Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1511 Shuanglong Gorge, here we are!

"Shuanglong Gorge..."

Witt muttered, with a complex look in his eyes.

"I hope you are still here...Wanderer...It seems that you have not found any other target besides power."

As he said, Witt retracted his gaze and glanced around.

After all, in the land where the legends passed away, the power left by the two legendary strongmen penetrated into this land, making this place exactly the same as other areas in Olivia's continent.

On the "night" when the cold wind was raging, the area where Shuanglong Gorge was located was very different from the winter in other continents. There was snow and ice, but it was completely different from the glaciers that Witt had seen before.

There was only a layer of snow about one to one meter thick, and icicles were hanging on the branches. Occasionally, with the roar of a dragon beast, the icicles were shaken down and fell on the snow.

I remember the last time I came here, it was "daytime", and it was the same as the other areas of Olivia Continent.

No matter how warm the sun is, there is only a piece of green here, and there will be no sudden wild animals, let alone a scorched earth.

However, in such a normal scene, the concentration and activity of the two elements of water and water are far beyond the other areas of Olivia Continent.

The space here is very stable, which makes the terrain around Shuanglong Gorge, unless the strong deliberately destroy it, otherwise, there will be too obvious changes in tens of thousands of years.

The movement of the legend fighting here is not as exaggerated as in other areas.


Suddenly, Witt raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance, but saw a huge figure looming in the flying snowflakes, with only a pair of shining golden eyes, which was particularly obvious.

Witt looked at it, and after noticing the alertness and fear in the opponent's eyes, he grinned, then retracted his gaze and flew towards Shuanglong Gorge.

As for the dragon...

It seems that the opponent stayed near the opponent's territory, and the opponent came to check the situation after sensing the breath of the opponent.

There is nothing to pay attention to.

The race of the dragon is also very ordinary, just like Moshi (born in Desidero, one year younger than Witt), a blue crystal dragon.

As Witt flew towards Shuanglong Gorge, a strange breath appeared in Witt's perception.

However, this strange breath is not one, but two.

The feeling these two breaths gave Witt was the same as when he first entered the Meteorite Valley.

There is no doubt that this is the breath of the legendary dragon.

The breath of the two dead legendary dragons, these two breaths are still colliding fiercely after they died for who knows how many years.

It seems that the battle that happened in the distant past has not ended!

But in fact...

Witt flew over the Shuanglong Gorge.

Looking down from above, the ground seemed to be forcibly separated. Below was a deep and bottomless canyon. On the rock walls of the canyon, some places would expose some fairly regular rocks.

Well, those were not rocks, but the skeletons of the two legendary dragons.

The breath surrounding Shuanglong Gorge came from these exposed skeletons.

And the state of these skeletons showed that Shuanglong Gorge was not formed by the battle between two legendary dragons as Witt had heard before.

In fact, the formation of Shuanglong Gorge was an accident caused by geological activities.

Under the strong earthquake, the ground cracked, exposing the ancient battlefield and the corpses of the fighting duo that had been buried for who knows how many years.

Dragons are very curious.

The situation here probably attracted the attention of some dragons. After some exploration, Shuanglong Gorge was found, and the water and the secret realm were discovered one after another.

Thinking about this, Witt curiously flew towards the dragon skeleton embedded in the rock wall near this side.

When he got close, a strong but not very strong dragon power came to his face.

Countless years have passed, and this dragon power still made Witt's movements slightly delayed when he just approached.

"Tsk tsk, legend!"

With a sigh, Witt flew in front of the skeleton and knocked it gently.

With a few dull sounds, the dust on the surface of the skeleton was shaken off, and some corners and corners were covered with debris.

Seeing this, Witt's eyes were even more emotional.

Legendary-level strongmen are already within reach, but even such strongmen will still die in the wilderness, and the skeleton will be "done as they please" by the later generations.


Witt's heart moved, and such a word suddenly popped up in his mind.

But then, Witt laughed and shook his head.

What is eternity?

I'm afraid even those guys who think they are pursuing eternity can't explain it clearly!


After a long breath, Witt sorted out his emotions a little, and then cast his eyes down.

Like the Sea of ​​Light, the Water Secret Realm has the elemental laws revealed, and the same type of elements around will flow regularly.

The flow of water and water elements here is the same as that of the Frozen Abyss, and the elements all flow outward.

Therefore, you only need to follow the opposite direction of the flow of elements to find the entrance to the water and water secret realm.

Just as Witt was about to leave, for some reason, Witt's eyes turned to the stone skeleton next to him again, and a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Then, Witt turned his head and looked around. Seeing that there were no dragons around, he suddenly poked his head over, then stretched out his tongue and licked the skeleton.

"Pfft, it has completely turned into rock, and it tastes like ordinary stone..."

Muttering, Witt carefully looked around again, and after making sure that no dragons saw it, he flew in the opposite direction of the water element flow.

Overall, it was heading down the canyon.

After several magic hours, the scene down the Shuanglong Gorge appeared in front of Witt.

Under this vast canyon, there are not only monotonous gravel and rock walls, but on the contrary, there is a dense forest under the canyon.

Perhaps because it is far away from the ground, this dense forest is quite dense, and a large number of various dragon beasts live in it. Even at "night", this dense forest is quite lively.

In addition to dragon beasts, Witt also felt some breaths belonging to the dragon clan.

There were flying dragons, earth dragons, and giant dragons. They were actually very strong, basically below purple crystal, and there were few purple crystal and legendary breaths.

I think that dragons of this level basically entered the secret realm to live and practice.

Since this place is close to the water secret realm, the dragons living in this dense forest are basically water dragons.

The personality of water dragons is relatively mild, so although this place is lively, the actual atmosphere is slightly dull, except for the lively number.

Witt did not think of studying the differences in the lives of dragons in the same region, so he did not stay.

On the third day after entering the canyon, Witt followed the guidance of the elements and came to the entrance of the water secret realm-a huge forest lake!

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