Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1407 A fairly smooth exploration!

Watching dozens of young animals turn into ashes in the flames, there was no strange emotion in Witt's eyes, as if he was doing something very ordinary.

Well... okay, it's true!

The young animals were all killed by Witt, not to mention the adult rot wolves.

In this way, Witt was the only one who could still breathe in this ruins, at least in this room.

After dealing with all the rot wolves, Witt flew quickly towards the northeast corner of the room.

Because there, the glittering gold coins attracted all of Witt's attention.

In front of the pile of treasures, Witt quickly picked out the gold coins and counted them carefully. There were a total of 136 coins, plus the previous two coins. So far, Witt has harvested 138 coins.

땤 Witt also knew that these 138 gold coins would be the total harvest of this exploration activity.

Because mixed with the gold coins, there are also some other miscellaneous things.

There is no doubt that this is not a treasure room, but a garbage dump.

In other words, the treasure that this relic wants to protect is not gold coins, but...

Witt glanced at the "garbage dump" and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The preferences of the dragon are all kinds of strange. There are many things missing in this pile of "garbage", but among those missing things, the most common is crystal.

The role of the "garbage dump" is to persuade people to leave!

Anything that appears in the "garbage dump" cannot be the treasure that the ruins want to protect.

A dragon as big as Witt would feel distressed for a long time if he gave away a gold coin, not to mention other dragons. Therefore, it is impossible to mix the treasure in the "garbage dump" and mislead intruders.

Crystals are very common. Even ordinary crystals can make the dragons that come here choose to leave after seeing them.

So, if nothing unexpected happens, this is a crystal ruins.

This discovery made Witt happy and sad.

The good thing is that he can pay back part of his debt to Celine. The sad thing is why it is not a gold coin ruins...


With a sigh, Witt looked around.

In the hunting team that attracted him at the beginning, he had obtained three crystals, but he did not find them here. That means that the rotten wolf that swallowed the crystals is likely to have gone deep into the ruins.

If a rotten wolf can easily break into the depths of the ruins, then the facilities of this ruins are basically useless.

Moreover, there should be another hole in this room.

But there is no rush for this.

It was rare to come across a relic that was barely a favorite, so Witt was not in a hurry to end this exploration activity.

Speaking of which, the relic that he and Skechers explored before also had a "garbage pile", which was what Witt snatched from that room.

However, that guy was much more domineering and had no intention of showing mercy to the intruders. He started with countless taunts and deadly traps, with the goal of leaving all the intruders behind.

This behavior seemed to be in line with the character of the dragon, but Witt felt that it was a narrow path for him.

Let's not talk about these.

Witt cleaned up the power of the abyss on his things and collected them.

Witt didn't dislike these so-called "garbage" at all.

The only thing that made him a little disgusted was that there were too few of these things. Obviously, the dragon that left the ruins was a firm believer in crystals.

These things were probably looted temporarily.

Moreover, there must be more things piled here, but as time goes by, those things without the blessing and protection of the dragon have been eroded by the elements.

Putting away those things, Witt began to clean up the remaining abyss power in the room while looking for another hole left by the rotten wolf, and admired this room by the way.

Ordinary ruins are definitely not worth Witt's special appreciation.

But this ruin is different.

The dragon who built this ruin is obviously a very lively dragon.

The room is not made of bricks made of rock, simply stacked to form a standard, featureless three-dimensional structure.

Uh... Although it is indeed a three-dimensional structure, if you look closely, you can notice that each of these bricks made of rock has dragon scale patterns on it.

The cylindrical rock used to stack the pillars has exquisite dragon reliefs.

However, due to the loss of elements, the dragon images on these pillars have been damaged to varying degrees, and it is no longer possible to determine the dragon species of the builders of the ruins.

In addition, this dragon seems to have done some research on dragon characters. The top of each pillar is engraved with patterns evolved from dragon characters.

This discovery made Witt look more seriously.

He wanted to see if he could find some unfamiliar dragon characters from these patterns.

But unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed.

Until all the pillars were looked at, Witt did not find any unfamiliar dragon characters. Instead, he found a gap at the top of the northeast corner of the room where those things were piled up before.

I didn't look up before, so I didn't notice it.

This is also the only gap in this room, except for the exit of the passage and the hole corroded by the rotten wolf.

If nothing unexpected happened, the rotten wolf that swallowed the crystal had come up through this gap.

The gap was blown open, but it was not done by the rotten wolf.

After observing carefully, Witt found some charred mithril inside the rock plate at the gap.

If nothing unexpected happened, it was the long-term flow of elements that caused the mithril circuit to be damaged, and eventually the circuit had problems and exploded.

It can also be seen from the fracture that the explosion occurred a long time ago.

This also further proves that this relic is not a trap.

When this idea appeared in Witt's mind, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

"I'm really scared of bad luck!"

Muttering, Witt flew up from the fracture.

The light above was very dim, with only the faint light emitted by the rock structure.

However, this was enough for Witt.

Glancing around, the decorations were of the same style, but the space was larger. Even with the "big night light" to fill in the light, Witt still couldn't see too far away.

He could only see that there were designs like magic crystal lamps on the wall, but it was probably because of a problem with the magic circuit, and it didn't light up automatically because something entered.

Retracting his gaze, Witt flew forward along the north wall.

He didn't fly far, and a bright light flashed Witt's eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, Witt looked carefully, and then a hint of envy flashed in his eyes.

What appeared in front of him was a corner of the crystal pile.

From the part hidden in the dark, it can be seen that the number of crystals in this pile is extremely shocking.

The only similar pile of gold coins I have ever seen, and I dare not touch it because of the curse.

Seeing this scene, how can I not envy it!


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