Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1372 It was finally exposed!

That's a forbidden spell of ninety-six nodes!

Although Witt has mastered the Lost Magic, he doesn't have many magics above ninety nodes, or rather, he doesn't have many of them.

Apart from other things, just talking about elemental magic, Witt has only mastered two of them above ninety nodes, one of which is the healing forbidden spell of the ninety-first node of the element, the Life.

The other is the Great Red Lotus Sky-Slaying Flame.

It is precisely because he has mastered this magic since he was young that he knows the power of this magic even more clearly.

A bitter feeling rose in Witt's heart, uh...

Of course, it's not about turning on the death return lantern, but he is basically sure that his secret will be exposed after all.

It's not that he can't survive if he doesn't reveal the secret, but Witt doesn't know whether the mechanical puppet will be injured under this forbidden spell, but he is definitely seriously injured.

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes condensed, and he didn't care about those things. He couldn't really turn back time. Skechers had already been used, so the plan could only continue.

Thinking of this, Witt, who had shrunk, rushed directly towards the mechanical puppet.

As he rushed over, Skechers's big red lotus killing sky flame had condensed, surrounded by the dark red flames of the abyss, in the shape of waves, and rushed towards the mechanical puppet Witt.

It seemed that it had sensed the power of this forbidden spell.

After leaving Witt's body, the mechanical puppet began to fall. At the same time, it subconsciously separated one leg to support its body, and the other five legs blocked it at the same time.

The originally sharp legs were liquefied and reorganized, and when the flame arrived, it still turned into a huge metal shield.


With a loud bang, the flame exploded, and the powerful force washed the passage. The light-absorbing material covering the passage and the permafrost that was still competing with the light-absorbing material for attachment were all cleared away.


The mechanical puppet at the center of the flame explosion only slid back a distance under this magic, and its sharp legs left scratches on the wall of the passage.

However, the mechanical puppet itself was not damaged at all, and even the shield facing the forbidden spell only emitted a puff of green smoke.

Of course, the mechanical puppet was not completely fine.

The magic used by Skechers was a little different from that of a normal dragon. His attack contained a strong abyss.

The mechanical puppet was fine, but its body was already covered with a strong abyss.

Unfortunately, this part was not within Witt's consideration.

While the mechanical puppet took a forbidden spell from Skechers, Witt, who also took a forbidden spell, had already arrived in front of the mechanical puppet.

Most of the dragon scales on his body were broken, and Witt, who exuded a strong abyss breath, had a strange invisible luster in his still calm eyes.


Accompanied by a sound of a big heart beating from nowhere, the golden light in Witt's dazzling golden pupils flowed and gathered into a magic circle that could not be seen but could be felt.

At the same time, the world in Witt's eyes changed.

He could clearly see that the mechanical puppet in front of him, a leg that originally formed a shield, was slowly retracted, and in front of the puppet body he was facing, a sharp metal leg was slowly extending forward.

The target was undoubtedly his reverse scale.

Was it time paused?


As the metal leg slowly extended, the energy that escaped from the surrounding rushed towards Witt's body, the energy was restored, the injuries were healed, and the abyss attached to Witt's body was constantly moving away...

There was no doubt that time was flowing backwards!

Witt raised his claws, and a silver-white magic circle, at his fingertips, bloomed like a flower, and the space that was refilled poured into the magic circle like a tide.

This blooming magic circle is brewing enough power to tear the space apart...


The mechanical puppet whose core was taken away paused for a moment, and then fell like a drop of water, breaking into pieces.


The core of the mechanical puppet fell on the ground like a stone.

The "metal liquid" that "flowed" all over the place subconsciously moved towards the core, but a silver-white dragon with a body length of only one meter, one step ahead of them, fell on the puppet core.

The light blue thin ice quickly spread throughout the core, and the "metal liquid" that had just gathered once again flowed freely like a pool of muddy water.


After a long breath, Witt raised his head and looked at Skechers who was looking at him in astonishment, with a grin on his face.

"Time magic, have you seen it?"


After a brief silence, Skechers then restrained his aura, allowing the Abyss to repair itself, while he himself was paralyzed.

"Are you going to silence me?"

There was a hint of teasing in his hoarse voice.

It was obvious that he was joking.

After hearing this, Witt collected the puppet core under his claws, and then while cleaning up the "liquid metal" that "flowed" all over, he smiled and said, "Are you accepting it so quickly?

I was struggling with whether to show this power before."

Skeechers' eyes were full of fatigue.

Not only dealing with the exhaustion of the abyss, but also the exhaustion after a large amount of the elemental spirit.

놇After listening to Werther's words, Skechers sneered.

"The stronger you are, the happier I am. After all, this means that you can better fulfill your agreement with me, but..."

As he spoke, Skechers paused slightly.

"Is it really okay?

The stronger the power and ability you show in front of me, the more difficult it will be for you to deal with me when I become an abyss dragon one day.

This is what you are struggling with! "

After Skech's words fell, Witt had already packed up and flew towards Skech, while nodding and saying: "That's true, but isn't there nothing we can do about it!"

As he said that, Werther couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then landed next to Skechers.

"In my original plan, I did not plan to use time magic. I have a legendary alchemy item here, which can also create opportunities for me to contact the core.

Although the chance is small, if I seize it, I won't have to expose the time magic.

As a result, you really gave me a big surprise!

Originally, I thought that Flame Roar was the most powerful magic you could use, but it turned out...

Big Red Lotus Sky Killing Flame!

Where did you learn this magic? "

As he spoke, Werther looked at Skechers speechlessly.

It's not that he looks down on Skechers, but in this case, if he were to stand in Skechers' position, there would be only one Flame Roar except for the Big Red Lotus Killing Sky Flame.

After all, elemental magic is either large-scale or close-range.

A long-range concentrated strike magic that is similar to the Flame Roar but is stronger than the Flame Roar. Except for the Big Red Lotus Sky-Slaying Flame 뀪늌, it cannot be said that there is absolutely no 놋, but 껩 is quite rare.

It's so rare that Werther didn't even learn it.

땤This shows from the side that the probability of Skechers being able to learn the Great Red Lotus Sky-Slaying Flame is so small that Werther subconsciously ignored it...

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