Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1325 Do me a small favor!

Chapter 1325: Do me a favor!

Witt looked at Gabriel with a strange look on his face.

Strictly speaking, he was an invader, and now, Gabriel, whose territory was invaded, was actually thanking him, the invader.

It was really magical.

Thinking about this, Witt asked, "Speaking of which, you have been talking about rules and so on. So, what are these rules?"

As for other news related to the abyss, such as "Black Sun", Witt gave up hope after Gabriel said that he had been here for more than a year.

Gabriel got the breath tracking magic circle when he didn't even know about the abyss.

This shows that the killer that 놛 knows is somewhat different from the mechanical puppet that Witt has personally seen. 놛 is facing a killer that has been further transformed by the power of the abyss.

And this indirectly confirms the truth of Gabriel's statement that he has been here for many years.

Of course, if it is just mutual confirmation, Witt would not believe it so much.

In fact, during the conversation between 놛 and Gabriel, 놛 has been carefully observing 뀘, and 뀘's words are true, including the reason for bringing "young dragon" Witt down.

Otherwise, Witt would not show his true self without hesitation.

Of course, every word is true does not mean that 뀘 will really not hide anything. Witt insisted on visiting 뀘's territory for this consideration.

Those who stand with the abyss are definitely not good dragons, but those who do not stand with the abyss are not necessarily good dragons.

Gabriel didn't know what Witt was thinking, well... maybe he knew, but he didn't say it.

This is not important.

After hearing Witt's words, Gabriel slightly organized his words.

"The rules of Sut'el are not explicit regulations, but a kind of convention. In my opinion, if you want to live in Sut'el without trouble, there are only four words.

Listen more, watch more, talk less, and do less.

As long as you follow this method, unless you are targeted, the general dragon will not trouble you."

At this point, Gabriel looked at Witt with a strange look.

If I remember correctly, Witt was particularly concerned about Egbert before.

Could it be...

Thinking about it, Gabriel hurriedly cut off these thoughts, listen more, watch more, talk less and do less, this is not just for Witt to hear, it is what Witt needs to abide by now.

No matter what kind of dragon Witt is and what he is going to do, it has nothing to do with you. Now you have only one hope, to send this dragon away quickly!

And Witt, after listening to Gabriel's words, couldn't help but look at him more.

Thinking carefully, isn't this the way to deal with your invasion!

No wonder I felt that this guy's performance and behavior were not like the reaction of a normal dragon before. Witt had to admit that this method really worked.

But unfortunately...

The image of a giant water dragon appeared in Witt's mind, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Well, it seems that it is still difficult to go to Sut'el to get information.

What to do?

Just when Witt had a headache, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Gabriel from the corner of his eye.

After a moment of hesitation, Witt suddenly understood.

Why did he go to Sut'el? What he wanted was the relevant information about the war that took place on the Olivia continent.

As long as the information can be obtained, it doesn't matter whether he goes to Sut'el or not.

As for getting information, a dragon from another continent who knows nothing about this continent is certainly not as good as a dragon born and raised on the Olivia continent.

"Gabriel, I want to discuss something with you..."

Hearing this, Gabriel immediately became alert.

"Can you refuse?"

Witt grinned.

"In order to find you, I followed your mechanical puppet around for a long time. You know, dragons don't have a good temper, and I am no exception.

To be honest, I am very angry about this matter...

I think you should understand what I mean."


Gabriel cursed at me, but said with a bitter face: "I just want to finish my alchemy experiment here quietly."

Witt looked at Gabriel sincerely.

"I just want you to do me a small favor."

Witt paused for a moment, then continued: "In addition, I am quite confident in alchemy. If you are willing to help me, I may be able to help you."

Can you put away the threatening meaning in your eyes before saying this!

Of course, Gabriel didn't dare to say this.


Gabriel sighed, his eyes full of struggle. Just when he was struggling, he suddenly noticed that Witt's eyes were getting more and more dangerous, and then he reacted.

He was not discussing with me at all, just informing me.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Witt put away his unkind eyes. To be honest, if he continued to delay, I wouldn't mind some tough measures.

As for whether the means were honorable or not...


The dragons that can survive on the Olivia continent are not good people. To talk to such dragons, they must feel that their personal interests are damaged, and then they will obey.

When he set foot on the Olivia continent, Witt had already realized this.

"It's a very simple matter. I need you to go to Sut'el and help me find out some information."

Hearing this, Gabriel was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt suspiciously.

"Just to find out the news?"

Witt nodded.

"Just to find out the news, don't do anything extra."


Gabriel was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked: "Do you trust me?"

"What do you mean?"

"With your ability, you can guess that you have guessed the reason why you don't go to Sut'el. Aren't you afraid that you will sell your information to Egbert?"

Witt glanced at Gabriel after hearing this.


Why should you be afraid!

Let's put it this way, Egbert did target you, but do you know why you targeted you?


Not long ago, you almost died under your claws.

If you don't want to live in fear in the future, then as a smart dragon, it's not difficult for you to make the right choice."

Hearing this, Gabriel's eyes changed.

"Okay, you agree!"

After that, Gabriel continued to ask: "Tell me, what information do you want you to find out for you?"

But Witt didn't answer immediately.

"Don't rush, I will tell you when you leave. Let's talk about your alchemical experiment first. You will keep your promise. You promised to help you find out the information, and you will help you complete the experiment."


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