Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1544 Your puppet is not working!

Whether it is absolute zero or ice burial, when Witt converted it into a magic circle, he made some changes. The biggest change is the expression of these two magics.

Absolute zero and ice burial are both super-large-scale forbidden spells like meteor showers.

But Witt transformed it into the form of elemental flow.

Changing a single magic in a large range will inevitably weaken its power. After all, any magic that is circulated has been improved countless times and is the optimal solution after countless choices.

What's more, it is a forbidden magic of the level of absolute zero and ice burial. The power of this level of magic will be greatly reduced if it is moved a little.

However, Witt not only changed the single magic in a large range, but also slightly improved the power on the basis of range damage.

It can be seen that Witt's research on magic has not stagnated because of the dispersion of energy.

Ice burial and absolute zero are both freezing.

But the focus of the two magics is still slightly different.

The freezing of absolute zero is about "freezing", that is, low temperature. Its temperature is so low that it is close to the permafrost that represents the extreme freezing.

The freezing of ice burial is about "freezing", that is, confinement!

Therefore, when Witt used ice burial before, a huge iceberg would be formed.

As a falling magic, ice burial, in addition to confinement, even has the tendency to develop towards space freezing.

Of course, it is also because of the falling magic. Although the focus is on confinement, the low temperature it can reach is not weaker than absolute zero.

The two magics after Witt's transformation still maintain their original properties.

Therefore, after being hit by the front of ice burial, this time, although there was only a thin layer of ice on the surface of the "Infiltrator", it was unable to break free instantly like before.

As for why Witt was able to appear under the "Infiltrator" without Egbert noticing.

This has to mention the control mode of the two.

As mentioned before, the puppet core of Witt's 03 was made by Witt's mental power, so 03 can be regarded as another body of Witt.

But the "Infiltrator" can't!

First of all, although the puppet core of the "Infiltrator" is also a dragon crystal, this dragon crystal was obtained by Egbert through the method of hunting other dragons.

How could the dragon crystal condensed by the mental power of other dragons be completely controlled by Egbert?

Secondly, don't forget that the energy source of the "Infiltrator" contains the power of the abyss!

How could Egbert inject his consciousness into the "Infiltrator" to control the "Infiltrator".

So, although Egbert and Witt can communicate without hindrance, in fact, this is just a remote video call achieved through the resonance magic circle.

In other words, all Egbert can do is to see and hear, and the only way to directly affect the action mode of the puppet is to start a war and evacuate.

Facing the controlled "Infiltrator", all Egbert could do was to remain silent in anger, in order to preserve his last bit of dignity.

03 unfolded again, flew over the "Infiltrator", and a line of handwriting appeared again.

"Egbert, I know you can still see, and I'll leave you one last word - your puppet is not good enough!"

Before the handwriting faded, 03 opened his mouth, and the complicated magic circle appeared again, as if even the space could freeze the cold current, which continued to pour down on the "Infiltrator".

All the "Infiltrator" could do was to continue pouring out the power of the rules of the fire element, trying to resist the power of ice burial.

However, until the power of the rules in the puppet core of the "Infiltrator" was exhausted, it was unable to break free.

Instead, the mechanical body was no longer protected by the power of rules. After relying on alchemy for a moment, it could no longer resist the erosion of the power of rules.

When 03 stopped, a glacier had formed on the ground, covering an area of ​​one million meters in diameter.

And this glacier, even the scorching sun hanging in the sky could not melt it.

As for the "Infiltrator" under the glacier, it might even be considered as scrap copper and rotten iron.

In order to test the bearing capacity of the legendary alchemy rune, all the materials on the "Infiltrator" were destroyed by the power of rules, even the most basic structure, under the unremitting attack of Witt.

Of course, it was not easy for Witt to do this.

The power of rules in the core of 03 puppet was less than 10%, but Witt did not mind it.

It has been tested that the ancient dragon text that can be mastered after breaking through the legendary alchemist is strong enough for the alchemy puppet.

With these data, we can plan various modules of the next generation of alchemy puppets in advance.

However, these are later stories!

After stopping the ice burial, Witt did not immediately control 03 to return, but let it hide in place.

As soon as 03 hid, a strong breath approached rapidly from afar.

Soon, the sword demon that had been chasing Witt before returned, and Witt had expected this.

It was a little different from what Witt had thought before. What Egbert sent out was not an ordinary exploratory puppet army, but a new type of alchemical puppet with exploratory capabilities.

The strength far exceeded Witt's expectations, and the movement of this battle naturally exceeded Witt's expectations.

Unless 놛 takes action to attract this sword demon, otherwise, 뀘 will definitely notice 뀘's movements behind him, and Witt, who is fighting fiercely with Egbert, obviously cannot take action.

The return of the sword demon is inevitable.

At this time, the sword demon, who has already arrived above the battlefield, has a dark face, and is even more afraid.

A battle of such a scale actually happened behind 놛.

The power of rules floating in the air, 놛 just took a breath, and felt a burst of tingling in the nose.

From the energy level alone, this is an old lower-level legend of the same level as 놛.


The sword demon looked at the glacier below 뀘, and his face became even uglier.

This is definitely not an ordinary forbidden spell!


Letting out a long breath, the sword demon vigilantly observed the surroundings, and flew towards 뀘 without hesitation.

Although 놛 has no evidence, 놛 firmly believes that this battle is definitely related to the dragon 놛 is tracking.

How could it be so easy to encounter a dragon legend that has been missing for days?

So, this is the probability of the same dragon, even if it is not 100%, it is almost the same.

And if it is really the same dragon...

But it just passed through this area, and the dragon that I was tracking just missed it. This is obvious that this dragon not only knows my existence, but also...

A chill rose rapidly from the tail vertebra of the sword demon and instantly surged to my forehead.

Although I don’t know why the opponent suddenly fought with another existence, when I think about how I was almost tricked by a dragon... Isn’t it just a mission failure? At most, I will be punished.

If you choose to continue chasing after knowing that it is a trick, it’s stupid!

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