Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 132 Left!

Okay, this is just a joke.

The dragon blood contained in the dragon eggs of young dragons is the key to the growth of the dragon nest of Abei Dragon Beast.

Just such a giant dragon nest, I don’t know how many dragon eggs of young dragons have been harmed, and it has reached the current level.

What, why not attack adult dragons?

That also requires this strength!

Although the giant dragon nest is a scene that covers the sky and the sun as soon as it appears, if it really faces an adult dragon, the mother dragon doesn’t know how many batches it will change.

This time it just happened that Desidero didn’t wake up.

If Desidero was awake, regardless of whether he left or not, this giant dragon nest would definitely not survive.

Witt swayed in the air for a while, and saw that there was still no Abei Dragon Beast.

After a slight hesitation, he flew downwards.

Of course, he didn’t go back to the back of the waterfall, but to find the Abei Dragon Beast herd.

Compared with the visible and tangible dangers, Witt is more worried about the invisible dangers.

So, he must find out the situation of this giant dragon's nest.

After flying at low altitude for a while, Witt finally understood why Desidero decided to leave here in his sleep.

The vegetation and other things were not damaged too much. Only on the battlefield, due to the elemental magic, the area of ​​nearly 100 miles was destroyed.

Especially Albert's forbidden spell caused a fatal blow to the surrounding vegetation.

In addition, most of the super-small dragon beasts, that is, dragon beasts with a body size of less than one meter, have no problem and have begun to come out from their hiding places.

However, including small dragon beasts, dragon beasts with a body size of more than one meter have all disappeared!

There is no need to think about it, they are probably all nutrients for the dragon's nest.

For an area like this, Witt can't even imagine how large the area is covered.

He even suspected that there were only a few super-small dragon beasts left in the entire Isu Plain.

In such an ecological environment, it would be difficult for a large dragon nest like Desidero, which has about 10,000 resident dragons, to survive, even a small nest with only a few hundred dragons.


It took Witt nearly ten days to fly south, and now he saw the mountains in the south, which meant that he had arrived at the southernmost end of the Isu Plain.

Along the way, as he guessed, he couldn't find a dragon beast over one meter long.

Witt could only continue to endure hunger and rely on swallowing nutrients to maintain his growth.

As for those super-small dragon beasts, although there was meat, it was too little for Witt, and the Isu Plain was already miserable enough.

When he came to the southernmost end of the Isu Plain, Witt finally found something.

He found the figure of the Abeyi dragon beast.

But soon, Witt realized that something was wrong.

The strength of these Abei dragon beasts is only at the black iron level, not even bronze, but these dragon beasts are clearly in adult form.

땤When Witt discovered these dragon beasts, these Abei dragon beasts also discovered Witt's traces.

As expected, these Abei dragon beasts rushed directly towards Witt.

At the same time, a large number of densely packed Abei dragon beasts flew over from a distance. Well... well, Witt roughly estimated that there were only tens of thousands of them, not even a small dragon nest.

Of course, this is for adult dragons. For a young dragon like Witt, tens of thousands of Abei dragon beasts still give him a headache.

Fortunately, these dragon beasts are not very strong.

A gray-white magic circle rose from Witt's feet, and then passed through Witt's body, and Witt's appearance began to change.

놌The same as when he dealt with those Abei dragon beasts before.

Witt named this state of "sharp" magic applied to the whole body as the sword dragon form, which means that the whole body is like a sharp knife.

Moreover, although the other two shaping magics cannot cover the whole body, Witt has already thought of the names, one is the shield dragon form, and the other is the speed dragon form.

Witt, who became the sword dragon form, ignored the attacking Abei dragon beast and flew in the direction where the other party came before.

Now it seems that the giant dragon nest is no longer here.

These Abei dragon beasts may be the seeds left by the other party.

Regarding the sudden appearance and sudden departure of the other party, Witt has already guessed it in his mind, and only the final verification is left.

This group of weak Abei dragon beasts rushed towards Witt, which was completely a suicide act. Witt didn't even deliberately attack them.

Just a normal flight is already a fatal danger to those Abei dragon beasts close to Witt.

Soon, Witt came to the place where the group of dragon beasts came out despite the suicidal attack of the dragon beast group.

There is a huge, regular circular open space here.

Seeing this open space, Witt secretly said, "Sure enough."

That giant dragon nest came here through the space transmission.

As Desidero left, he hid behind the waterfall. There were no dragon eggs worth staying here, so these guys teleported away directly.

After confirming this, a solemn look flashed in Witt's eyes.

The dragon beast is not completely without wisdom.

The stronger the strength, the higher the intelligence. Even after the breakthrough to the legendary level, the dragon beast can have complete wisdom.

Dragon beasts definitely won't use magic arrays. In this case, there is a great possibility that there is a dragon mother in this dragon nest that has mutated into a space attribute.

This is not impossible, on the contrary, it is very likely!

The blood of dragon beasts is far more complicated than that of dragons, and the number is also the same, so the possibility of mutant individuals is also greater.

Therefore, among the dragons, only Desidero is born with space attributes, but among dragon beasts, there are many races with space attributes.

This is what the teacher told him.

땤 He also knew that the silver-white magic arrays on the teacher's wings were all space magic arrays.

The magic solution of space attribute 놌dragon beast core뀞, but it is the teacher's treasure, and he only showed it to him a few times.땤 These things come from some dragon beasts with space attributes.

Space dragon beasts are hard to come by and even harder to catch!

But the magic solution made from their blood has the longest storage time among all attributes.

Thinking of this, a trace of regret flashed in Witt's eyes.

Unfortunately, his strength is not enough.

With this in mind, Witt took a deep look at the circular open space, and then his eyes turned to the mountain next to the open space.

The mountain had been dug into holes, like a huge beehive.

If nothing unexpected happened, the inside of the mountain had been hollowed out.

The Abeyi dragon beasts that he had ignored came from that mountain.

Looking at the mountain, a dangerous light flashed in Witt's eyes.

He had sworn before that he would not spare any Abeyi dragon beasts he encountered.

He was powerless against a giant dragon nest, but he could still do it with a little effort against a dragon nest that was not even small.

In addition, he wanted to eat meat...

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