Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 152 Hunting!

Looking at the Elkindramon that was rushing towards him, Witt looked back and looked down at the forest below. He did not retreat but advanced and went straight to meet it.

And the Elkindramon had learned a lesson from the previous battle.

After seeing Witt approaching, it stopped and flapped its wings, and pieces of wind blades shot towards Witt like drizzle.

But this level of attack was nothing to Witt.

With a flip of his waist and a spread of his wings, the wind blades first flew over Witt's head, and then just swept behind Witt.

The forest below was damaged a lot, but Witt didn't even touch the scales.

And Witt turned around and flew to the right.

The opponent's left eye was destroyed by him, so the right side became a blind spot.

Sure enough!

When Witt flew to the right, the Elkin Dragon Beast panicked and turned his head quickly. At the same time, the wind blades became more dense.

But this was not the result Witt wanted.

Three gray-white magic circles appeared again.

After one of them passed through the wings, Witt's wings became longer and bigger again.

And this time, because there were no trees around to disturb him, Witt's wings were able to fully stretch out.

Last time, it looked only about three times the length of the body, but this time, it was fully stretched out, and the length of the wings was four times the length of the body!

This made Witt look a little weird.

But there was no doubt that he was fast.

In a blink of an eye, Witte disappeared from Elkindramon's sight.

No matter how the other party turned his head or changed his flying posture, Witte could easily put himself behind the left side of the other party's head. Elkindramon's right eye was intact and he couldn't catch Witte's figure at all.

However, the other party was able to survive in the cruel wilderness and his strength reached the gold level, so he was naturally not a vegetarian.

Just by relying on the sound of the wind produced by Witte's wings flapping, he could roughly determine Witte's position.

However, his speed was not as fast as Witte's, so he couldn't get rid of him!

After a long time, Elkindramon began to get annoyed and took the initiative to fly towards the woods below, trying to increase obstacles on the flight path to make Witte behind him show his trace.

Of course, it was not the valley where the bone dragon fell.

The forest there was too dense.

Elkin Dragonmon subconsciously did not choose that place.

Seeing the other party actively lowering the flight altitude, Witt's eyes lit up, and then he opened his mouth and began to breathe.

Soon, Elkin Dragonmon flew to a gap in the forest.

However, just as he was about to drill into the forest, suddenly, a violent elemental fluctuation came from the dense branches next to him.

Before Elkin Dragonmon could respond, thick streams of water, like ropes, meandered and drilled out of the branches and leaves at a high speed, tightly wrapped around Elkin Dragonmon's body.

At the same time, Witt suddenly appeared right above Elkin Dragonmon, and then there was a zero-degree cold current.

The huge impact force nailed it to the ground below.

Familiar formula, familiar taste!

However, last time, Witt won by surprise, but this time, it was close cooperation!

Elkin Dragonmon landed, and he realized something was wrong.

But the water element rope wrapped around his body was difficult to break free for a while.

However, Witt's breath helped a lot at this time. The water was bound by Witt's breath and quickly froze. In the blink of an eye, the original effect was lost.

Elkin Dragonmon just struggled slightly, and the frozen water element rope broke inch by inch.

But it was too late to break free at this time!

Witt dispersed "acceleration", his wings returned to their original state, and then he used "sharpness" to strengthen his four claws again, and grabbed the back of Elkindramon.

And this time, there were no longer three gray-white magic circles floating around him, but three dragon scales floating in the air with his mental power!

With a flick of his finger!

A stream of elemental force flew towards the water binding, and the magic circle was activated. A series of thick water element ropes stretched out from the dragon scales and quickly wrapped around the Elkindramon under Witt.

Before the light of the water binding magic circle subsided, another stream of elemental force flew over, and the magic circle was activated for the second time.

And this time, the target of the water binding was the head of Elkindramon.

Under Witt's control, the water element rope flexibly wrapped around Elkin Dragonmon's head, and then tied it to the ground with the ground as the fulcrum.

Witt saw this, swung his limbs, and climbed directly onto the other's head along the other's body.

A dragon scale floating around him was facing the blind eye of Elkin Dragonmon, and then the magic circle lit up, and a ball of green light sank into the eye socket.

In an instant, a green light appeared on Elkin Dragonmon's body, and the feathers on his body suddenly dimmed a lot.

Element weakened!

Without any hesitation, a ball of black light on the top of the last scale also sank into Elkin Dragonmon's eye socket.

The original violent struggle became powerless in an instant.

After releasing the weak power, Witt felt a movement behind him. His heart moved, and then he spread his wings and took off.

As soon as Witt left, Antawana came up.

Two dragon scales floated on her side, one of which had just faded away, and a fiery red blade extended from her right claw.

However, the Flowing Fire Blade on Antawana's claw no longer looked like a flame blade, but more like a flame gun. Uh... Antawana was a little small!

However, this did not hinder the power of the Flowing Fire Blade.

The fiery red blade, like a hot knife cutting butter, easily penetrated from Elkindramon's eye socket!

The sudden severe pain made Elkindramon completely crazy.

It seemed that the weak power was ineffective. Elkindramon broke free from the water restraints in an instant, and his head also pushed Antawana out.

Then, the hook-like beak attacked Antawana fiercely.

But at this moment, another series of water element ropes flew from the air and bound it.

The bound Elkin Dragonmon struggled a little, and then it was completely motionless.

Seeing that Elkin Dragonmon was motionless, Witt put away the magic circle and dragon scales, and then carefully landed next to the body of Elkin Dragonmon.

After checking the location of the wound, Witt turned to Antawana and said with a smile: "Well done, the brain is cooked!"

Hearing this, Antawana laughed hard, then lay on the ground, panting violently.

Her golden eyes were full of fatigue!

Although she only activated the magic circle twice, in fact, she used her mental power to drag two dragon scales half the size of her body, and tried her best to keep up with Witt's actions.

The consumption is quite large, especially in terms of mental strength.

However, looking at the corpse of Elkindramon, Antawana's mouth curled up, revealing a slightly ferocious smile...

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