Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1318 A battle of wits and courage!


A crisp sound, the sound of thin ice breaking, was not very conspicuous in the increasingly lively woods. At most, it would alert the nearby activities of Grabidramons (beetles).

The mechanical puppet that created this movement stood on the spot and glanced around.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual around him, he entered a cave nearby, which was made of thick tree roots intertwined.

After a period of rustling and rubbing sounds, the surroundings returned to calm again.

Standing high in the sky, Witte saw everything happening below.


Witte frowned.

The mechanical puppets he dealt with before were about a hundred meters in size, but the mechanical puppet just now could barely get into the cave.

In other words, if he doesn't shrink his body, he won't be able to get in.

In addition, although he possesses detection magic.

But this kind of magic has always been wary of its existence, not to mention that the other party still cannot see the light of the dark alchemist.

Witte thought for a moment, and then took out the breath tracking magic array and some puppet core fragments that he had reserved before.

Cut off the 놅꽮 element breath from the fragments and inject it into the breath tracking magic circle...

Soon, several light points appeared in Werther's mind. They felt like activated spatial anchors, and they appeared very clearly in front of Werther.

This is the effect of this breath tracking magic circle.

"One, two... there are ten alchemy puppets in total, which is a bit small!"

Werther murmured, and soon found an alchemy puppet with a unique action pattern among these alchemy puppets. The distance between him and Werther was not very far.


Witte glanced at the tree root cave, then turned to look at the direction in which the mechanical puppet came.

"He even made some noise, so you're quite cautious!"

Witte sneered, turned around, followed the movements of the alchemy puppet, and continued tracking. This should be the mechanical puppet he was tracking before.

Following the winding and circling movement pattern of the mechanical puppet, Witte was basically certain that there was a complex crypt system beneath the woods.

Thinking of this, Witte continued to track the mechanical puppet while paying attention to the other alchemy puppets.

There are generally only a few ways to form a complex crypt system.

Underground water sources, wind-eroded caves, volcanic activity, and biological activities.

Witte himself has an affinity for fire, so he immediately ruled out the possibility of volcanic activity.

Although the climate change in Olivia Continent is huge, the wind here is not very strong. What's more, the wind-eroded caves are actually very noisy.

Therefore, the possibility of wind-eroded caves can be ruled out.

It snows at night and melts during the day. Special climate conditions, and 꼐Olivia꺶lu that is not a very common surface water source. Combining the two, it is not difficult to guess that Olivia 꺶lu 놅underwater system It should be relatively rich.

In extreme climates, some dragon beasts are actually not suitable for living on the ground. As a result, biological activities are likely to be concentrated underground.

From these aspects, the underground water source and biological activities forming the burrow system are not possible.

And these two crypt systems have the same characteristics.

That is, it is connected in all directions and has many entrances and exits!

If he is a dark alchemist hiding in such a crypt system, the entrances and exits must be strictly controlled.

So, in this case...

Soon, several alchemy puppets with limited range of activities became the focus of Werther's attention.


Suddenly, Werther stopped, then frowned, and he followed the mechanical puppet to a stop.

After waiting for a moment, Werther's frown deepened.

The mechanical puppet changed its action mode and switched to patrol mode.


Werther sighed, and then his brows widened again.

It is not difficult to guess that this should be the completion of the task handover.

As for the handover object, it is either the dark alchemist or an alchemy puppet using other natural magic items as the core of the puppet.

Moreover, the probability is the latter.

After all, if he wants to occupy such a huge crypt system with peace of mind, he will definitely have more than ten alchemy puppets.

Slightly irritated, Witte flicked his tail, and his target turned to those alchemy puppets with limited range of movement.

These places are most likely entrances and exits.

To be honest, if he didn't want to survive, Werther would have wanted to give this place an ice burial. Absolute Zero might be...

Thinking of this, Werther grinned, a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

Let him go to such trouble to find this guy. When he finds this guy, he will have to deal with this guy.

As for cruelty...

Haha, a group of guys who don't take dragon's life seriously can't be more cruel. What's more, Witte is a giant dragon, and talking about cruelty with a giant dragon... Haha!

While thinking about how to torture this dark alchemist, Witte looked at all the selected locations.

But unfortunately, Werther was not very lucky this time.

When choosing a location, either the entrance is too 께, or it is not the entrance at all.

Back to the sky above the cave formed by the tree roots at the beginning, Witt looked down with a frown.

This is the smallest one he found at the entrance.

Could it be that he really had to shrink his body?

Witt was very unhappy in his heart, but this matter was very important and related to his subsequent plans.


With a sigh, the fierce light in Witt's eyes became more fierce, but he put away the air-breaking thorn and began to shrink his body.

He was forced to sacrifice himself for the plan, and the guy inside deserved to die!

Since he chose to shrink his body, Witt no longer hesitated and simply shrank his body to the smallest, which was the form of a young dragon that had just hatched, about one meter long.

However, for Witt, although he shrunk to about one meter, he was completely different from when he was just born.

Just when Witt's eyes flashed with ferocity and he was about to go down directly, he suddenly froze for a moment.

Then, Witt measured himself up and down.

After thinking for a while, he turned off the "night light" on his chest and looked at the gray-white dragon scales without a trace of metallic luster in the sunken part of his chest.

A slightly absurd plan emerged in Witt's mind.

At this time, he was a silver dragon that had just hatched after a failed mutation!

If he appeared in the territory of a dark alchemist with this image, what kind of action would the other party take...

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes became brighter and brighter.

After throwing away his majesty, he seemed to have opened a new world!


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