Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1478 The law becomes a rule...


Witt's face changed for a moment, and finally he sighed.

Anyway, things have already happened. No matter what kind of changes will be caused, he has torn his mouth, and now there is no way to change it.

Why torture yourself? It hurts to hit yourself.

What's more, you have to think about the good side of things. What if it is a good thing!

Thinking of this, Witt put these things behind his mind and began to look at the surrounding situation.

It was still the ruins he dug out. Unlike a thousand years ago, it has become more dilapidated, and there are some traces of dragon beast activities in it.

Looking at this dilapidated ruins, Witt's eyes flashed with emotion.

Although he was looking at another timeline, he could fully see the changes in this place over the past ten thousand years.

Here, he can clearly see the traces left by those times.

After sighing for a while, Witt continued to lie on the ground, and the air gradually filled with a trace of awkward atmosphere.

Witt's face fell!

Well, he admitted that he was not the kind of sentimental dragon, and he would not sigh for no reason.

He was just controlled by the law of time for too long and could not move for the time being.

However, being able to return safely and stably was the best situation for him, so what else did he need.

Should he stay here for a while longer?


Witt's face showed a comfortable expression.

Sure enough, this clear feeling of being able to feel the passage of time was really great.

The previous feeling of not knowing time, not knowing the sun and the moon, and only being able to vaguely guess about time was too uncomfortable for Witt, a dragon who was familiar with the accurate perception of time.

Thinking of this, Witt subconsciously explored the time rune in his heart.

No accidents occurred, and he could clearly perceive time, which meant that the time power stored in his heart was not completely exhausted like the space power in the space dragon world.

In this case, he needed to accurately detect how much time power was left in his body.

Don't be careless and exhaust the time power again.

It was not far from the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, and if he traveled through time again, he would definitely miss it.

This was not what Witt wanted to see.


When Witt's "gaze" was cast on his heart, his heart skipped a beat.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and Witt's eyes were full of astonishment.

Then, he closed his eyes again in disbelief, and a moment later...

"Where is your time rune?"

A sudden howl made the dragon beasts living around him choose to move immediately.

Witt used all his mental power to search his heart inch by inch, but the mysterious feeling before disappeared without a trace.

Not only did the fluctuation of the time rune disappear, but even the power of time disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, Witt's face was extremely ugly.

It turned out that the price he paid was not only the empty space dragon crystal, but also his most important trump card, the time rune projection left to him by his father.

But soon, Witt calmed down and frowned slightly.

That's not right!

His perception of time is still there, just the same as before.

And the experience in time travel shows that during the sleep of the time rune, he can't accurately perceive time at all.

So, the time rune is still there, just moved to another place.

Thinking of this, Witt's heart once again had a glimmer of hope, and then he began to search around in his body.

After a magic hour, Witt's face darkened.

That's right, he didn't find it.

After a slight hesitation, Witt gritted his teeth, and then looked at a piece of rubble not far away...

Time reversal!

The broken stones reassembled into a whole at a very fast speed.

But Witt didn't care about this.

Time reversal was successful, and he did have the power of time in his body. However, when Witt saw the source of the power of time, he was completely dumbfounded.

The time rune representing the law of time turned into a weak information flow. What should I do? Waiting online, it's urgent!

Why didn't Witt think that the time rune would turn into a time rule.

No wonder he used the time reversal so smoothly just now, because this information flow represents the reversal of time.

Moreover, this information flow has been stored in the space dragon crystal.

Before, because the space power in the space dragon crystal had been completely consumed, Witt only took a look and did not find this time rule.

After Witt's face changed for a moment, he had to accept the fact that the time rune became the time reversal rule!

As for why this happened...

There is no doubt that it was his own fault!

When he tried to communicate with another Billy, he used the power of time and the power of space at the same time, which caused unpredictable changes.

In this process, the time rune may be to protect him, or it may be for some other reason, and it completely dissipated.

But he originally had a lot of understanding of time.

By chance, he realized the time-related rules.

As for why it is time reversal...

Witt guessed that at that time, he was in the time acceleration under the action of the law of time, and he wanted to see the other Billy in the time acceleration, break through his own limit, and have a new understanding of time reversal.

Therefore, this is how he realized the rule of time reversal.

Of course, the above are just speculations made by Witt based on the information he has, and they are not necessarily accurate.

But in Witt's opinion, it is almost right!

Thinking of this, Witt's face changed.

Again, the time rune projection left by his father has always been his confidence to dare to die everywhere.

But now, he has no confidence.

Although the time reversal rule is very powerful, it is even more powerful than the normal time rune.

After all, without the time rule, he can use those time magics unscrupulously without carefully calculating the consumption of the power of time.

After the power of time is consumed, he does not need to rely on time to recover little by little.

Don't worry, after the power of time is completely exhausted, you will enter the time travel uncontrollably.

But the problem is here.

Although the time rune does not belong to him, under normal circumstances, it is not as good as the time rules controlled by himself, but at a critical moment, it can burst out the power of the law level, allowing him to escape back to the past where no enemy (at least the high legendary level can't do anything) can chase him.

This is what Witt values!

Now without this power, Witt suddenly feels insecure.


A crisp slapping sound rang out, and Witt stared at his tail in a daze. After a change of expression, worry turned into shame.

What was he thinking just now?

He, who has so many powerful powers, actually lost his sense of security after losing the time rune.

"Haha, that's really outrageous!"

Witt smiled bitterly and muttered, but there was a hint of determination in his eyes...

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