Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1383 Behind the Stone Gate...

As Witte had guessed, the last red dot was not a mechanical puppet, but a rather sophisticated magic circle trap, but this was nothing to Witte.

Very relaxedly, Witteskech came to the second stone door.

"How about it?"

Sketch looked at Witte, who had been studying the stone door for a long time, and couldn't help but ask.

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

To be honest, since he started conquering this ruins, this was the first time that Witte had spent so long studying a mechanism like this.

Previously, when he had nothing to do, Skechers would follow Werther into the ruins.

He had also seen Werther break the magic circle.

Just like just now, the cracking was quite smooth.

But now, Werther has been standing in front of the stone door for nearly five magic hours, frowning and staring motionlessly.

On the other side, after hearing Skechers' words, Werther did not turn his head, but still frowned.


Skechers is still the same. After shrinking his body, his temper will be much more irritable. Seeing that Werther only uttered two words, there is no follow-up, and his brows also wrinkled.

"You should tell me what's going on!"

Werther's thoughts were interrupted by Skechers' words. He turned to look at Skechers, and then turned his head back again.

"There's nothing on this door!"


Hearing this, Skechers couldn't help but froze for a moment.

But Witte was still talking to himself: "There are no space traps, and there are no weak elemental fluctuations caused by the flow of elemental power in the magic circuit, just like...

As long as you stretch out your claws and push hard, the stone door can be pushed open.

But it’s impossible!

We have seen how ferocious this guy is before. All the arrangements are to kill the intruders to the maximum extent, without giving any chance of survival.

Would such a dragon really leave a stone gate without any traps?

Something's wrong!

Twelve out of ten things are wrong!

But I really can’t find the mechanism on this door. Is it possible that my level is not good enough? "

As he spoke, Werther shifted from doubting the door to doubting his own skills.

But Skechers didn't think so. He didn't think so much, so after listening to Witte's words, he just hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his claws and pushed towards the stone door.

Werther noticed Skechers' movement and said subconsciously: "Why, you want to try it too..."

Before he finished speaking, Werther looked at the stone door that had been pushed out of a gap and froze on the spot.


Skechers also froze in place. After a moment of silence, he turned to look at Werther with a strange look in his eyes.

"The door...is open..."


There was another moment of silence, and Witt suddenly turned to look at Skechers.

"I beg you, please don't tell anyone about this!"

Skechers looked at Werther speechlessly.

"It's not like you don't know, I know you as a dragon."

After hearing this, Witte reacted and coughed a few times, and then said with a solemn expression: "Leave the next thing to me. There is no mechanism on the door, but it does not mean that there is no mechanism behind the door.

Especially space traps!

Thinking about it carefully, an ordinary stone gate was placed at the deepest part of a passage filled with various magic traps and killing machines, and the spirit that had been tense along the way instantly relaxed.

If at this time, an imperceptible space trap is placed behind the stone door...


It’s terrifying to think about it!

With careful thinking and unreasonable organization arrangements, this guy is really difficult to deal with! "

Skechers looked at Werther silently.


At this time... let’s not expose it!

With this thought in his mind, he nodded and then retreated to the rear.

Seeing this, Witte nodded with satisfaction, and then with a serious look on his face, he used his mental power to push the stone door open, revealing a dark space.

Seeing the dark space in front of him, Werther's face became clear.

"As expected, be careful, follow me, don't fly around, there are space traps ahead."

As he spoke, Werther flew towards the inside of the stone door.

Judging from his movements flying up and down, he seemed to be avoiding something.

Skechers followed Werther silently. In this situation, he couldn't say anything. Although he couldn't detect the traps in space, he still had a keen sense of danger.

The giant dragon 꼊, facing the sky, he was also quite afraid that Werther would become angry in shame.

Just when Skechers was cooperating with Witte to avoid the invisible "space trap", suddenly, a bright light appeared, and several flames suddenly ignited in the dark space.

The light of the flame dispelled the darkness of the surrounding space, and a huge room with exquisite carvings appeared in front of Werther and the others.

Along with 껣一땢, there were piles of various items randomly piled in the corners of the room.

Pearls, diamonds, gems, crystals, gold coins, etc., all kinds of items are shining brightly against the flame light emitted by the dragon claw-shaped torch inlaid on the wall.

Just when Werther was attracted by the shiny gold coins, an old voice suddenly sounded.

"I know why you came here. Take what you want and get out of my territory. Otherwise, you will die without a burial place!"

After the words fell, there was no more movement.

Witt's attention was also drawn back by this sentence. After a moment of hesitation, he couldn't help but sneer.

"How arrogant..."

Skech glanced at Witt, and then his eyes fell on the pile of gold coins not far away.

"Then do you want to continue?"

Witt chuckled.

"Forget it this time, next time I come, I will make sure he empties it."

As he spoke, Witt no longer maintained the body shape of a young dragon.

Seeing this, Skech also recovered his body shape, and his eyes still stayed on the pile of gold coins.

"Is there any danger?"

Witt sneered.

"It's obvious.

With a proud attitude, give the invader the treasure he wants. When the invader thinks that a pile of garbage is not worth protecting for the builder and takes it lightly, suddenly come with a fierce attack...

If he doesn't die, he will be disabled!

Pay attention, it is likely to be a legendary mechanical puppet.

In addition, the old rule, you attract hatred, and I will deal with it!"

While speaking, Witt stood behind Skechers, and then, the mental power surged out, sweeping away all the gold coins in front of Skechers, and all of them were collected into the reverse scale space.

At the moment when Witt put away the gold coins, an extremely sharp metal spike suddenly pierced out from the position where the gold coins were originally piled, aiming directly at Skechers' reverse scale.

However, to Witt's surprise, it was not only the mechanical puppets under the gold coins that moved.

The mechanical puppets under other things also began to attack the two dragons.

Witt's face changed.

"Damn it, this guy has no moral principles!"


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