Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1334 Let’s go together!


Okay, I'll choose to go with you!

Helping you is also helping me."

After a long breath, Witt hesitated for a while and chose to go with you.

"But I've said it in advance. I cherish my life very much. As long as I find a place suitable for breakthrough, I will leave. I want to see you become an abyss dragon.

But I want to be torn apart by you who become an abyss dragon."

Hearing this, Skechers' mouth grinned.

Although this doesn't sound like a good thing, it is also the only thing that makes him proud. His strength is far beyond that of dragons of the same age.

And Witt agreed to go with him, which made him even happier.

As the saying goes, dragons are lonely travelers. They can enjoy loneliness, but they don't like loneliness. Loneliness is just because there is no companion.

This is true for dragons, and Skechers, as a special one among dragons, is even more so.

There has been no companion since birth. Because of that accident, he can say that he has lost the qualification to have a companion forever.

The appearance of Witt slightly changed his situation.

Witt understood his abyss, his origins, and his situation. Of course, understanding alone was useless. The most important thing was that Witt understood and supported him while understanding.

That's why Skechers said that he believed and could believe only Witt.

The Red Dragon's competitive spirit allowed him to stick to himself when facing the infection of the power of the abyss. It was also his competitive spirit that made him want to admit defeat when facing Witt, who knew everything about him.

It was the desire to admit defeat that allowed him to maintain the last bit of rationality in the two thousand years of lonely wandering, in the murmurs that echoed in his mind day and night, every moment.

Now that Witt is willing to go with him, how can he be happy.

Skechers' emotional changes were naturally hidden from Witt, but he could only say sorry in his heart.

If he was also a loner, he wouldn't mind accompanying Skechers to wander around.

But he wasn't!

He sighed in his heart, but on the surface, Witt spoke again.

"Speaking of which, what continent is the other 'black sun' you mentioned..."

Witt paused for a moment, and then described the situation of each continent again. After all, Skechers had no source of information, and he probably only knew about Fast Continent and Sekent Continent.

"It's Fussel Continent!"

After listening to Witt's description of the characteristics of each continent, Skechers was very sure.

"The climate there is very different from Fast Continent. Overall, the four seasons are distinct and the transition is obvious. In addition, there are no ice fields in the south and the north.

However, after the appearance of the 'black sun', there were activities of the Abyss believers, and the environment there began to deteriorate.

I've been away from there for a while, and I don't know if the situation has improved."

Fussel Continent...

Witt secretly wrote down the name of this continent.

Desidero has been to every place where there is a large-scale invasion of the abyss.

In addition, after being invaded, even if such a place has calmed down, the space must be weaker than other places, and the subsequent invasion of the abyss will most likely choose such a place.

But in the same way, the strong men of the dragon world will most likely pay attention to such places from time to time.

As a "fire brigade", Desidero's probability of appearing in such places is much higher than other places.

After the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, you can go to such places more often.

As a legend, he is also capable of confronting the abyss head-on. On the one hand, he can contribute to resisting the abyss, and on the other hand, he can try his luck. What if he encounters Desidero!

As time goes by, Witt's understanding of Desidero becomes more and more vague, but returning to Desidero has become an obsession for him.

Don't mention these.

Witt agreed to go with Skechers.

But because Skechers absorbed too much power of the abyss in a short period of time and needed to be suppressed, they chose the abandoned dragon's nest as their foothold.

As for how long they would stay, it would depend on how long Skechers could suppress the will of the newly added power of the abyss.



With a slight sound, the dragon that had just been piled up with snow was swept to pieces by Witt's tail.

As if to vent his anger, the dragon's tail also swung heavily a few times.

Of course, this was not anger, but...


Witt lay on the ground and wailed in a low voice.

Skechers had been in for five days, and he had been guarding here for five days.

During these five days, Witt, in order to pass the time, included but was not limited to racing, rappelling, dazed, piling up snow dragons and then smashing them...

Even so, it was still boring.

As for why he practiced...

With Skechers around, Witt dared to easily plunder the elements around him. He was afraid that he would even plunder the elements infected by Skechers.

Although he was afraid, it was still troublesome.

Side jobs such as magic circles have also reached a bottleneck.

Besides, a few days is a rather awkward period of time for Witt.

It would be even more troublesome if he could practice.

In addition, he was a person who lived in idleness. If he did something, he always felt that time passed heavy and long.

What, sleep?

If Witt could sleep, he would not have to make a pile of snow dragons and then smash them, which was a boring thing.


With a sigh, Witt turned his head and looked at the cave in the distance.

Is it not over yet?

Afterwards, he raised his neck again, scanned the surroundings for a few circles, and then murmured in a gloomy voice: "You are useless. You just gave up after one success?

You can't even be a villain. Your dragon life is a big failure!"

That's right, Witt was cursing the dark alchemist who attacked the dragon's nest.

He even specially arranged a magic circle around to cover up his and Skechers' breath to prevent the other party from escaping.

As a result, the coward didn't move at all.

Not only wasted the materials in vain, but also wasted his feelings. How could Witt be angry!


Just as Witt was cursing in a low voice, he suddenly froze for a moment, and then a strange look appeared on his face.

"Really coming?"

As he said that, Witt's eyes rolled, and his body began to shrink. Soon, his body shrank again to the size of a newly born dragon.

There are only zero and countless times of wearing women's clothes, and the same is true for shrinking the body.

After trying the convenience of shrinking the body once, Witt, whose brain circuit is different from Chang Long and who is more accepting, naturally has less rejection of such things.

It can even be said that he is more looking forward to it!

Of course, he is not looking forward to getting smaller, he is looking forward to the change in the enemy's emotions when he grows bigger in front of the enemy.

So, this does not damage the majesty of the dragon, it is just a trick!

Witt thought so in his heart, and the corners of his mouth curled up, and then he disappeared in the flying snow with a low laugh...

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