Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1519 The fish took the initiative to bite the hook!


Witt sighed.

It was useless to think more now. Finger had already left. He could not give any advice to the other party and could not help at all.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing that Witt was a little depressed, Leandre tried to comfort him.

Witt shook his head.

"Nothing, just a little regretful that I came a little late."

"It's not your problem. As dragons, we have a long lifespan. In such a long time, not everything can be as you think.

Regret is the norm."

As he said that, Leandre saw that Witt didn't seem to be listening, so he changed the subject.

"Is there anything else you want to know?"

Witt came back to his senses, was silent for a while, and then said: "Tell me more, I want to know more about him."

Hearing this, Leandre didn't mean to tease the dragon's appetite.

Perhaps to take care of Witt, Leandere's tone slowed down a lot.

Witt was a quiet listener.

As for Finger after that incident, it sounded like what he did was no different from before. He was still pursuing strength, and he would leave the water secret realm every once in a while and come back after a few hundred days.

But these things that were very common to other dragons, in Witt's ears, were changes in Finger.

Witt could clearly feel that Finger was becoming more paranoid and more eager for power.

Time was flowing quietly.

Leandere's understanding of Finger was limited to a limited number of watching battles and chatting with other dragons.

So, it didn't take long.

And when Leandere stopped, Witt didn't speak for a long time.

Just when Leandere was about to persuade Witt again, Witt spoke again.

"Under normal circumstances, how long is the interval between his leaving and returning each time?"

Leandre knew what Witt meant, but...

"About two hundred years."

Witt fell silent again.

Under normal circumstances, with Finger's strength and goal, he should not leave the Water Secret Realm.

Because he needs to prepare for the breakthrough to the legend.

However, at this critical moment, he left the Water Secret Realm, and, unlike the past, more than three hundred years have passed this time, and he has not returned.

Either he is looking for another way to break through, or something else has happened.

Witt certainly hopes it is the former, but...

He knows very well that with Finger's talent, let alone more than ten thousand years old, it would be pitiful to be able to break through to the legend at around twenty thousand years old.

So, the probability is the latter.

Even if he realized that Finger might encounter such a problem, he was powerless.


Sighing again, Witt stopped thinking about it. It was useless to think more. He could only come back later. I hope he was thinking too much.

After sorting out his mood a little, Witt's eyes fell on Liandre.

Before Witt could speak, Leandere asked before Witt: "What will you do if you don't find the dragon you want to find?"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then replied subconsciously: "What... I plan to go to the Fire Secret Realm. I believe you can see that I have just broken through the legend not long ago.

I have already comprehended the water element rules, but the fire element rules are still a little short.

The Fire Secret Realm is a good choice."

Hearing this, Leandere's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said excitedly: "That's good, you can tell from the color of my dragon scales that I don't fit in this place at all.

In fact, I just came here to find an opponent who can fight. I originally lived in the Fire Secret Realm."

It seems that because Witt's next goal is the Fire Secret Realm, Leandere is quite excited and even made a little joke.


Witt looked at Leandre with a strange expression.

Before he could put the bait, the fish in front of him jumped out and took the bait.

Although it was in line with his original plan, but...

Why did it feel weird?

"What's the matter?"

Just when Witt was thinking, Leandre saw that Witt was silent, so he looked over in confusion.

Hearing this, Witt smiled.

"Nothing, just thinking, it's really good. Since you originally lived in the Fire Secret Realm, it's best to have a familiar dragon to lead the way. Moreover, your combat power is good. If you have something to do, you can still learn from it."

As soon as the voice fell, Witt saw that Leandre on the opposite side became excited.

"That's it, it should be like this, from now on, you are my brother, if you have anything to say in the future, just speak directly, don't be polite to me!"


Witt looked at Leandre blankly.

Why does it feel like this guy is more excited than him when it comes to sparring?

I just heard that the ancient war dragon is warlike, uh... it shouldn't be so warlike!


To be honest, Leandre's performance made Witt a little unsure.

While Witt was still struggling with these, Leandre on the opposite side had already stood up, and then continued to look at Witt excitedly.

"Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

Witt looked at Leandre with some confusion.

Leandre also looked at Witt with some confusion.

"Didn't you just say that you were going to the Fire Secret Realm, or do you have something else to do here?"

"No, that's not the case..."

"That's it, let's go!"

Before the words fell completely, Leander had already left the cave.

Witt stared at the other's back in a daze, raised his claws, and scratched his cheek.

Why does he feel like the fish that was caught?


Hearing the urging voice from the front, Witt stopped hesitating and stood up and flew towards the front.

"Come on!"

Although Leander was very impatient, which made Witt feel a little uneasy, it was indeed a matter of choice for him to stay in the Water Secret Realm.

As for the water element dispelling rules...

Witt himself has a strong affinity for water element. After comprehending one element dispelling rule, it is not too difficult to dispel water element and fire element.

Even if he is not in the corresponding element law revealing area, Witt can easily comprehend it.

Therefore, it is easy to go to the Fire Secret Realm and comprehend the water element dispelling rules.


With Leander leading the way, the entrance to the Fire Secret Realm is naturally not a problem.

After leaving the Water Secret Realm, they flew along the Shuanglong Gorge all the way to the south-east.

There are naturally no blind guys who dare to jump out to harass the two legendary dragons. Even the area where Witt and his team flew over was as if the mute button was pressed, and there was a dead silence.

Unlike the entrance to the Water Secret Realm, the entrance to the Fire Secret Realm is not at the bottom of the Shuanglong Gorge, but needs to go deep into the cave at the bottom of the Shuanglong Gorge.

All the way to a lava cave that is unknown how deep from the surface, the entrance is above the exposed magma.

The Fire Secret Realm is not as pleasant as the Water Secret Realm.

Compared to the underground, the scene presented by the Fire Secret Realm is more Japanese style...

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