Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1490 Broken Finger...

Witt looked at the small object floating in front of him, his face slightly ugly.

This is the tip of a half-broken claw.

However, unlike ordinary broken fingers, this broken finger is made of metal, and it is a metal material that Witt is more familiar with - Egbert alloy!

In addition, Witt can be sure that this broken claw does not come from the mechanical puppet.

Although the mechanical puppet looks like a whole lump of iron, in fact, the mechanical puppet is composed of metal particles that are much finer than dust.

Therefore, the power of the mechanical puppet is so strong.

Each of their attacks is not only powerful in strength, but also the high-intensity activity of countless metal particles. In essence, any type of attack has a cutting effect.

After the puppet core completely stops running, the mechanical puppet will turn into metal particles all over the sky.

The same is true for parts that have been completely separated from the main body.

But now, it is intact.

The broken part is extremely smooth, and the power of the abyss remains on it.

This abyss power is not unfamiliar to Witt. This is the power of Skechers, and the power level is at the legendary level.

Obviously, Skechers has broken through.

But, he was attacked by the owner of this half claw.

Of course, Witt's face is not ugly because of this. The appearance of this half claw means that Skechers can break the opponent's defense.

If the defense can be broken, the opponent will not be able to crush Skechers.

The reason why Witt's face is ugly is that on this half claw made of Egbert alloy, this alloy that was originally judged to have no biological fusion, actually has the breath of life inside.

This kind of life breath exists inside the metal in a way that Witt doesn't understand.

This also further proves that the body of this half claw is not a special type of mechanical puppet, but a living body!


Witt murmured in a low voice, his face getting uglier and uglier.

The other party actually completed the alchemical experiment in just four days. It is not certain whether the other party is now fully mechanized or partially mechanized.


After taking a breath, Witt used the power of space to carefully seal up the half claw floating in front of him.

This is a very precious experimental material.

The reason for using the power of space is that Witt can feel that the life force inside the metal is dissipating, and among the power he has, there is the power of space that can prevent this dissipation.

Of course, the power of time can also be used, but Witt's understanding of time is far inferior to his understanding of space.

With such a precious thing, Witt naturally dared not use it casually.

The power of space is a safe choice.

After putting the things away, Witt thought for a while, and then flew south.

During the flight, a layer of mist gradually emerged on Witt's body. When the mist dissipated, the dragon flying south had become a real silver dragon.

Of course, this does not mean that the body is deformed, although Witt, under the control of powerful mental power, can indeed make some changes with the shaping magic.

However, the shaping magic can only change the body shape, but it cannot change the holy scar on Witt's chest.

Therefore, Witt is now using the transformation power of Mirror Flower Water Moon (93).

With Witt's mental strength and the degree of control over the power of water element rules, even if he is a mid-level legend, he will feel that Witt is a little bit wrong and cannot see through his true identity.

The reason why he chose to hide his true identity is that the place he is going to next is not suitable for his true identity.



After a short sound of breaking through the air, there was another sound of rocks rolling down, echoing in the empty canyon.

Under the purple light projected by the "Black Sun", a 20-meter-long frost pterosaur stood on the edge of the cliff, staring at the bottom with golden eyes.

Occasionally, a touch of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Under the flying wind and snow, after more than 20 meters, his body automatically hid, and if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Below the cliff, several flying dragons from different races were flying in the same direction.

During the flight, they kept scanning the surroundings, their eyes full of vigilance.

The sound of rocks rolling down in the canyon obviously attracted their attention, and several dragons looked in the direction of the sound at the same time.

But under the wind and snow, nothing could be seen clearly.

"Everyone, wake up, we are about to arrive. When we get there, we don't have to worry anymore."

I don't know who opened the door, but the words spoken made the other dragons excited, and a touch of excitement appeared in their eyes.

However, what they didn't notice was that the wind and snow around them seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, after moving forward for a distance, a dragon discovered the abnormality of the wind and snow around him, and his face changed as he hurriedly shouted.

"Be careful, there is..."

Before he finished speaking, a flash of cold light passed by, and the dragon that was about to shout froze in place. The next second, 놛 fell down uncontrollably.

땤In this process, 놛's head and the slender neck parted ways!

The other dragons had already started to be on guard when the dragon made a sound. The experienced ones had already put on a layer of elemental shield.

However, a few cold lights flashed, and a few heads separated from the body.

Obviously, this was a premeditated ambush, and the difference in strength between the two sides was as big as the sky and mud!

The wind and snow gradually subsided. The frost pterosaur, who had just stood on the cliff, looked at the several space rings floating in front of him with excitement.

After checking the things inside, the joy in his eyes became more intense.

However, just when he was about to leave, his body suddenly froze. He slowly turned his head and saw a huge silver dragon squatting on a low stone peak not far away.

The other party's calm eyes fell on him. Although he did not show any emotions, he made him feel that it was difficult to even breathe.

After a long time, seeing that the silver dragon had no intention of leaving, the Frost Pterosaur finally mustered up the courage and said in a trembling voice: "The things belong to you, let me go!"


After another strange silence, the Frost Pterosaur gritted his teeth.

"Everything I have, I give it to you!"

"Where is the location of the Dark City?"

Hearing the expected question, the Frost Pterosaur was stunned for a moment, and then a sense of luck emerged in his heart.

"Go west along this canyon, and when you encounter a cross canyon, turn around and hit the rock wall on the south side, you will enter an underground passage leading to the Dark City."

"Well, I know!"

Witt's eyes showed a touch of joy. He has been wandering around this area for several days, and today he finally found the right canyon...

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