Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1380 Hidden danger!


With a slight sound, a mechanical puppet in the shape of a giant dragon exploded on the spot, and the "liquid" alloy that made up its body flowed freely.

With his back to the mechanical puppet, Witt carefully observed the puppet core under his claws.

After seeing that the puppet core was not much different from the one he had obtained before, Witt sighed and put it away casually.

The dark alchemist has been studying dragon souls and dragon bodies for tens of thousands of years.

In such a long time, the ancient dragon characters they found related to dragon body alchemy are definitely not the same as that one.

But unfortunately, six years have passed, and he would come here every once in a while to dismantle a mechanical puppet for fun, but he has never seen a new ancient dragon character.

Of course, the situation in the ruins passage is similar to what he expected before.

So far, there is only one red dot left in the whole passage, which he has not been to. Among the other red dots, there are four or three legendary alchemical puppets, including the one he just solved.

As for the other red dots, although they do have the composite magic array that can trigger emotions, the magic array is carried by other types of magic array traps.

Of course, these things are much easier to solve than alchemical puppets under Witte's professional skills.

Not to mention these magic array traps, among the four or three alchemical puppets, for some reason, none of the elemental puppets are gone, all of them are mechanical puppets.

They have different shapes and thousands of functions, but...

All the functions of these mechanical puppets are auxiliary means of killing.

Even with the help of the power of space, Witt had a hard time dealing with each mechanical puppet. For example, this time, the left wing behind Witt was gone.

At the wound, the muscles were torn, and the bones under the skin were abnormally bulging...

Yes, his left wing was torn off.

But Witt didn't care about it. To be honest, he was a purple crystal middle position, and he was still alive after dealing with so many legendary mechanical puppets. This was incredible in itself.

To be honest, if he didn't have the power of space and time, running away would be his first choice and the only choice after seeing a legendary mechanical puppet.

After putting away the puppet core, Witt began to chant in a low voice, and soon a ball of light blue water wrapped up his wound.

Then Witt took out bottles of healing potions and drank them.

Amethyst-level dragons don't have a strong enough body to regenerate such a large area of ​​limbs. The most Vit can do is to grow one of his claws again.

As for the flesh wings, potions are still needed as an auxiliary means.

After drinking the potion, he felt the tingling from his back and looked at the front of the passage again.

This passage is almost at the end. The only red dot in front is not the one found in the first exploration.

But it's almost the same. After the new round of exploration, after the passage is fully included, a few more red spots have been added.

In other words, if the red dot in front is solved, he can officially enter the ruins, um...


The stone gate is a rock creation. Vit's strength is not enough to figure out the situation behind the stone gate without opening it.

Therefore, he didn't know what was behind the stone door in front of him.

It might still be full of traps like the passage he was in now, or it might be the main part of the ruins, or the area where the treasure was stored.

Witt was hesitant now, whether to do it in one go...

Although the space force had been exhausted, if he used time reversal, not only the space force, but also the torn left wing could be fully restored.

But soon, Witt shook his head and turned away.

No, it was much more troublesome to restore the time force than the space force, and the speed of recovery was not controlled by him.

Instead of wasting time force here, it was better to be patient.


Hearing the noise coming from behind, Skech turned his head and saw Witt floating out. His eyes subconsciously fell on his wings, and then...

"The left wing is gone. Is the mechanical puppet very powerful this time?"

Witt landed beside Skech. After hearing this, he nodded, and a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes.

"It's very powerful and fast. I saw the shadow of shaping magic in the puppet core. The builder of this relic has many means.

After studying it later, my shaping magic circle may be able to reach the level of lost magic."

Skeech nodded after hearing this, and then changed the subject.

"Haven't you broken through yet?"

Hearing this, Witt's mouth corners slightly lifted.

"It's almost done, maybe this time, maybe next time. Besides, I'm about to open that passage, let's go in together next time!"

"Okay, call me when the time comes."

Speaking, Skechers' eyes fell on the big metal book in front of him.

When turning the pages, the abyss power that emerged from the claws tried to infect the big metal book, but it didn't leave any trace.

Watching Skechers' actions, Witt thought of another thing.

This book was made by him for Skechers.

The materials were the Egbert alloys obtained from Egbert's laboratory.

And that laboratory, Witt had taken the time to completely dismantle it. The entire laboratory had been broken down into pieces, leaving behind piles of materials.

In the process of dismantling the laboratory, Witt also found a secret room.

In that room, there was a device that Egbert used to monitor the Buried Snow Gorge.

This discovery really scared Witt.

If he hadn't found it troublesome and had insufficient time, and had directly packed up the entire laboratory and taken it away, then Egbert would not have known that they had entered this folded space, and Egbert might have even come in.

This taught Witt another lesson.

If you encounter similar things later, either don't do it, or do it thoroughly.

In addition, there is another thing. When Witt was studying the data left by Egbert to monitor the Buried Snow Gorge, Witt noticed that there was an unreasonable place in the flow of elements in the Buried Snow Gorge.

Every five years or so, the concentration of hormones in the Buried Snow Gorge will suddenly increase.

Although this phenomenon will last for a month, if you follow this line of thought, you can associate it with the fact that the space is folded.

This is a hidden danger!

Even if he packs up Egbert's laboratory and takes it away, the other party's character will definitely stay in the Buried Snow Gorge, or leave another set of monitoring devices here.

As time goes by, once the other party thinks in this direction, this folded space can no longer be hidden.

Thinking of this, Witt's mind popped up an idea from a few years ago.

Want to get Egbert's eyes away from here.

Attacking another laboratory of the other party is a pretty good choice.

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