Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1323 Dark Alchemy Organization!

Egbert...dragon...dark alchemist...

Hearing Garriel's description, the corners of Witt's mouth twitched.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence!

The image of a dragon emerged in Witt's mind, the water element dragon that had been staring at him before.

The existence of the dark alchemist.

Even on the Olivia continent, although Witt kept talking about the dark alchemy organization, he knew very well that there were more than a hundred dragons in this organization.

Not to mention the dragons!

I've heard before that there are only two reasons why a dragon will become a dark alchemist. One is that it is incomplete and not satisfied with the current situation, and the other is that it has not lived enough and wants to continue living.

Of these two types, the second type is more common.

Most of these types of dragon dark alchemists have already fallen into a semi-crazy state in order to survive. Let's not talk about whether they will join the dark alchemist organization. Even if they want to join, the organization dare not accept them!

One day, the members of the organization may become the alchemy materials of the other party.

This is not alarmist.

Then, in this way, the number of dragon dark alchemists in this dark alchemy organization is at most one.

Thinking of this, Witt asked with a glimmer of hope: "This Egbert you are talking about, he should not be a legendary water element dragon..."

Well, looking at Garriel's expression of "so you already know", Witt no longer needs to ask.

Sure enough, he rarely has bad luck.

Especially in terms of making enemies.

Being stared at by many abyss legends is fine, but he finally offended a dragon legend who can move freely in the dragon world.

Although Egbert's strength is not very strong, this guy is the dragon who invented the Egbert alloy.

This alone has given Witt a headache.

It is obvious that the Egbert alloy is the metal he calls the dark alloy.

The Killer is the mechanical puppet that once hunted him.

And according to Gabriel, the Killer has been regarded as a commodity by Egbert in the Dark Alchemy Organization and sold in large quantities.

This also means that Egbert has a large number of such puppets.

After his attack, the opponent will never treat him as an ordinary purple crystal-level dragon again.

In this way, this time, it was his best chance to kill the opponent.

And such an opportunity will never come again.

On the contrary, he will face the pursuit of a dragon who is quite famous in the Dark Alchemy Organization.

Fame is sometimes very troublesome.

Witt might become a bargaining chip for Egbert and other dark alchemists.

Thinking of this, Witt also felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Becoming a legend is the key to his breakthrough!

Uh... Of course, you can also pat your butt and leave Olivia now.

Just as Witt was thinking about this, his brows suddenly frowned.

"Wait, what word did you just say... fate?"

Witt always felt that this word seemed to have been seen somewhere.

Hearing Witt's question, Gabriel said: "Fate is the name of the dark alchemist organization. Breaking the shackles of fate is their goal of action."

Hearing this, Witt's mind became clear.

I thought about it!

The first dark alchemist he faced in Olivia was the unlucky guy who couldn't survive absolute zero.

In the research materials he found from the other party, the word "fate" was written in the column of the experimenter.

Witt didn't understand what this meant before.

It turns out that "fate" is the name of this organization!

"Break the shackles of fate... hehe..."

Witt sneered.

This ideal sounds quite reasonable, but in order to break their own fate, they sacrifice the fate of other dragons. The selfishness of these dark alchemists can be said to be vividly interpreted.

"Don't underestimate this organization."

At this time, Garril's voice sounded again.

Hearing this, Witt looked at Garril with interest.

"It sounds like you know something about this organization?"

Garril nodded, with a complicated expression on his face. Obviously, this is a dragon with a story.

Witt likes dragons with stories the most.

He glanced at the elemental puppet leading the way ahead, and saw that the underground passage still couldn't be seen at the end, so he cast his eyes on Garriel again.

"We have time, don't mind listening to your story!"

Hearing this, Garriel couldn't help but cough dryly, and then looked at Witt with a strange look.

He is worthy of being a dragon with a changeable temperament.

Since they met, he has seen many faces of the other party.

Cunning, majestic, intelligent, and thoughtful, and now... Gua!

Thinking so in his heart, Garriel knew that he actually had no room for refusal.

After slightly organizing his words, Garriel said: "Since you are from other continents, your understanding of the Olivia continent should be limited to rumors!"

Witt nodded, it was true.

"So what do you know about the Olivia continent?"

Hearing this, Witt said without hesitation: "Chaos!"


Galil paused for a moment, then continued: "Yes, it is chaos, but what you don't know is that there is order in this chaos."


Witt became interested.

"What does this mean?"

"Olivia continent, like its climate, also has two sides, the underground world and the underground world.

And this distinction between the underground and the underground also has two sides.

The underground and the underground world on the surface, as their names suggest, have a strong temperature difference, which causes most dragons and dragon beasts to live underground. Only a small number of dragons that can adapt to the surface environment will live underground.

The activities of dragon beasts and dragons have formed an underground world called Sut'el underground, which is the chaotic core of Olivia continent.

Similarly, there is also a core of order there.

As long as you follow some well-defined rules, It is certain that you can live safely in it with a high probability. This is the surface Sut'el.

The Sut'el hidden in the dark side is the scene that can only be seen by dragons who do not abide by those rules.

Killing is the most common.

The dark alchemist organization called "Destiny" is only in the dark side of Sut'el, a force that is not the largest but not small.

The combination of the bright Sut'el and the dark side Sut'el is known as the freest city in the dragon world, the Dark City!

I don't know if you have heard of this name. "


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