Witt left the area and flew in the direction of the space anchor point.

A few days passed in a flash!

With no problem with his own condition, after reaching the area where the ice valley was located, Witt immediately approached the ice valley carefully.


The sky at night, which was extremely gloomy due to the blizzard, became even more weird under the purple light emitted by the black sun.

However, Witt, who had been in the Olivia continent for a while, had long been accustomed to this kind of environment and atmosphere.

In the sky, Witt approached the ice valley in front little by little.

Under the blizzard, visibility was not high.

Fortunately, Witt was not looking at anything.

He pulled his perception to the highest level, holding the emergency teleportation magic circle prepared in advance in his claws.

Witt did not think that he had the ability to directly use space jump in front of a high-level legend.

And the emergency teleportation magic circle could give him a little buffer time.

This is also the reason why Witt did not choose to force his way into the ice valley when the water dragon stared at him.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ice valley, Witt couldn't help holding his breath.

Flying closer and closer... Flying closer and closer...

Suddenly, a strange and powerful breath came from the snowflakes floating around.

Dragon territory!

Witt's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he activated the emergency teleportation magic circle without hesitation.

Then his right claw slashed fiercely, and the space in front of him instantly tore a space crack, but Witt did not step in.

Because he noticed that there was no burst of strange dragon breath in the direction of the ice valley.

Not home?

Wild dragons attach great importance to their own territories.

Once other dragons step into their territory, those with better tempers will directly burst out their breath as a warning, and those with worse tempers will directly spit out their breath to serve.

But now, the ice valley in front is still quiet, with only the whistling cold wind and the falling snow.

Witt hesitated for a moment, smoothed the space crack, and then flew around the ice valley towards the endless sea. After passing the endless sea in the east of the ice valley, he went in.

The location where Witt chose to stay was also quite particular, just outside the perception range of the legendary high-ranking strongman.

Of course, at this distance, if the other party has other ideas, Witt can't sense it.

But as long as the other party moves and the target is him, he will definitely be alarmed. This is the spontaneous reaction of the weak body when the strong is watching the weak.

Now, this reaction has become the basis for Witt to judge the other party's state.

As for why he changed his position...

Don't forget, there is still a giant water dragon looking for him!

If the other party chooses to check the place where he stayed in the past with a try-and-see attitude, and he continues to stay there, then it will be a big trouble.

So, this position must be changed.

And the reason for choosing the Endless Sea is that the environment of the Endless Sea can better allow him to get rid of the attacks that may come at any time.

Entering the sea, anyway, Witt does not rely on his eyes and mental power to determine the information he wants, he directly sinks to the bottom of the sea and waits quietly.

The hunting of dragons is very patient, so Witt, who is in the position of the hunted at this time, must have stronger patience than the hunter.

Time passed little by little, because Witt restrained all his breath, the dragon beasts in the sea only thought he was a strangely shaped reef.

Gradually, the dragon beasts began to move around Witt.

The sand and bottom mud raised by the dragon beasts in the water gradually covered Witt, making him look more like a real reef.

On the sixth day when Witt was camouflaged on the reef, a spiritual force swept over.

Witt's heart moved.

It was the giant water dragon. The other party did not give up. After his injury improved, he immediately began to look for his traces around.

However, because Witt had restrained all his breath and the anti-breath tracking magic circle was always open, the other party's spiritual force only swept over his body and did not find his existence.

And what happened later made Witt admire this giant water dragon.

Every ten days or so, the other party's spiritual force would sweep over his body, and this situation lasted for ten years.

In other words, the other party spent a full year in order to prevent him from hiding in place.

However, this behavior of the other party also made Werther more sure of his previous conjecture. The dragon entrenched in the ice valley was really out of this world.

If it were the 놇 family, even if the water element dragon had not invaded his territory, the other party would not have allowed a legendary level dragon to linger in front of his house for 꾉 years.

However, Werther still did not move.

The water element dragon was too cautious, which made Werther cautious too, fearing that the other party would still stay where he was, waiting for him to appear.

Therefore, after not feeling the other party's spiritual power for several consecutive years, Witte decided to continue taking action.

On the dim bottom of the sea, a reef covered with sand, water plants, and cuticles left by Croydramon suddenly began to tremble.

The sudden movement startled the living water dragon beasts around, and quickly moved away, bringing up a large amount of sand.

In the turbid sea water that was disturbed by the water dragon beast, a pair of shining golden eyes suddenly opened.

Then, the huge rock floated up.

As the sand peeled off, a huge body covered with silver dragon scales gradually emerged from the fallen sand.

Then, Werther quickly swam out of the turbid seawater around him and glanced at the turbid seawater behind him with disgust. He didn't hate sand, but he hated turbid or viscous liquids.

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