Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1507 Fanatic!

Elroya was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Werther, his eyes full of sincerity.

"Can I refuse?"

"Of course!"

Werther chuckled.

"But I would be angry."

Elroya let out a long sigh, then hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Then... I know his strength, right?"

"The strength is not very strong, but it is also a legendary high position."


With a dull sound, Elroya's head hit the ground directly, and there was no light in his eyes.

"You'd better kill me!"

At least the previous Legend of the Abyss died happily.

Seeing this, Werther raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully: "You will promise me!"

After walking out of the temporary cave, Witte glanced back slightly, sneered, then spread his wings and flew towards the original target of Shuanglong Gorge.

"I can't cure you, little one!"

In the cave, Elroya turned his head and glanced, his naked body suddenly reacted.

Should he just accept it?

Now, the dragon's scales have been pulled out, and he has suffered a lot. The most important thing is that in the end, he did not resist the pressure and agreed.

Of course, he also tried to resist.

Needless to say, if the resistance was successful, he would not be like this now.

After that guy broke through to legend, he didn't have the slightest ability to resist.


After sighing, Elroya glanced at the exit of the cave behind him.

"It's better to wait until the dragon scales grow out before leaving..."

While muttering, Elroya spread out his paws, and there were several sparkling gems lying inside.


It’s not too bad!

Meeting Elroya by chance was just a small episode for Werther.

Of course, he has gained something from this little episode. As for how much he has gained, it depends on whether he can get the rule fragments when he studies the demon corpse later.

As for asking Elroya to help pay attention to the news about Maurice, it was just a casual move.

If he can meet 껗, that would be the best. If he can't meet 껗, for Werther, it's just a loss of a small pile of gems, no big deal.

After stabilizing his body, Werther left a small part of his attention to rush on his way, and most of the remaining attention was devoted to communicating the rule of reversing time.

Witte thought that he could reach Shuanglong Gorge smoothly in this way.


What is supposed to come will always come...

A stream of light pierced the sky. Werther, who was walking at his own pace while exploring the "time" dragon, suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart.

But before he had time to react, the stream of light from the distant sky fell on him.


With a loud noise, Werther's huge body suddenly lost its balance and fell downwards.

The splashing of broken dragon scales showed that Witte was unable to dodge this attack in time, not just because most of his attention was focused on exploring the "time" ancient dragon 뀗껗.

Another reason is that the opponent is quite strong and can break Witte's dragon scale defense with one blow.

However, Werther was not stunned.

After receiving the attack, he was not seriously injured. The dragon scales were broken and his internal organs were slightly affected.

After regaining consciousness, Witte quickly stabilized his balance, and then, a layer of ice dragon armor (76) quickly spread all over his body, protecting himself.

At the same time, Werther's eyes full of anger were cast in the direction where the stream of light came from just now.

If you look carefully, you will notice that there is a hint of caution in Werther's eyes.

Legendary center!

If he were a low-ranking legend, he would never be able to crush the dragon scales on his body so easily.

This is something that no giant dragon in the same realm can do.

Of course, the legendary middle position is one point. The most important thing is that the attack just now was not an ordinary light source, but a light element infected by the power of the abyss.

꽱Klee or Sabina?

Witte is more inclined to the latter. After all, if it is the former, 늀 will not just be shattered by a layer of dragon scales.

Facing him, it is impossible for Klee to send the legendary midfielder, he will definitely do it himself.

And Sabina...

Witte noticed that Sabina was not only gifted and able to completely contain the aura of the abyss, but the identity of the opponent was also not simple.

A legendary subordinate, but controlling so many subordinates of the legendary subordinate level, is no longer something that Duan Gaoming can explain.

Moreover, in that ambush, Werther saw it very clearly, and Klee did not dare to attack Sabina.

Although Sabina is afraid of Klee, her attitude is very tough.

Therefore, it is only normal for Sabina to send the legendary abyss strongman to deal with him.

However, no matter who it was, Werther was not in a good mood right now.

Of course, Witte knew that it was impossible for him to finish the "Time" Gu Long in just a few months of traveling. However, the initial research was quite important.

Because we need to grasp the direction.

But now, when Ma 껗늀 was about to grasp the direction, the other party actually interrupted his train of thought.

All the efforts made during that period of time were in vain. From now on, he will have to start from the beginning and study the ancient dragon of "time".

How can he not be angry!

Witt stared at the direction of the attack with a fierce look on his face. Soon, a succubus with a strong aura and holding a scepter appeared from the sky.

Unlike normal succubus, this succubus was wearing a loose black robe that completely wrapped her body. Her delicate cheeks were full of frost, and her eyes, which should be charming, shot out a look as cold as the wind.

The opponent was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he came in front of Witt and stopped in a relatively safe position for both parties.

"Despicable creature, I come here in accordance with the oracle, and allow you to bathe in the grace of God!"


Witt was stunned for a moment, looking at the fanaticism that occasionally appeared in the other's eyes, and suddenly realized something. Looking at the other's eyes, the vigilance was instantly full.


This is the news that Poredia got from the legendary Cyclops that Witt helped capture.

This is a believer different from other abyss believers.

Fanatics are extremely special and dangerous. They are a group of sober lunatics. They do not believe in the abyss, but the so-called gods under the abyss.

In their words, they are blessed by the gods, borrow the power of the gods, walk in the world, and spread the glory of the gods.

Like the Abyss Dragon, these guys are also unwelcome in the Abyss camp.

But like the Abyss Dragon, few Abyss believers dare to question their decisions.

The difference is that the Abyss Dragon relies on its own strength, while they rely on the gods behind them, who are also legendary or even mythical beings.

And the source of their power is the authority of the gods they have gained through crazy faith!

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