Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1533 Rules Fragments!

Witt shook his head and shook off those slightly pessimistic thoughts.

Obviously, the teacher had already found him. Next, he only needed to stay in the Sky City safely and wait for the news from the teacher, and then he could return to Desidero. Why did he have to wander around and fight like he is now?

Isn't it for the sake of fighting for a safe place for himself, friends, brothers, and... for her in the future crisis-ridden situation.

Legends are good, myths are bad, isn't cultivation just to step on them one by one!

Retracting his thoughts, Witt's attention was refocused on the energy crystal core floating on his claws. The power of the ice element rule didn't matter. The point was that these powers were also mixed with rich abyss power.

"This thing is really troublesome!"

Muttering, Witt then looked down at the holy scar on his chest.

"It's time to improve your strength!"

As he said this, Witt cleaned up the "miserable situation" on the experimental table, and then walked towards the corner next to him with the Abyss Energy Crystal Core.

After lying down, Witt placed the Abyss Energy Crystal Core in front of his stigmata.

Of course, with the current state of the two extreme powers, it is definitely impossible to devour a large amount of Abyss Power. After all, there is a fundamental gap in the power level between a purple crystal and a legend.

But it doesn't matter, he is not in a hurry, and he can do it slowly.

Thinking of this, the stigmata on Witt's chest lit up, and then two energy chains spread out from the stigmata, binding the Abyss Energy Crystal Core.

Then, the two extreme powers began to slowly devour the ice element rule power and the Abyss Power leaked from the Abyss Energy Crystal Core.

Even though the power was still mixed with the will of the sword demon, without the mental power to control it, it was just the leaked power. When facing the erosion of external forces, it could only resist weakly.

The abyss energy crystal core itself would not be triggered.

Witt did not dare to trigger it.

If this level of abyss power exploded, it would be quite troublesome to deal with it. What's more, if the power in the abyss energy crystal core was completely triggered and exploded, the fun would be great.

The characteristic of extreme power is fast growth. In just a few days, with such high-quality energy feeding, the two extreme powers that were not far from the legend completed the transformation in the power level and became the power at the rule level.

Then, without any surprise, the two forces rioted!

The two forces rushed to explode, trying to completely devour the abyss energy crystal core.

Fortunately, Witt was very familiar with the nature of these two forces. As soon as they erupted, Witt's mental power would surge out and forcefully control the two forces.

"Fortunately, I was prepared!"

Muttering, Witt looked at the abyss energy crystal core, which was dim because of the large amount of power swallowed up, and his eyes lit up.

Then, a strong mental power directly poured into the abyss energy crystal core.

The abyss energy crystal core and the dragon crystal have the same effect. Although there are some differences in structure, they are the same in composition. They are the product of solidified mental power.

As soon as Witt's mental power entered, the remaining abyss power rushed towards Witt's mental power, trying to infect Witt.

But since Witt did it, he was naturally well prepared.

A golden flame slowly burned from Witt's mental power. Although the difference in power level made the golden holy fire that had just entered the purple crystal level unable to swallow the incoming abyss power.

But it is enough to separate the remaining abyss power from Witt's mental power.

In addition, in addition to energy and memory, a dead dragon's dragon crystal also contains disintegrated mental power, and the abyss energy crystal core is no exception.

The souls of abyss creatures seem to be stored in the energy crystal core. After their souls disintegrate, the remaining mental power is left in the energy crystal core.

What a coincidence!

The golden holy fire happens to be the ultimate power that grows by devouring mental power. Of course, other energy swallows are just more fond of mental power.

When Witt sensed that the golden holy fire began to resist the erosion of the abyss power while devouring the remaining mental power in the abyss energy crystal core, he did not dare to delay and hurriedly looked for his target in this space.

As for where the target is...

The rules of the dragon world exist in the dragon crystal in the form of information flow, and a large amount of rule power gathers around it.

Once the dragon dies, the power of rules will become disordered. Rules that exist as information flow will experience information loss. If more information is lost, the rules will naturally dissipate.

However, when the dragon crystal is still in the dragon's body, the spiritual power in the dragon crystal will dissipate very slowly, and the power of rules will maintain a basic order. Rules that exist as information flow can last longer.

This is true for dragons and dragon beasts. This is the rule of the dragon world.

Therefore, when Poredia threw a legendary Abeyi dragon beast corpse to Witt, Witt did not take out the dragon beast crystal core immediately, fearing that the rules would dissipate.

As for the two legendary dragon crystals that Witt now keeps in the reverse scale space, although the dissipation of the law is much slower than the rules, Witt still used the time suspension magic circle to suspend the time of the dragon crystal.

The biggest wealth inside is the information flow that represents the law, which must be preserved with all efforts.

Let's not talk about these for now.

Now, the situation in the space of the abyss energy crystal core where Witt is located is somewhat different from the situation in the dragon crystal that Witt is familiar with.

In order to enter this space, Witt used two extreme powers to devour nearly 90% of the rule power.

The rule power here is very thin.

However, the longer Witt stays in it, the richer the rule power around him becomes.

That is to say, the rule power in this abyss energy crystal core is actually recovering slowly.

This immediately reminded Witt of the time rune projection he once had.

That time rune projection, as time passed, not only did not consume its power, but it became more and more.

In the past, he thought it was because of his father, but now it seems that it should be the ability of the time rune itself.

And the one related to the time rune...

Rule fragments!

Realizing this, Witt immediately became excited. Sure enough, before doing anything in the future, he should pay respect to his unreliable old father.

Thinking this in his heart, Witt hurriedly extended his gaze towards the area with the most concentrated rule power.

A moment later, an irregular white fragment that slowly emitted the rule power of the ice element and quietly floated in this spiritual power space appeared in Witt's perception.

It was clearly an invisible entity, but it had a very similar aura to the various information flows in Witt's dragon crystal.

This is...

"Rule fragments!"


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