Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1448 Light element dispels rules!

"Where is it?"

Vette's mental power searched around in his body.

He was not only looking for the rule power of the light element dispersal rule, he was also looking for his own light element dispersal rule.

He finally had time to deal with his own problems, and his mental power was empty.

As a result, Vitte found that his light element dispersal rule was lost!

That's right, it was lost!

The rules of the dragon world are different from the rules of his father's world. The latter are rule fragments, which exist in the form of energy and can be captured.

But the former exists in the form of information.

Under normal circumstances, the rules will be stored in the dragon crystal in the form of information.

But it is obvious that Vitte's side is not a normal situation.

When he realized the light element dispersal rule, Vitte's mental power dragon crystal was broken, and it no longer had the ability to carry the light element dispersal rule.

The two element dragon crystals of water and fire are located in the corresponding elemental bodies, and there are two extreme powers in them.

The light element dispersing rule that I just realized is a power at the rule level, but without the corresponding rule power, it dare not approach the dangerous power of extreme power.

Therefore, the two element dragon crystals of water and fire are excluded!

The only remaining space dragon crystal is the space jump rule.

The properties are different, the light element dispersing rule can't get close to the space dragon crystal at all, and it is naturally impossible to host it.

So the question is, where did the light element dispersing rule go?

Witt is thinking about this question now.

The rule is the information flow, which Witt can only sense but not see. The light element rule power is almost dissipated because it was left by Witt for a long time.

Witt wanted to find the light element rule power, so he had to use the light element dispersal rule.

So, now both are lost.

It was clearly right in front of him, but it seemed far away.

To be honest, Witt was about to cry!

But what could he do? After all, it was the fault of the time rune. Could he still pull it out and beat it up?

Even if it was really pulled out, it was not certain who would beat whom!

Witt could only search in his body over and over again, hoping that the light element dispersal rule that played hide-and-seek with him would "find its conscience".

Witt could feel that the rule power brought by the light element dispersal rule was still dissipating.

He was anxious but there was nothing he could do.

When Witt was anxious and angry, he suddenly thought of a problem.

If he remembered correctly, his spiritual dragon crystal was not cracked in an ordinary way, but had a gap.

In other words, his spiritual dragon crystal was not complete, and some dragon crystal fragments fell off.

If there were none in any part of his body...

Thinking of this, Witt hurriedly urged his spiritual power and rushed to the location of the spiritual dragon crystal.

After another long search, Witt found a small piece of dragon crystal fragment that had dissipated in the right side of the spiritual dragon crystal, representing the information flow of the light element dispersal rule, which was stored in it.

It was also because of the existence of the rule that this small piece of debris did not dissipate by itself as normal.

Witt's consciousness excluded the situation of the spiritual dragon crystal, and did not explore the situation around the spiritual dragon crystal at all, so he ignored it gorgeously.

Speechless, Witt did not dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly injected his spiritual power into the dragon crystal fragment.

Without the assistance of rule power, rules are just a stream of information.

After Witt's mental power was connected with the rules and officially drove the light element to dispel the rules, the light element rule power that flowed to a certain part of the body rushed towards the dragon crystal fragments like a young swallow returning to its nest.

With the addition of the light element rule power, the light element dispersal rule finally exerted its power and began to formally absorb the light element rule power from the outside world to strengthen itself.

As the rule power gathered more and more, the dragon crystal fragments that were originally just debris began to transform into real dragon crystals, like an empty house moving into the main body.

Of course, it was only in shape.

In terms of size...

The material of dragon crystal is mental power, and Witt himself does not have enough mental power now.

Therefore, this light element dragon crystal that was originally impossible to enter the body of a dragon with affinity for water and fire elements can only maintain its "juvenile" state now.

Noticing this, Witt was speechless, but he was not surprised at all, and he felt an indescribable sense of clarity.

It seemed that the development of things should be like this!

Dragon crystal... Dragon pillar power?

A word that did not make sense suddenly popped up in Witt's mind.

But it was quickly thrown out of Witt's mind.

Now is not the time to think about these things.

Having preserved the seeds of the light element rule power, Witt's next step is to preserve the knowledge related to the light element.

Without the affinity of the light element, he is destined to make slow progress in improving the light element dispersal rules.

These stolen knowledge are the best medicine to change this situation.

As for how far this knowledge can advance the light element dispersal rules in the future...

That is a matter for the future.

While Witt was wandering in the ocean of knowledge, thirty years passed quietly without him noticing!

When the dragon crystal was completely repaired, Witt felt something in his heart.

Then he immediately pulled back his consciousness that was wandering in the ocean of light element knowledge.

When he put his attention back on the spiritual power dragon crystal, Witt soon immersed himself in the joy of his spiritual power returning to its peak. At this moment, Witt was resurrected.

However, Witt soon noticed that the dragon crystal recovered much faster than he expected.

Although the time rune has not completely recovered and still affects his perception of time, it may be that he is now much stronger than the last time he traveled in time, so he can still roughly perceive time.

"Thirty years right..."

Muttering, Witt's eyes flashed with surprise.

Now, the sooner he recovers, the better.

Because it means that he will have more time to improve his strength.

The original plan was that after the time travel, his strength would be raised to the legendary level, on the one hand to deal with the enemies that might appear after returning to the original timeline, and on the other hand, for the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

However, the injury on the dragon crystal made Witt lose hope for this goal.

But he never thought that, after a sudden turn of events, this goal has become possible again. How could Witt not be happy!

While he was happy, Witt's "eyes" fell on the light element dragon crystal located in the spiritual dragon crystal.

In the past thirty years, Witt's dragon crystal has been recovering, and the movable mental power has increased, and part of the mental power has been on this new dragon crystal.

In addition, Witt has been studying light elements day and night for more than thirty years...

The light element dragon crystal is not only not much different from Witt's space dragon crystal in size, but also the intensity of the rule fluctuations is almost the same.

In other words, Witt can now do it. When facing the legendary level light dragon, the magic attack on the two lost magic levels is completely ineffective!


Why does it sound so useless?

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