Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1505: Surprised or unexpected?


With a slight sound, Witt landed next to the pit, and his mental power surged out quickly, controlling the head of the knife demon that rolled to the side.

After a simple investigation, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and then he sealed it with the power of space and put it away.

Of course, Witt did not let go of the body of the knife demon, and also sealed it up.

After all, it is the body of an abyss legend, and it still has some research value.

As for this battle...

There is nothing to say, and Witt is not surprised at all about the current result.

First, he used space jump to sneak attack.

When the opponent failed to withstand the force of his first attack, his fate was doomed.

With the help of the power of space, he changed the direction of attack, imprisoned the opponent with the power of time, and poured all the power of the first claw on the opponent.

In the case of a similar state, the life level of the dragon is higher than that of the abyss demon.

And behind the life level is the difference in speed, strength, and physical strength.

Therefore, the opponent was already seriously injured on the first attack.

After that, Witt did not hold back, and took advantage of the opponent's serious injury to decisively use the space slash to cut off the opponent's head.

Moreover, considering the powerful life force of the legendary level, after the space slash, the remaining space force, under Witt's control, poured into the opponent's head and completely defeated the opponent's mental power.

However, this process is not so obvious.

When Witt used the physical strength, space force, and time force in succession, it was a sneak attack. If the opponent could still survive, it would be a miracle.

After sealing up the body of the sword demon, Witt turned his head and looked at the ravine cut by the sword demon not far away, with a smile on his face.

"Are you surprised or not?"

After the voice fell, Elroya's head appeared from the ground in the distance, looking at Witt with a vigilant face.

Witt saw this and shook his tail awkwardly.

"Don't worry, I didn't recognize the wrong dragon this time. After all, it's been a long time since we last met. Even if I'm face-blind, I won't forget your breath so quickly."

Hearing this, the expression on Elroya's face relaxed a little.

The huge dragon body drilled out from the layer of water, and at the same time, the earth dragon armor on his body had also dissipated. He was seriously injured and looked a little embarrassed.

"I can't help it. You are face-blind, and..."

As he spoke, Elroya paused, and a deep fear emerged in his eyes when he looked at Witte.

It had only been a few days since they last met, and Witte, who used to run away when he saw a legend, could actually do it and kill the Abyss Legend in one second.

Witte, who had such power, didn't dare to use his own body to verify that the other party didn't recognize him.

That would really cost him his life!

On the other side, Witte saw that Elroya looked at him with a bit of shock, and naturally understood what the other party was thinking. He smiled smugly at first, and then walked towards Elroya while throwing a Life Recovery (79) at the other party.

"Don't envy my strength, I paid for it with my life. But you hid it very well before. I didn't expect that you, who is in the middle position of purple crystal, actually mastered the rules of earth elements."

As he said, Witt looked up at Elroya with some surprise.

This dragon gave him the impression of being timid!

No matter what happened, the best thing to do was to run away at the first time.

Moreover, if he was not mistaken before, the other party seemed to have mastered a ninety-node earth element magic, earth dragon armor.

"Hehe, luck, luck..."

Elroya felt a little uncomfortable when Witt looked at him. He shrank slightly, smiled, and responded in a hurry.


Hearing this, Witt's eyes showed a strange look.

"But I think your luck doesn't seem to be very good. How come you are targeted by the Abyss Legend?"

Elroya glanced at Witte secretly when he heard this.

"I don't know. I was lucky before..."

Since he met Witte, or every time he met Witte, his luck seemed to run out. He was either entangled by Witte or entangled by other troubles.

Could it be...

Elroya glanced at Witte again, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

It can't be because of this guy!

This time too.

Although Witte saved his life...

But in fact, his life-saving time has not been used up. According to his estimation, with the strength shown by the Abyss Legend, it is still a little short of keeping him.

And in this unlucky situation, Witte suddenly jumped out, which made it difficult for him not to suspect that the dragon in front of him was the source of his bad luck.


Let's stay away from this dragon in the future!

Of course, Elroya didn't show it when he thought so.

On the other side, after hearing what Elroya said, Witt looked at him with pity. This guy is really unlucky.

It was okay for him to admit his mistake before, but he didn't admit his mistake this time. In this situation, the other party was actually targeted by the Abyss Legend.

This level of bad luck is already comparable to his.

With pity in his heart, Witt suddenly thought of something on his face and looked at Elroya with some doubts.

"Speaking of which, after we separated last time, didn't we say we were going to other continents? It's been a few years, why are you still wandering around in Olivia?"

Hearing this, Elroya chuckled.


What else could be the reason? Isn’t it just to hide from Werther?

The last time Werther mentioned the bad fate between them, although he didn't really believe it, he still decided to believe it just in case.

The best way to prevent encountering Werther on other continents is not to go to other continents.

Elroya is going to play in the dark!

Now that he meets Werther here, and Werther is targeted by the abyss, the other party will inevitably leave the Olivia continent.

Therefore, as long as he stays in Olivia, he will definitely not meet Werther.


Elroya glanced at Werther with a complicated expression.

Is it possible that there really is some evil connection between him and this dragon?

By the way, why didn't this guy leave the Olivia continent when he was being targeted by the Legend of the Abyss?

The thoughts in Elroa's heart at this moment came to his lips and finally condensed into one sentence.

"I still have some things to do, so I didn't leave."


Werther's eyes lit up.


Elroya is very timid. Is it possible that he can let the other party still stay in Olivia continent after being attacked by the Legend of the Abyss once...


"It's not what you think!"

The two words were spoken almost at the same time.

Obviously, Elroya predicted what Witt was going to say.

This made Werther slightly unhappy, and his eyes glanced back and forth at Elroya's body suspiciously.

"Really no?"

"It's really useless!"

Elroya's eyes were filled with sincerity.

"I just..."

Seeing Witte squinting and staring at him, Elroya's mind was spinning crazily, and suddenly, something moved in his heart.

"...Looking for a little female dragon that I've seen before!"


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