Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1438: Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone!

To put it simply, if Witt chooses to repair the dragon crystal, the dragon crystal will recover faster, but his memory will be damaged. If he chooses to rescue the memory, the dragon crystal will recover very slowly.

Damage to the dragon crystal is a very serious injury. If time is delayed for a long time, the damage to the dragon crystal will worsen, and the mental state will also decline.

And this is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is that without the protection of the complete dragon crystal, the dragon soul is very fragile.

But memory is also very important. If too much memory is lost, Witt will also encounter a lot of trouble.

Moreover, in this case, the memory that is eliminated is no longer limited to those memories that are not important. Some of the more important memories may also be damaged.

When Witt realized this, he was full of entanglement.

Of course, Witt did not regret it.

His behavior was to forcibly steal the power of rules from the law of light elements. Witt had already prepared for such consequences.

Moreover, the danger was only this time.

When stealing the power of other elemental laws later, whether it is his own strength or the experience of success once, it will make his subsequent stealing actions much easier.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, this action is not a loss.

After thinking for a while, Witt finally decided to save his memory first.

Memory is very difficult to recover, especially in his case. Once a part of the memory is lost, it is completely lost.

In contrast, the cracks on the dragon crystal can still be controlled by external means.

As long as it does not deteriorate, the mental state will not decline. As for the threat faced by the dragon soul... This requires more attention during the battle.

Of course, if the battle can be avoided, this is the best!

After making up his mind, Witt did not dare to delay, and hurriedly mobilized his mental power to start sorting out his own memory.

Looking at the memory stream that has been accumulated for three thousand years and is now in a mess due to the impact, but is as vast as the sea of ​​​​smoke, Witt is so confused.

However, no matter how big the headache is, since there is a problem, it always needs to be solved.

Werther forced himself to calm down, and then began to calmly think about how to solve this problem.

In this situation where thinking is required, the sequelae of the scattered memory will appear. Thinking requires a basis, and the source of these bases is memory.

Now, Werther's memory has become a mess, and thinking about the problem is naturally much more difficult than in the past.

At this time, irrelevant memories have become "eye bags", always popping up suddenly at inappropriate times, showing their existence and disrupting Werther's thoughts.

This forced Werther to clear a blank space in his mind, and then think about the solution in the most basic way of mind mapping.

First of all, what is his goal?

Sort out memories.

Then, the next question to think about is how to sort out memories, that is, what are the methods?

Then Witt's mind was occupied by various methods.

What, how to eat Buslongmon, how to raise a young dragon, how to use language to break a dragon's defense...

All the memories related to the method came to his mind all at once.

Witt had no other way to deal with this. It was too messy. He could only select them one by one.

Time passed little by little...

Suddenly, a strange word appeared in Witt's mind.

Memory Palace!

Witt didn't know where this word came from, and the memories related to it were already fragmented. He only remembered that this was one of the many complicated information in the inherited memory left to him by his father.

He didn't even know what this word represented.

But Witt was smart!

It's not important to not know what the memory palace originally meant.

What's important is that this word gave him an inspiration.

That is, if all his own memories are stored in separate spaces representing different meanings, wouldn't these memories be sorted out!

Moreover, this way of storing memories can be used forever.

Memories stored in memory spaces with the same meaning can also be internally associated.

In this way, even if some memories are worn out or forgotten due to the effect of time, they can still be recollected through other memory calculations.

And as long as the memory is not lost due to direct damage, this memory calculation will not fail.

Do it as you want. Witt immediately divided his memories into several independent spaces and gave them different meanings, such as magic, magic circles, alchemy, potions, battles, common news... and so on.

Then, he divided all the memories in his mind into different areas according to these general classifications.

Then, Witt divided the areas that had been divided into more detailed areas.

For example, the memory of magic is divided into different areas according to different elements.

For example, the most common news is the time sequence of Witt's own growth, which is roughly divided into young dragons, young dragons, green dragons, and strong dragons...

In this way, Witt subdivided the memories in those areas, subdivided, subdivided, and subdivided again!

Always subdividing the specific behaviors in a specific event.

Of course, this is only the most rough division.

After all, any event will contain memories belonging to different areas.

So, after the subdivision, it is a combination!

The memories of different areas in the same event are overlapped with the timeline as the standard, and then these isolated memories are connected, and finally form a complete event.

When all this was done, Witt was surprised to find that the things that had been forgotten by him were reassembled on the timeline.

Moreover, with the timeline as the standard, Witt found that he could actually see the forgotten parts intuitively.

That is, the blank parts on the timeline.

Of course, these blank parts are not all forgotten parts, and some are the time when he was sleeping during his growth.

And the remaining parts are the parts that cannot be pieced together and are completely forgotten by him.

Some of these forgotten memories are naturally forgotten by Witt during his growth, and some are the price paid when he stole the power of the elemental law.

If there were no other dragons to help him recall, he would never be able to recall these blank memories.

Fortunately, the cost of this part was not very serious.

Basically, they were some memories of the young dragon, young dragon and green dragon period.

As for whether these memories were important or not...

Some were very important, some were not important, and some... I even forgot how important they were.

Looking at his huge memory palace, Witt had no time to sigh too much, and a strange feeling came over him.

Witt, who noticed this, had an ugly face.

What is misfortune?

That is, he had just dealt with the memory problem, and had not had time to check the situation of the dragon crystal, and the time rune...



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