Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1546 Found you!

Vette had a dark face and was in a very bad mood.

Just now, he was still analyzing the plan, but when he was about to implement the plan, hey, another important character in the plan came!

What is this?

Does this make him look stupid?

That's right, the owner of the breath approaching this side is the protagonist that Vette just analyzed - Egbert!

Although the other party is not similar to the past.


The biggest difference between dragons and puppets is emotions.

Dragons are living creatures, and they will show different emotions in different situations, while puppets are instruments, and can only complete some simple logical actions according to the original settings.

And now, a black painted metal machine is rushing towards this side with anger. Needless to say, it is Egbert who has not escaped!

And the fact is so.

"Found you!"

A voice full of anger, but with ups and downs, came from a distance.

Anger is a dissipated emotion, and ups and downs of loud sounds are emitted through vibration elements.

As for why Witt is sure that the other party is Egbert, and it is an alchemical puppet of the other party, it is because Witt felt a breath of life from the other party.

This thing is alive!

Looking at Egbert approaching rapidly, Witt thought about those who have or have not, but on the face, he maintained this small body.

After a few breaths, 763-meter-long Witt flew quietly in the air, looking calmly, and approached Egbert.

However, there was a hint of coldness in that calm look.

"Egbert, you were hiding in your safe house, but you dared to come directly in front of me. I have to say, are you brave!"

Egbert stopped at a safe distance, looking at Witt who had changed his appearance on the opposite side, and his eyes finally stopped on Witt's chest.

"Heh, is this the power you rely on, two extreme powers that have not yet grown up?"

The dark alchemist "digs graves" everywhere, and he can barely be considered knowledgeable. It is not surprising that Witt can recognize the extreme power of Egbert.

However, what made Witt look strange was the other party's attitude.

"You didn't attack immediately. I thought you relied on your brain... Oh, sorry, I forgot, you don't have a brain now!"

However, provocation is provocation, but Egbert's change is real.

Speaking of which, Witt's communication with the other party was limited to a few remote calls. This is the first time for real, face-to-face communication.

He always thought that Egbert would be a decisive guy.

But now it seems that the other party has been cautious in the past, just because of self-confidence, or more accurately, fear of death!

According to the other party's past style of doing things, the one standing in front of Witt at this time should be Egbert himself, but his alchemy puppet!

As an alchemist, he actually did it himself. This is the stupidest thing to do.


"Are you still trying to make me admit your dragon body transformation plan?"

After the words fell, the anger on Egbert suddenly disappeared.

"Flesh and blood and machinery are just carriers.

Even my memory cannot represent myself. In my opinion, there is only one true self, and that is my consciousness at this moment.

If my consciousness dies, I will also die!

I know that you have a big prejudice against dragon alchemy.

But have you ever thought that all living beings in this world are heading towards that only goal, intentionally or unintentionally, in the same path of cultivation.


For eternity, all roads leading to eternity are meaningless.

Whether it is the law or alchemy, it is just a means.

You are gifted and have a bright future with the law.

But I have been weak since childhood, struggling to survive in this cruel world. Survival has become my only goal, and living forever is eternity.

I share the same goal with all living beings in this world, Relying on my own efforts, I step by step towards the only goal, and I don't think I am wrong!

Wanton killing is cruel, and using this as an excuse to stand on the side of glory and point fingers at me is also cruel to me.

At its root, this is still the most basic law in the world - the strong are respected!

Therefore, I don't care about other dragons' judgments on me.

When I stood at the highest position, Who is qualified to judge me right or wrong?


The incompetent barks.

In fact, I have abandoned most of my emotions and only retained my self.

So, I will be angry because of your offense, and I also need you to recognize that the only reason I came here is to take back what belongs to me.

Even if it once belonged to you, it is mine now. "


Witt looked at Egbert opposite with pity.

The strong metal dragon body is very similar to the form of Witt's war dragon. This represents Egbert's recognition of his past self, and also represents his desire for powerful power, and desire is also an emotion.

"You keep saying that you don't care about other dragons' evaluation of you, so why do you say this to me?

Telling means expecting recognition.

When you did not attack me at the first time, but started to tell your ideas, the flaws in your ideas were exposed.

You have abandoned most of your emotions... Why didn't you abandon them all?

Because emotions are part of the self.

If you want to maintain your self, you can't abandon all your emotions.

You despise recognition but desire it, abandon everything but want to have everything...

Egbert, you are a pitiful person who can only see the road! ”


After a strange silence, Egbert suddenly took action without warning, trying to pretend to care about him, and once again expressed his anger towards Witt.

At the same time, this time, the anger was more due to the shame and anger after Witt exposed the source of his sorrow.

A terrifying icy breath broke out of his body, and several water element rule forces condensed into ice chains, wrapping around Witt.

Whether the magic circle was engraved in advance, or It is not the magic that is driven by mental power, but the pure water freezing rule, which uses the water element rule power to show the power.

Pure rule power is actually very strong, and its power is only slightly stronger than the forbidden spell above 90 nodes.

However, directly using rule power consumes much more energy than showing rule power through magic.

Facing the overwhelming ice chains, Witt dared not be careless.

This is not a competition, this is a fight to the death!

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