Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1338 I give you two choices...

Where did the baby dragon come from?

This was the first thought that came to the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur's mind after he was stunned for a moment, and then a chill spread from his tailbone to his whole body again.

He realized that the dragon in front of him might not be a baby dragon at all.

On the other side, Witt raised his head with an embarrassed look on his face and looked at the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur in front of him.

Just now, when he saw the other party release the element puppet, he was still planning what kind of gesture to give the other party a surprise.

Then, the other party turned around without any warning.

This made his plan, which had not yet been thought of, die in the womb.


Witt hesitated for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "I said I was a lost baby dragon, do you believe it?"


The Wind and Thunder Pterosaur looked at Witt speechlessly.

I don't believe you!

The escape passage I built is a one-way street, leading all the way to the laboratory. If you didn't chase me from the laboratory, could it be that you just appeared out of thin air?

While thinking this in his heart, the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur gradually calmed down.

"I want to make a deal with you, about..."

Before he finished speaking, Witt, who knew that the other party could not believe his lies, sighed helplessly, and then released the restrictions on his body size.

In the eyes of the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur, his body shape changed rapidly.

Looking at Witt's extremely strong body, the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then completed the words just now.

"... Treasure transaction!"


Witt looked at the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur with interest, and then stretched out his claws and grabbed the other party.

Seeing this, the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur subconsciously wanted to escape, but his strength was only the lower level of purple crystal. Under the pressure of Witt's mental power, he couldn't even fly.

He could only watch the claws gradually expand and wrap around his body.

Of course, it was not direct contact, but restrained by force.

After all, compared with the size of the wind and thunder pterosaur, Witt's claws were too big.

Seeing that he was not crushed to death, the wind and thunder pterosaur flashed a glimmer of joy in his eyes and hurriedly said: "Yes, it is a treasure. You know, there are many dragon ruins in Olivia Continent. As long as..."

However, Witt had no intention of listening to the other party's nonsense, and directly blocked his mouth with force.

After thinking for a while, he flew towards the direction of the abandoned dragon's nest.

As for the three elemental puppets...

They are just ordinary elemental puppets and do not need to be paid attention to.



In the cave, Skechers, who was reading a book, was moved, and then looked up outside.

"You're back so soon..."

Muttering, he put the book away, then stood up and walked outside.

Outside the cave, Witt just happened to be holding something and approaching this side quickly.

Raising his eyebrows, waiting for Witt to get closer and see the dragon in Witt's claws clearly, Skechers asked curiously: "This dragon..."

"Dark Alchemist!"

As he said, Witt glanced at Skechers, and after looking at the wind and thunder pterosaur, who was shocked at first and then completely desperate, couldn't help but lift the corner of his mouth.

"Well, you are quite smart. It seems that you already know your fate. Now, it is my turn to negotiate a deal with you. I will give you two choices...

First, cooperate with my questions honestly and I will give you a quick death.

Second, if you don't say anything, I can only get the information I want from you through special means.

Think about it first, you only have one chance."

When he said this, Witt's eyes were quite cold. The Dark Alchemist's favorability with him has always been negative. Being able to give the other party a quick death is already the most concession he has made.

So, Witt was not prepared to leave the other party alive at all.

Otherwise, he would not have brought the other party directly to Skechers.

You know, although Skechers' situation is not as secret as Fuss's, it is not much different. He is also the material that the Dark Alchemist desires.

Especially the dark alchemists who have studied the power of the abyss.

Although the power of the abyss is dangerous, it is indeed an extremely strong force. As long as you abandon basic morality, you can quickly become stronger.

And the dark alchemists have abandoned everything, not to mention basic morality.

The reason why they did not attack the power of the abyss is simply because the madness and chaos of the power of the abyss make them afraid.

Once the existence of Skechers is exposed, I am afraid that many dark alchemists will abandon their original concerns and take the power of the abyss as their own.

If Skechers can be captured and studied, and a way to safely use the power of the abyss is obtained, I am afraid that some old guys will also be tempted.

The other party also thought of this, and then he knew whether he would live or not.


Witt suddenly thought that there seemed to be too many dragons around him that could arouse the desire of dark alchemists to study.

Skech, who was infected by the abyss but kept his sanity, the rare soul dragon Mandy, the innate dragon beast Fus who gained wisdom through alchemy, the ancient forest dragon Linstar who only appeared twice in the world...

He himself didn't say anything.

Whether it was the ultimate power or the time rune, let alone the dark alchemist, even a normal dragon would probably miss it if they knew about it.

Thinking about this, a strange flash appeared in Werther's eyes.

Could it be that he has the legendary physique... Probably not!

Putting aside Witte's lack of self-awareness, after hearing Witte's words, the face of the Thunder Winged Dragon couldn't help but reveal a touch of disdain.

There was death on both sides, so why would he leave benefits to Werther?

As a dragon, other things can be discarded, but the only thing that few dragons don't have is hard bones.

Isn’t it torture?


Witte noticed the look in the eyes of the Thunder Winged Dragon, chuckled, and then raised it in front of him.

The extremely oppressive eyes stared at the other party.

"You don't think that I am a good dragon. Putting aside everything else, you also don't think about how a dragon that can live with an abyss dragon in peace can be a good dragon.

Although I hate Dragon Body Alchemy, I still don't mind if Dragon Body Alchemy is just a punishment method.


Looking at your eyes, you seem to be a little disbelieving. Do you not believe that I would do that, or do you not believe that I have the means of dragon body alchemy?

But it doesn't matter what it is.

I hope that when you survive the experiment and know that you have lost something, but do not know what you have lost...

With your understanding of dragon body alchemy, you will cooperate well with me. "

Hearing these words, the expression of the Wind and Thunder Winged Dragon suddenly changed.

"You know how to make dragon soul alchemy!"

Werther grinned, revealing two rows of sharp white teeth.

"I don't know how, but if the test is successful on you, then wouldn't it?"


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