Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1348 I’m in the mood!

Although Werther was joking, he was not slow at all. He even passed Skechers and led the way.

Of course, after passing Skechers, Vette slowed down and at the same time lowered Skechers' speed.

Seeing Skechers frowning, Witte couldn't help but chuckle.

"If it's really here, then we can't fly too fast. There are many methods in alchemy that can make you ignore some things.

Just natural narrow stone gaps are not enough to serve as a defense method for the dark alchemist's laboratory. "

Hearing this, although Skechers still frowned, he no longer tried to cross Werther.

"How to discover this type of arrangement, 놖 will find it with you."

Hearing this, Vittor nodded.

"No matter how exquisitely arranged it is, it is not natural. If you carefully explore it with your spirit, you can find a subtle sense of dissonance.


It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, you just need to spread the spirit, and leave the rest to the spirit. "

After that, Witte saw that Skechers arranged the spirit 꺆 out according to the method 놛 said, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and then 놛껩 spread the spirit 꺆 out.

The crack was not very deep. After the Wittes went almost a thousand meters deep, a narrower crack appeared in front of them.

It can be said to be narrow, but for the Wittes who have just emerged from the body of a young dragon, the gap is quite spacious.

After entering the crack downwards, what appeared in front of the Wittes was a crack passage diagonally downwards. Moreover, the passage went downwards, the narrower it became.

It looks like a dead end.

But the Wittes know that at the end of this dead end is a huge subterranean space that even their minds cannot fathom.

Just as the Wittes were walking diagonally down the passage, about a hundred meters to the left, they suddenly stopped and subconsciously looked to the left.

What appeared in their sight was a stone wall that was still sloping downward along the passage.

But Werther and Skechers looked at each other.

There's a problem!

Witte motioned for Skechers to move back, and then he stretched out a claw and groped on the sloping stone wall.

Feeling the rough texture of the rock surface coming from the tips of his finger claws, Werther became interested.

There is no doubt that this wall is fake.

However, the texture coming from above is extremely real. Whether it is sight or touch, it tells his brain that the stone wall in front of him is real.

But in fact, if you look closely at Werther's claws, you can find that the tips of his claws have already sunk into the rock wall, while the claws have not left any trace.

A rather advanced illusion magic circle.

Suddenly, Werther's claws paused, and a line with a different texture from that part of the wall was clearly captured by Werther even though it was only for a moment.

This is a magic circuit made of mithril.

"It's really here!"

As he spoke, Witte injected an extremely fine element into the 깊mithril magic 꺆 circuit.

Soon, a mithril magic circle that had never been seen before completely appeared in Witte's mind, and following the magic circuit, Witte even found the mechanism to close it.

However, this is not important, what is important is...

"I have never seen a magic circle before. These ancient dragon texts can actually have such a combination. Well...it is essentially a forbidden spell of the water element type, but it is a magical skill suitable for sneak attacks..."

Seeing that Werther was concentrating on his own research, Skechers frowned even more deeply. He couldn't help but stretch out his tail and swipe at Werther's head.

Fortunately, Werther's reaction to the world was quite fast, and he immediately avoided Skechers' attack.

"what you do?"

Werther looked at Skechers slightly dissatisfied.

Skechers, on the other hand, stared at Werther.

"What are you doing?"

Werther's expression froze, and then he laughed a few times.

"Sorry, sorry, I encountered a magic circle that I have never seen before, and I fell into it unknowingly. Wait a moment...it will be fine soon!"

As he spoke, Werther took out a large metal book from the reverse scale space.

The claws quickly scratched on it a few times, and a rather complicated magic circle was recorded on it.

Moreover, Werther also gave it a name - Water Phantom Body (81)!

After finishing recording, Werther stretched out his claws and lightly scratched the wall. The stone wall in front of him began to undulate like water.

As the stone wall fluctuated, its color became lighter and lighter. Soon, the stone wall disappeared, and another passage appeared in front of the two dragons.

"This is the simplest way to deal with complex magic arrays. Since there is no energy core, just make the magic array no longer connected, and it will immediately become ineffective.

If you want to continue to use this magic circle later, you only need to connect the broken parties. "

With Witte's level of alchemy, it only takes a moment for this magic circle to operate again.

As for how the other party closed this magic circle...

As mentioned before, this is a composite magic circle. In addition to the part with the water phantom body as its body, there are also some other magic circles.

Injecting a certain amount of water elements into this magic circle at a certain speed will make the part of the magic circle responsible for closing the water phantom in the compound magic circle work.

As for the consequences of not injecting according to the requirements...

Actually, there are no consequences. There is no explosion in this magic circle.

After all, the defects of the compound alchemical magic circle are there. No matter how exquisite the design inside is, as long as the magic circuit is cut off, it will be ineffective.

The reason why there is no difference between ordinary magic circles, alchemical magic circles, and compound magic circles is that they don’t need to be ranked.

Each magic circle has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one to use depends on the purpose you want to achieve and the various conditions of the surrounding environment.

Let’s not talk about these.

In short, the appearance of this magic circle has shown that the direction we are looking for is correct.

Otherwise, who would have nothing to do and set up such a magic circle with super high concealment ability here.

In addition, the appearance of this magic circle also aroused the interest of Witte.

This magic circle is not like what the wind and thunder pterosaur can research. What the wind and thunder pterosaur showed was just a pretty good alchemy.

And the creator of this magic circle must have a superb understanding of water element magic, in-depth research on ancient dragon texts, and a deep understanding of magic circles.

In this way, the origin of this magic circle can only be the laboratory or ruins of the dragon, and whether it is a laboratory or a ruin, it is impossible for there to be only such a magic circle!

Thinking of this, Witte's eyes lit up, and it can only be said that this is an unexpected harvest...

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