Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1367 Exploration! (VI)


Following a slight shock, Skechers glanced behind him subconsciously.

But what he could see was the snow in the distance and the rock wall beyond.

What Witte saw was the refolded space and the re-opened space cracks. Like ordinary gravel, the broken space stones fell scatteredly on the ground outside.

While this made Werther feel distressed, he also had a rough standard in mind.

A space stone with a diameter of about one and a half meters can restrict and maintain space activities within a range of 껜 meters with the power of the main space. The restriction time is 굛 seconds 녨녿.

It seems that seconds are very short. For beings of Werther's level, seconds are already a long process.

In fact, Witt's original estimate was five seconds.

Werther's eyes moved slightly downward and landed on the stone door...

Of course, Witt and Skechers do not have the ability to see through. The reason why they can see outside is entirely because there is a horizontal, narrow crack in the stone door.

This crack was made by Werther using Space Slash (86), and they also entered through this crack.

Of course, this 놊놆 teleports.

Although when Witte used Space Slash before, his movements were more like using Space Jump, but in fact, apart from the similar movements, the two are closely related.

In the same way, space is torn apart. During the tearing process of space jump, Witte needs to expend a lot of space power to stabilize the torn space for subsequent jumps.

땤Space Cut is the complete opposite. After tearing open the space, Witte needs to spend a lot of space power to intensify the power of this space rift, so that this rift will completely cut off anything that comes into contact with it.

In essence, space slash is the same as the space rifts used as traps outside, and the damage required is maximized.

This can be seen from the gap on the stone door. The fracture is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no residue of the stone door around the gap.

These things had already flowed into the void when the stone gate was cut open by Space Slash.

As for the space slash that can cut through this stone gate...

Werther's eyes were filled with unconcealable fatigue!

"놖Let's take a rest first. The space power in 놖's body has been exhausted and needs time to recover."

That's right, in just that moment, Witte directly consumed all the space power stored in his body, so that the power of Space Slash has reached the level of lost magic.

But even so, there is only a crack left on the stone door, which can allow a one-meter-long baby dragon to pass through.

Werther was surprised by this.

In fact, Witte's original plan was not to rush in at once.

The rock creations in this ruins can be left behind by the legendary high-level dragon. Under normal circumstances, even a legendary low-level rock creation needs one shot to break open.

The reason why Witte was able to succeed in one go was entirely because, no matter how wonderful the opponent's design was, the earth element in the rock creation would still pass over time.

No amount of settings will slow down this process.

I don’t know how long this ruins have been around. Compared with the time when it was first built, the strength of the rock formations has long been comparable to that of the same day.

Coupled with the power that the amethyst-level dragon can exert when using lost magic, it is enough to break through the physical defense of the legendary lower-level dragon when the opponent is unprepared.

When the rock creation was restored, Witte's attack was also weak. The combination of the two made Witte succeed in one go.

Although the result was that Vert was tough for a while and then lay down.

But at least it is a good sign. Witte and the others have successfully broken open the door to the ruins. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Now that the beginning has been successful, the follow-up will not be too bad.

Werther thought so, so when his tired eyes looked at the passage ahead, there was endless expectation in them.

Heaps of gold coins, here comes Werther!

As for the 놆놊놆 gold coins...

As I said before, when the Creation Dragon comes, it will get gold coins!

On the other side, Skechers saw Witte lying down, looked outside, and then looked at their location.

"If I do, I will place another trap here, exactly the same as the trap outside the door..."

After hearing this, Werther, who had just withdrawn his greedy gaze and was about to take a rest, opened his eyes again, with a flash of doubt in his eyes.

"놖 was also worried about this. Before rushing in, 놖 had observed 깊 and there was no trap here..."

As he spoke, Werther paused slightly.

"Forget it, let's think about these first, take a rest first, pay attention to your surroundings, and don't walk around randomly. In such ruins, there will be a safe zone.

We are safe now only because we have shrunk our bodies, but this does not mean that we will always be safe.

As the builder of the ruins, you may consider the possibility that the dragon will shrink in size.

Even if this possibility is very small, he still wants to protect his own treasure. "

Skechers nodded.

Although after shrinking his body, part of his attention was restricted, making it more difficult for him to concentrate on thinking, "listening to Werther's words" did not require thinking.

Seeing Werther closing his eyes, Skechers became alert.

However, as Witt said, there may be a safe zone in the ruins. Not long after Witt closed his eyes, a buzzing sound was heard in the passage.

Something is flying...

As soon as this thought came to Skechers' mind, he subconsciously wanted to use his mental power to explore.

But thinking of Witt's previous instructions, he quickly gathered his mental power and then stared at the dark passage.

The passage inside seemed to have been specially processed. The faint light from the gap in the stone door behind him, plus the "light" on Witt's chest, could only allow him to see the area within a hundred meters.

Further in, it was pitch black.

The buzzing sound that was gradually approaching came from the dark space.

Soon, Skechers, who was staring at the dark space, had a flash of hostility in his eyes, and the power of the abyss was still affecting him.

Fortunately, Skechers noticed this and quickly divided some of his attention to suppress the anger in his heart.

If he didn't care, he was afraid that he would rush over uncontrollably.

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, but just as he came out of the dark space in front, Skechers' heart suddenly emerged with a sense of peace.

If something unexpected happened, the source of the sound should be the alchemy puppet.

But, is this really a daily patrol?

Or, when they came in, these alchemy puppets had already noticed them?

As soon as this thought came up, Skechers' thoughts became chaotic.

The buzzing sound in his ears became louder and louder, and even a sharp feeling appeared. A violent emotion rose from his heart for no reason.



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