Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1492: Dark City!

Withdrawing his claws, Werther looked at the "rock wall" in front of him, a strange color flashing in his eyes.

He couldn't feel the breath of any element here.

It is precisely because of this reason that even though he passed here several times before, he was unable to discover the existence of this entrance.

"냪 Technique..."

Werther murmured, then glanced to the side.

Virtual magic arrays exist, but this type of magic array is not driven by elemental power. Like the dragon's blessing, its power comes from the ancient dragon script.

This type of ancient dragon text is the same as the magic circle for mental attacks that Witte found in the ruins of the Snow Burial Gorge last time. It is also a by-product of dragon soul alchemy.

To be honest, Witte wanted to dismantle the rock walls in the surrounding area.

This kind of unknown ancient dragon text can be encountered and sought. Once you miss it, you never know when you will encounter it again.


Then there was a trace of hesitation in Werther's eyes.

Since the magic circle is not natural, it means that the dragon or force that sets up the magic circle has little rights in the dark city.

Rudely destroying the entrance to the City of Darkness is equivalent to breathing out the first time you enter the City of Sky.

놆놊놆客, 놊clear, but provocative놆definitely.


Werther thought for a moment and rolled his eyes.

It works fine when you enter, but when you leave, if you dismantle it a little and run fast enough, then there will be no problem.

Thinking about this, Werther chuckled and then headed into the "rock wall".

As soon as the eyes flashed, the light did not change too obviously.

After all, the continent of Olivia is now at night, and it is equally dark inside and outside. Although the purple light emitted by the "black sun" looks obvious, it is difficult to use it for lighting.

After getting used to it for a while, Werther looked around.

Hidden under the spell is an extremely spacious passage leading underground.

The rock wall of the passage exudes a faint earth-yellow light. Obviously, this passage is reinforced with a magic array.

However, it can be seen from some marks on the rock wall that this water erosion channel has no traces of excavation and is most likely formed naturally.

There is also a layer of moss at the top of the channel that exudes a light blue shimmer.

This makes the light conditions inside the channel better than outside.

Werther tried to stretch his wings...

Not bad, enough for him to fly.

For the giant dragon, wherever it can fly, it can definitely walk.

Along with a strong wind, Werther slowly flapped his wings and flew along the passage towards the depths of the underground.

This is my first time coming to this place, and the feeling of freshness is quite strong.

Werther did not fly very fast, but while flying, he observed the surrounding environment.

The passage is not just this one. After all, even if the underground rock formations in the same area have different hardnesses, it is easy for forks to appear in caves washed out by water.

And this passage is obviously a water-eroded cave. As Werther flies downward, a passage leading to an unknown direction will appear from time to time.

Water has no shape, and the caves eroded by water flow have no fixed shape. These passages are large and small, with different shapes. Looking along the way, Werther felt bored.

Of course, this passage is not as safe as it appears.

As Werther was rushing on the road, he could clearly feel that there were malicious glances coming from some passages.

The dragon beast that 놊passed and robbed, and 놆눃 lived in.

These dragon beasts are easy to deal with. Werther only needs to release a little breath, and they will hide obediently.

And Werther had no intention of taking the initiative to turn them out.

Maybe it's because the underground caves have been exposed to the light of day. Although many of the dragon beasts living in them have names that they were once familiar with, in terms of image... they really look random.

For example, a while ago, Witte just saw a kasdramon (cat), where the hair that originally grew between the gaps between the fine scales was replaced by a viscous liquid.

To be honest, after walking around here, Witki was sure that within a few decades, he would want to eat anything.

Time passed little by little, and after the novelty when he first arrived disappeared, Werther focused more on the road, and his speed naturally accelerated a lot.

But even so, Werther still flew for half a month, and a huge space that seemed to have no boundaries appeared in his perception.

During this period, Ziran met a dragon that came out of the dark city.

Of course, Witte needed to avoid them. On the contrary, after sensing Witte's aura, the dragons took the initiative to hide in the side roads around the main passage.

But from this point of view, it is difficult to feel the basic atmosphere of Dark City.

Just as Werther was thinking about how to go next, the surrounding light level suddenly dropped by several levels.

The change in light brought Werther's attention back.

Looking forward, an empty and dark area appeared in front of Werther.

Occasionally, there would be one or two luminous plants, which could only illuminate the area about 10 meters around. The rock top above the head tilted and extended forward and upward, and finally sank into the darkness.

The blue light was dotted with stars, and the light and dark were fixed, just like the starry sky, but in fact, it was a large one, similar to the luminous moss attached to the rock top above Witt's head at this time.

However, the height was too high, and after the light was transmitted to the bottom, only one or two small spots of light remained.

"This is the Dark City..."

Witt muttered, recalling Gabriel's description of the Dark City in his mind.

The so-called Dark City is not like the Sky City, the Free City, etc., where the dragons live in clearly divided areas.

This entire cave is the so-called Dark City.

Killing, evil, and so on, are happening all the time in the invisible place in the darkness.

The rules here are very simple. No matter what you do, as long as you are not seen by many dragons, no dragon will care about you.

Of course, if you are seen when you take action and cause chaos, then you will soon disappear from this place.

That's right!

Although it sounds ridiculous, there are managers here.

However, these managers will not stand in the open, they will only hide in the darkness and maintain the most basic order in this sinful place.

In addition, most areas of the Dark City are wilderness, and strong people or tribes will divide territories in the wilderness.

If you break into these territories, then you will be embarrassed. Unless you are very strong, your life basically belongs to you.

Of course, the managers will take care of the fighting between territories.

In addition, there is also a large settlement in the Dark City, which is called the safe zone.

You can reach it by going straight along the passage leading to the Dark City.

The passage where Witt is, the road leading to the safe zone, and the safe zone itself are the jurisdiction areas of the Dark City managers, and chaos is not allowed in these areas.

If you are not careful and go astray, and your strength is not strong enough, this dragon will be gone.

The strong are in heaven, the weak are in hell, this saying is vividly expressed here.

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