Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1341 You are responsible for escaping, and I am responsible for chasing!

Looking at the expression on Witt's face, especially the eyes that were hidden for no reason and radiated excitement because of the treasure, Skechers was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

However, this was not because he believed it, but because he decided to give Witt a way out.

Besides, what Witt said was not wrong.

Whether it was the laboratory of the dark alchemist or the treasure left by the dragon, they would appear in places where dragons often appeared.

Although it sounded that the characteristics of the Buried Snow Gorge were too obvious, he still had a lot of time, and it would be a waste of time to accompany Witt.

Of course, the most important thing was that Skechers took into account that both he and Witt were local dragons of the Olivia continent and knew very little about this continent.

Instead of searching aimlessly, it is better to have an accurate goal like this.

Skech had no objection, so the decision to go to the Buried Snow Gorge was made, and then...

The two dragons looked around blankly, and then looked at each other again.

"Did he just say the direction?"


Hearing Skech's question, Witt was silent for a moment, and then pointed to the direction slightly north of the west.

"We fly this way. Whether it was when he escaped before or when he mentioned the Buried Snow Gorge, his eyes subconsciously changed to this direction."

Skeech glanced at Witt and said nothing. They tacitly did not mention the topic just now.

After all, when asking about a place, forgetting to ask about the direction is something that most dragons will forget, and the two of them have accomplished a "feat" that most dragons have failed to accomplish...

It's better to keep this matter to yourself.

The direction is there, so...

"How do we get there?"

Skeech looked at Witt with a serious look in his eyes.

This is an important question.

Due to his own situation, his companionship with Witte is destined to make him unable to fly together like a normal dragon, which will bring trouble to Witte and himself.

As the saying goes, the dark alchemist is afraid of the power of the abyss. Once he gets along "well" with Witte, both he and Witte will be "taken care of" by the dark alchemist.

Witte didn't think about it for too long.

"This is simple. From now on, you are a dragon of the abyss that destroys everywhere, and I am a dragon that will not stop tracking you because of hatred..."

Witte's simple words made Skechers suddenly enlightened.

But then again, did Skechers think of such a simple thing?

Of course, although Skechers is communicating normally with Witte now, in fact, he is always suffering from the pain brought to him by the power of the abyss.

And this "pain" is only the physical, the "purification" of the abyss power by the power of the world elements, and the infection of the spirit.

And the infection of the spirit is also only the pain of the substantial infection process, and there is the power of the abyss, the whisper of the will of the abyss.

It is quite easy for Skechers, who suffers from triple pain all the time, to communicate normally with Witt. It is really difficult for Skechers to think of a way to think of this thinking process when it is difficult to concentrate!

Therefore, his action logic is very simple. He can use his brain and use it. When he needs to use his brain, the first thing he considers is still to solve it by force.

After Witt proposed a solution, Skechers flew into the air and opened his mouth to the abandoned dragon's nest, and a lava breath containing the power of the abyss was exhaled.

"Leave it to you!"

After finishing the job, Skechers left a message and flew in the chosen direction.

Watching Skechers's departing back, Witt swung his tail and a strange look appeared on his face.

"Is this the beginning?"

Witt turned his head and looked at the abandoned dragon's nest that was directly destroyed by one-third, and his mouth twitched.

"Actually, there is no need to be so real..."

After muttering to himself, Witt began to clean up.

After cleaning up the power of the abyss, the dragon's nest that was almost destroyed by Skechers was completely unrecognizable.

However, such a dragon's nest is more suitable for dragon beasts to live.

I think this place will become a dragon beast settlement area in the future.

Such a thought flashed through Witt's mind, and then Witt turned around and chased in the direction where Skechers left.

It is foreseeable that such a scene will only appear once.

However, since it was Witt who proposed it, he could only bear it.

This is a canyon with a rather complex terrain, with stone peaks of various shapes and postures, standing or lying, crookedly inserted into the ground.

The snow on the stone peaks flashed a slightly dazzling light under the sun that had just risen.

A dragon that looked quite ordinary, with a black body, purple lines on its limbs and face, and a circle of red dragon scales on its chest surrounded by a cyan crystal, was lying on the top of a stone peak that pointed obliquely to the sky.

His golden eyes stared straight at the sun far away on the horizon, but from his scattered eyes, it was hard to tell that he was not looking at the sun, but in a daze.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of him and approached quickly.

The appearance of the black shadow made the dragon's originally scattered eyes focus instantly.

"If you dare to land here, I will beat you up!"

The calm voice reached the black shadow's ears, causing his figure to stagnate, and then he landed on another stone peak next to him.

At the same time, his figure was officially revealed... Well, he was still so black, this was a giant dragon covered with black dragon scales.

The black dragon scales made all areas except the eyes and the slightly cracked mouth automatically blurred, and his specific figure was not reflected at all.

"Old man, do you want to say such terrible words? Are you in a good mood?"


After the voice fell, he was responded to by silence.

Seeing this, the dark dragon hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again: "Olivia Lu and Fast Lu are next to each other, if you want, we..."

As he was speaking, a purple thunder with a strong breath flew past the head of the black dragon who was speaking.

But his eyes contained excitement instead of fear.

"Old man, you are really..."

"If you keep talking, I will really beat you up!"

Hearing this, the black dragon's eyes became serious.

"Old man, I have been holding these words in my heart for a long time. Even if you beat me up, I will say it out. Since you care, you should go back and take a look instead of being entangled here.

Whether it is me or that guy, what we want to see most is not that we become stronger, but that you can live happily."

Hearing this, the dragon was stunned for a moment, and then he was silent for a moment.


As soon as he spit out this word, his face suddenly changed, and then he turned his head and looked into the distance, where a familiar breath suddenly appeared...

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